flash mobs

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In the pawn business our only reasonable control is access through the doors. This can be breached if a member holds the door open. Phase 2 is pepper spray (if they are unarmed and non combative) and I mean a fire extinguisher sized can.
Snakyjake, Don't come into our establishment then because one of our defenses is to use our magnetized locks to instantly lock the doors

Some states have laws against this, it is a form of kidnapping, the mag locks here lock the inside doors but unlock the outer doors so the bg can get out and not start shooting in the foyer. Best check the local laws before you lock anyone in anything. In iowa kidnapping is a life sentance too.

A guy grabbed a gal off her bike and took her into the woods and did his bad stuff. He is in prison today for his life for kidnapping they didnt even go after the rape charge.

Pawn guys here all carry, I know many of them.
Pawn guys here all carry, I know many of them.

We carry also.

BTW We are not prohibiting you from leaving only from leaving through the front doors. All businesses are required to have marked emergency exits that legally cannot be blocked. Using our tactics does however buy us enough time to catch the bad guys on fire with pepper spray.
If I saw a group of individuals suddenly coming in a store me and or my wife is in we would leave. This "flash mob" thing is getting pretty big I am assuming sense I have seen it on several forums. If I were an business owner I would only allow "x" amount of customers in my establishment at a time. I would also start carrying openly if people ignore the sign and politely ask them to leave in a non threating manner with gun holstered but visible. All in all I think situational awareness is everyone's friend when it comes to this "flash mob" issue.
The thing with the flash mob Datguy is they will hold the door if you have an auto lock to allow the rest in. If they are just stealing you can't shoot them.

Heck if it was as easy as just popping them we would worry about locks and pepper spray.

Also it is very very difficult to filter customers. They will not wait. Not like kids waiting to get some candy or a soda outside a 7-11 after school. Adults will get ticked and leave. Most are good people anyway.
I havent heard of any flash mobs here which is strange cause whatever dumb stuff others are doing, seems to be done here too. Maybe its a good thing.

State Fair had a huge police presence, malls seem to have police in them too.
We may get some tips on how to respond to flash mobs from Iran


In this case young people are using it as a form of civil disobedience, but it obviously has the Iran theocracy very jittery...


Not sure that this is an Internet / PDA facilitated gathering or if it is a pre-planned demonstration but it’s being called flash mobs. The way that Iran’s Intelligence Service is all over it’s citizenry would make me tend to think that there are indeed flash mobs – done with very little planning, very little meeting, and just coordinated on the fly via cell phones and PDAs and what not. My theory is that if there was a lot of pre-planning the Iranian Intelligence service would break it up and arrest the planners before it could be executed.

It seems that right now the Iranian authorities are not well equipped to deal with it, they are responding in the conventional manner. It probably does make a difference that in Tehran the ratio of soldiers, police and volunteer militia is probably, on a daily basis roughly equal to what we would see in the West at a G8 summit or the Olympics or something, so the Iranian "authorities’" response is going to be much quicker than the average American city's LEA response to a mob that suddenly coalesces.
Things like this is exactly why I believe people should carry.

People that carry for things like that are a danger to themselves and the people around them. Many folks call them Mall-Ninjas. If they use their carry weapons for reasons like this they are bigger criminals than the Flash-mobbers.
So - someone who carries because of the very real threat of getting hit in the face with a baseball thrown full force, thrown to the ground by a mob, kicked, punched, stomped on, mugged and robbed - is a bigger danger than the mobsters who are doing it? And they are criminals?

I don't get what you're saying...

Eventually someone is going to get thrown to the pavement by flash mobbers and they are going to get a cracked skull and die of a brain hemorage or a heart attack, or just die from blunt force trauma and being beaten to death.

People have a right to deploy a firearm to stop a robber from victimizing them and to protect themselves from a beating, and there isn't a need to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the beating definately would have been fatal.

On the other hand - if someone is carrying so they can hunt flash mobbers - that is a different scenario.
^+1 Exactly, A person is intellegent a group of people are collectively stupid. Mob mentality really sets in hard when a bunch of idiots, especially intoxicated, don't think blame will come individually.
I haven't heard of any flash mobs where I live, but they are happening more often. The best thing to do is get out of there with anyone you are responsible for.

If that isn't possible and they come after you with criminal intent, shoot the closest one a few times, but don't use all your ammo on him.

Lots of CCers have started carrying more ammo because of flash mobs.
Occupy Wallstreet protestors using Internet to coordinate mob activity

The clash between Oakland police and Occupy Oakland protestors was actually an example of a flash mob.

Summoned by waves of emergency tweets and emails, fresh recruits joined the evicted Occupiers and early this evening once again marched on downtown Oakland, intending to reclaim Frank Ogawa Plaza.

They were basically using the Internet / electronic / digital media to congregate in an illegal way.

The city has a proceedure for people to follow for staging a protest, these Occupy Oakland protestors did not follow that.

But anyway, it was an interesting use of the Internet to coordinate their activities. They just happened to choose a bad target to occupy - one that already had a large and well prepared contingent of "riot" police present.
Just a few days ago, I discussed this very thing with a friend and my wife, that sooner or later, the "occupations" were going to turn violent as gangs of anarchists would take advantage of the crowds to wreak havoc. It's been the european model for a very long time. Now, the internet has made it possible to blow this out of proportion.

Try to find the short story "flash crowd" by david niven. One of the very few pieces that he really got right regarding the future.
Larry Niven rocks

Not only does Larry Niven rock, one of his short stories is a murder mystery set in the far future where the murderer uses a gyro-jet for the murder weapon.

Yes that's right - a gyro-jet pistol/bulllet.
I think it's interesting to see how different cities fare with these occupy Wallstreet protestors.

In Chicago our protestors are kinda wimpy, but the bussinesses mostly like them because they buy a lot of coffee. Tourists come to see them protesting and in general food and beverage sales are up.

Totally different story in Oakland and Fresno.

In some cities these protests are a riot waiting to happen, and you'd have to be a fool to get anywhere near them. But unfortunately - this occupy movement is an ongoing thing. It's not like they scheduled one week of protest and then they all go home. It's ongoing. And other people still have to go to work every day, so they're working maybe a block or two away from a riot waiting to happen.
Oh, for the love of God!

did I REALLY say David Niven!? I need to crank up the meds a little.

Yes, that is right about the gyrojet. I might have been able to come up with the name of that story, but I have a feeling it's just not there anymore to retrieve.
Niven had another murder mystery involving a time-accelerating device, and a flashlight (light amplified by time compression into laser-like intensity), and yet another where a laser was reflected to its target via a chunk of polished ice, which conveniently melted immediately after reflecting the lethal beam.

Given more thought, I could probably come up with some other interesting methods Niven has used to kill characters (aside from drowning by immersion of the head in a toilet bowl - Footfall).

Niven also likes to quote Kipling with some frequency, which I enjoy.
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