Finest Tasting Game Meat?

Finest Tasting Game Meat?

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You all have done it again. Now I'm cravin' a "deep fried" catfish sandwich. (I'm originally from Southern Indiana). The only way to get one in the Northwest is to do it yourself. Time to go fishin'.
Yeah, Dean C, but you can run across the Sound to the Penninsula and go crabbing for red and dungeoness crab for very little investment, and fresh crab is hard to beat. I know a pier in Sequim where the crabs are thick, and there's terriffic fresh cod to be had at the local restaurant. Hard to beat...
Best on the list, I would say venison. Not on the list I would say it's a toss up between a young Fall turkey or chukar partridge or grouse orrrrrrrrrrr......... But then any game I make into jerky is some of the best thing you can ever eat!
I don't think a venison steak will ever beat a good beef steak, and a pheasant will never roast up nice like a good roasting chicken, but I do believe a wild turkey breast has better texture and flavor than a domesticated turkey. The drumsticks, however, are a completely different matter!

So I am disappointed that turkey wasn't on the menu! :(
Know how Texas got rid of its armadillos? Some enterprizing Texan took a truckload to Arkansas and sold them as possum "on the halfshell". It created an incedible demand and the rest is hisory.

If I had my choice of anything I could harvest in the wild, it would be an Angus steer at around 700 pounds. Beats venison any day!!
No "other" category? Shame - means I can't even vote in a round about way for what I believe to be the "best" tasting meat, wild or mundane... Feral boar. ***slobber*** :cool:
Sorry this got cut off........

Wild boar for sausages and grouse, turkey then Canada goose for the bird category.
This is how I'd rank wild game flavor and quality:
1) wild boar

2) buffalo

3) axis deer

4) elk / red stag

Mule deer, whitetails, coastal blacktails, and antelope are okay but not as delicious as my list above.
I'll take dove breast stuffed with a jalapeneo filled with cream cheese and the whole thing wrapped in bacon

Chicken fried spring jake

Young doe backstrap wrapped in bacon grilled medium/medium-rare.

Quail stewed with cream of mushroom and corn over biscuits

Last on my list (and for good reason) is neelgai. Ohh, that was aweful, but it was probably the drunk cook.
I have to put my vote in for pheasant; properly prepared its the most tender and most flavorful meat I've ever had from the field.
I voted for Deer, but I love feral hogs, elk, ducks.

You get the picture. Well prepared game meat is my favorite meal.

I absolutely love quail basted in butter and baked in an oven for 15 minutes!
I voted for Moose however.
Elk would be a close second.
Wild Pig is fantastic and is becoming the #1 big game animal in California.
Bear (sausage and roasts) I have had has also been wonderful.

I have never had Bison/Buffalo but I am guessing it is great.
I have heard Mountain Lion is a very sweet tasting meat.

Pheasant and dove are good but I think Wild Turkey outclasses them both by a wide margin.

I don't think anyone has listed this one, but the best tasting meat that I have ever had is Nilgia Antelope. Guess its a Texas thing.
I chose rabbit. When I was a kid, I used to eat it alot at one of my friends' houses when I was a kid. It was either pan fried in bacon grease or lard. It was real tender and not gamy at all. As soon as one was shot, my friends' dad would skin and gut it, and then but it in a bucket full of cold brine water. I don't know if it was the best tasting game meat, but it was so much more tender and juicy than the DRY, tough barbecued rabbit that I'd had before that it stuck in my mind.
Thanks everyone! It's almost lunchtime and I'm ready to eat my notepad! I love meat to begin with but I'd say mine would be Bear and Venison followed by Squirrel and Rabbit. Bear is delicious. But when it comes to Backstrap from a Doe, That makes the hunt all worth it (and the butchering) when you've got a nice piece of medium-rare backstrap grilled with a special seasoning blend I make or wrapped in bacon, heck even with mashed taters and gravy. It's so tender and juicy you don't even want a knife. Mmmm Backstraps!!! Bear you can eat in stew or just a nice bear steak and you can't go wrong! Rabbit with biscuits and gravy or even squirrel, man, that's some down home cooking right there!!! Then again I'm a mountain boy at heart so I just love that kind of stuff! I even like heading to the stream down the road though and pulling out a few trout for grilling with some butter and seasoning. Although nothing beats a good hearty venison stew on a cold fall or winter day!! Can I get an Amen!?!!?!
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