Do you "Text" while hunting in the stand?

How many of you text while hunting in the stand?

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I don't know if any of y'all watch "Duck Commander", but I realized I am horrible about texting while in the duck blind with my buddies after watchin an episode where the CEO is constantly on his Blackberry while in the duckblind.

My buddy Garrett yelled out that "He's just like Mack."

On grievous example was when me and several of my Fraternity Brothers went hunting on "Black Friday" and I was texting nearly non-stop with th Lady Friend as she battled the crowds at the mall with her Mom and I battled wood ducks.

it would have made a great "LIVE! From the Duck Blind" post.:)
I leave the cell phone in the truck. Part of a successful hunt (whether an animal is downed or not) is dis-engaging from the city for awhile, and not bringing the hustle bustle with me to the woods. Even the magnetic fields of electronics. Plenty to do in the woods besides hug that damn phone.

The poll should have had a place to vote for not at all, it assumed that everyone has their phone. Just a thought.
I do all the time. Pass the time. Also to communicate with my buddies in other stands.

All the good ol boys in my neck of the woods look down at that. I really dont care. Not trying to score man points.
This quote from thallub; and i do not mean it as a put down, just another angle on what can be and not be.
i don't text while hunting or any other time. My cell phone is turned off while hunting.
I just took my boots off after responding to a hunter down that fell from a portable deer stand. This is the second fall we have had this season and both victims were alone and would have spent a whole lot more time on the ground had it not been for their Cell Phones.
The hunter tonight had the seat break and fell 20 ft and his phone was a Verizon system phone and there wasn't enough signal to make a call but he was able to TEXT family members and they made the 911 call.
This young man was air lifted to a regional trauma center and so was the hunter that fell last Sunday. Both with severe injury's.
So I can relate to those that don't text but I do now because of a injury to my long time hunting pal's son who flipped his ATV and had it not been, again for the TEXT feature he would not have been found for at least another day if not more as he was no-where close to the area his family thought he was and again no signal to make a voice call but his text went through!
When I was out west this year my phone would not work in the same area that it had worked for years. I was not able to make one call or send any text's. All i was able to get was "Emergency Calls Only" and i was in doubt that that was valid so I did test it. It did work and I apologized but I was very uncomfortable not knowing.
But when in a place like I was in my phone would have died in a matter of 8 -10 hours with all the searching for signal so my phone was off for the week.
I do to silently communicate with my daughter while on stand a mile apart. It is a useful tool in that regard.

My daughter texts enthusiastically with her friends while they are hunting too. Constantly getting harvest and social updates, she is awake, still and quiet. I sometimes wonder how much disturbance a deer would have to make to get her attention, but at least she's hunting. :)
For those that are iPhone and iTunes savy, you can make ringers that are natural sounds. If not, you can find someone who can.

My ringer happens to be a pig squealing.

I switched from android to iPhone last year, and finding someone with a charging cord nearby is the biggest plus. The battery lasts for ever when idol. I went four days without a charge as an experiment last week, with this thread in mind.

In emergencies, seconds matter.... Waiting for you phone to come on takes a bit on most models.

Texts will go out when calls won't
yes, took the phone in the woods for the first time this year, had my 16 year old cousin show me how to text (im 42), got 2 texts, and sent 1, glad i learned how to text, he and the 4 wheeler dragged the doe up the mountain much more efficiantly than i could. and there wasnt enough signal to call
23-year-old here. Yes I do text while deer hunting, but they're usually from my father (53-year-old) in the stand one the other side of the mile section. I guess he gets bored quicker than I do, as most of the text conversations are started by him, and include the weather, hunting plans, and the score of the Husker game. Other than that I do get the occasional text from the wife wanting to know when I'll be home.
I am 52 and text to other hunters all over the state in addition to my parcel. I find it something to keep me alert at times. Keep in mind that this not an all day thing, but short updates. Nice to find out if a close shot in the woods resulted in a deer or not.

I make a habit to post a picture of my buck to Facebook the minute I find it. :D
Texted my sister this morning to tell her that I would in fact be back i time to fry the turkey, that I wouldn't fall out of the stand, that I wasn't hunting from a stand, and that I wouldn't drown once she realized I was in the boat.
Texted my buddy early this morning to tell him I hadn't seen or heard a darn thing:(, and to see if he had on his end. Social

<EDIT> I'm 27 in two weeks;)
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I do but not until full light. I text my wife back at the house to check in and a few buddies and relatives to see how there making out.
Oh I'm 39
For some reason I thought this was a 2 part poll. I am between 25 and 35, but I do not text while hunting - I don't have a cell phone other than a prepaid I keep in the car. Also, the areas I hunt are largely outside of cell reception.
I do however, frequently bring a book of some sort to read if things get slow.
About the only time I ever text is while hunting. When my father and I split up in the woods to head to a tree stand or to set up a ground blind we use our smart phones and text the exact GPS coordinates of our location. We also text to let each other know what we have seen or when we take a shot. Recently we were in the woods and got a text from a hunting and fishing partner. He was not hunting but had taken his dog for a run in the woods to let it get some exercise while he checked his trail cameras. His dogs slipped in some wet leaves and fell down a deep ravine breaking a leg. He tried to get to the bottom of the ravine to get to his dog and fell breaking a few ribs. He didn't have enough signal to call out for help and his wife didn't have her cell phone on, so he sent a text to my father and I with his GPS location. We were able to call 911 with his GPS location and get medical rescue people to him. Because of the ability to text he avoided spending a cold night in pain at the bottom of a ravine and he and his dog got the medical attention they needed. They had to use a helicopter and fire crew to get him and his dog out of the woods. He refused to get on the helicopter until his dog was on board with him.

Not only are they handy for communication in the woods and for emergencies, but with an unlimited data plan you can check the internet forums when the action in the woods is slow. Before daylight I turn down the screen brightness to avoid spooking the animals and it is always set to vibrate so there is not ringtone going off every time you get a text. Other than when I am in the woods I don't send texts. It is mostly used as a safety tool so I can alert my hunting party can alert everyone of their location to avoid friendly fire and to let them know when you have made a kill.
About the only time I text is to send pix..... did a lot o that this year, to my niece, so she could give her dad (my brother) crap for not making the trip back "down home"......