fake supressors

Theohazard said:
it's almost impossible to wear out a modern .22 silencer
when i said simulating the sound of a suppressor being fired, i was referring to suppressor in general, i never said it had to be a .22

Theohazard said:
Many people have pointed out the disadvantages of a fake silencers, including me way back in post #29.
disadvantages, yes. convincing, no. the keyword here is "convincing"

Microgunner said:
I think you should buy two faux suppressors. One to poop on, the other to cover it up with.
i got you now, that's definitely a troll comment. NOW who's the troll...:cool:

cryogenic419 said:
The money they spend on accessories helps keep the economy going.
that's my thought exactly! if i was a manufacturer of fake suppressors, i wouldn't care what people do with them. as long as they're buying them, i'm gonna keep selling them

Snyper said:
I haven't heard anything that convinces me you have a clue
that's because you haven't been paying attention to this thread :)

Snyper said:
The only purpose of a fake supressor is to seperate fools from their money
then again, if you're a non-smoker, you can say the same thing about cigarettes. but to a smoker, cigarettes actually have their purposes so this is an invalid point.

wow, this thread actually convinced me that people who have strong negative opinions about fake suppressors are people who tend to follow popular opinions to try to fit in and can't think for themselves
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There's your new motto. Only free thinkers use fake suppressors. Be proud, be loud, but look quiet and full on ninja.

I just got a chill. you?
wow, this thread actually convinced me that people who have strong negative opinions about fake suppressors are people who tend to follow popular opinions to try to fit in and can't think for themselves
Once again you prove you have no clue

No one has shown any "strong negative opinions" against fake supressors.
The negative opinions are against those who think they have some real purpose other than looking "tacticool"
The key word in the phrase "fake suppressor" is fake. Fake meaning not real, and basically pointless. They are for people who want the look of a real one but don't have the means of having the real thing. Which happens to be the definition of a poser.
Hey c'mon now guys! This new member here is trying to look cool! Why ya'll gotta rain down on his parade? Don't ya remember what it was like when you were young and you were out there trying to impress the chicks? Or dudes, if thats your thing? (No judgment!)

No facades? No peace!
Microgunner said:
Only free thinkers use fake suppressors.
you know, after reading this thread, that's not far from the truth at all. at least we have the sensibility to realize that a fake suppressor is just another accessory and it's no big deal whether you own one or not

Snyper said:
No one has shown any "strong negative opinions" against fake supressors.
The negative opinions are against those who think they have some real purpose other than looking "tacticool"
did you just wake up from your nap??? a lot of people are saying fake suppressors are useless.
and what's wrong with making your gun look tacticool when you can't get a real suppressor. if you're a movie producer in california shooting a low budget movie or otherwise and can't or don't want to use the real suppressor, in your narrow-minded opinion, they should still try to get the a real one for their set no matter what? it's a movie set for gods sake, why does it have to be the real thing??

WV_gunner said:
Fake meaning not real, and basically pointless. They are for people who want the look of a real one but don't have the means of having the real thing. Which happens to be the definition of a poser.
pointless??? what you just said IS EXACTLY the whole point of fake suppressors. they're for people who don't have the means of having the real thing!
so in your world, if a person can't get a real one, they don't deserve to experience what a real suppressor might look or feel like on their weapon without being a poser even though they're not really "posing" for anything? that's cruel man, that's cruel.
hey, as long as they're not "posing" as a police officer trying to pull me over on a dark secluded highway, i'm fine with that...:)

Hawg said:
I can't believe the mods have let this thread run three pages.
on the contrary, i find this thread very informative, unconventional but informative. heck, this is probably the best thread i've ever posted in! i'm having fun doing it!

spacemanspiff said:
Or dudes, if thats your thing? (No judgment!)
another troll trying to change the subject and sound politically correct because he doesn't have anything of value to reply to the discussion.
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A fake suppressor only adds weight and length to a gun. They are solely intended for the people who think they look cool. It would be equal to putting a fake a scope or fake detachable magazine on a gun. If you feel the need to spend your money on one, go for it, no one is stopping you. I don't even own a real can but I don't own a fake one either. A suppressor is a functional device. Buying a fake one defeats the purpose.
WV_gunner said:
A suppressor is a functional device. Buying a fake one defeats the purpose.
how does a fake suppressor defeat the purpose of the real one!? they're 2 different things serving different purposes. one serves to suppress sound on a gun, the other is made to make your gun look cool.
defeating the purpose of a real suppressor would be putting it on a blank gun or a starter gun, then that would defeat the purpose of the gun AND the suppressor. (disclaimer: i'm not sure how well that'll work since no actual bullet is exiting the barrel but you get the idea)
btw, what you do think about blank guns, are they for "posers" too? hey, they're made to look and sound like real guns, therefore they must be for posers, right?
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Hey! This troll here was merely trying to bring some levity to the conversation and spread a little humor!

Useful input? From this troll, this troll here does not believe ANY usefulness exists at 'making a gun look cool'. If you really absolutely positively no-two-ways-about-it must have a gun that looks cool, why stop at the fake suppressor? Put a fake lever that makes it look like it can shoot full auto! Better yet, do that on an AR with the slidefire installed! Oooooooo You gonna look so super cool with that!

I am currently trying to make a fake grenade launcher to put under my AR. If you gonna look cool don't half do it go all the way.
Fake suppressors are like fake cigarettes. If you wanna be the guy standing around with a fake cigarette in your mouth to impress all your friends then by all means do your thing. It's a free country. But don't get offended when you jump on the Marlboro forum and everyone makes fun of you for not inhaling.
spacemanspiff said:
this troll here does not believe ANY usefulness exists at 'making a gun look cool'
no? tell that to gun manufacturers. believe it or not, some people make their gun purchasing decisions based on form factor among other things. that's why gun manufacturers try to make their guns as appealing as possible. that's how they make $$. but you wouldn't know anything about that, would you troll?

Glockstar .40 said:
Fake suppressors are like fake cigarettes.
nah they're not like fake cigarettes. cigarettes are not illegal. try again.

:sigh: why do i bother, can't teach old dogs new tricks...
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that's why gun manufacturers try to make their guns as appealing as possible.
Which manufacturers are advertising fake supressors as a selling point for their guns?

Haven't you yet realized the more you defend them, the more foolish you sound?
that's why gun manufacturers try to make their guns as appealing as possible.
Which manufacturers are advertising fake supressors as a selling point for their guns?

Haven't you yet realized the more you defend them, the more foolish you sound?

There is a German company that is making some VERY cool replicas of military weapons (GSG maybe?)

STG44's, UZI's, Thompsons and MP5's. All in 22lr. The MP5sd version has a fake can on it so it looks just like the real deal.

Dont call a man foolish just because his tastes are not the same as yours. He has worked to earn his money and can spend it on whatever he likes. Free country and all
Dont call a man foolish just because his tastes are not the same as yours. He has worked to earn his money and can spend it on whatever he likes. Free country and all
It has nothing to do with his tastes, nor his spending

It's the claims about what fake supressors do, which in reality is nothing at all other than LOOK cool

Replicas are all about "appearance"
That's not applicable to most manufacturers

I don't care how he spends any money he earns, but don't try to tell me it's because of any "benefits" gained other than visual impressions
Sharkbite said:
The MP5sd version has a fake can on it so it looks just like the real deal.
that's a good point, i almost forgot about that. the mp5 is my favorite sub machine gun. it's very iconic, you can instantly recognize it when you see it. since it's not legal for individuals to own the real deal, the next best thing is the 22lr version made legal courtesy of the fake suppressor. another one of many benefits of the fake can. :)

Snyper said:
Which manufacturers are advertising fake supressors as a selling point for their guns?
once again you have demonstrated your lack of reading comprehension skills. i never said they advertise fake suppressors as their selling point. i was pointing out that it does matter if a gun looks cool or not in general because that's one of the deciding factors when people purchase their guns.
the way i see it, modern guns from well-known manufacturers s&w, sig, walther, glock, springfield, h&k...shoot roughly equally well for my purposes(target shooting, home defense...) so my main deciding factor is looks. other things that are important to me are how iconic the gun is and price, in that order. i can't be the only one purchasing a gun based on the eye candy factor.

let's face it, the cooler a gun looks, the better it sells(other factors being roughly equal). at the end of the day, when i take my gun out of the case to go shooting, i have to like what i see.