do you need a BUG? I do.

Are you sure you guys having these problems should be messing with handguns? Lol. Just kidding, I know these things happen to us all.

I carry all the time. Before I retired from Law Enforcement I always had at least 2 on me at all times, sometimes 3 when I had a NAA 22 mag or a 410 Derringer. The NAA was so small you would forget it was there and the derringer was stuck in my boot in a special Attachment. A Smith & Wesson 642 is always in my left front pocket.
I carry only one firearm, a Ruger LCP that I pocket carry with an extra magazine, and sometimes not even the extra magazine. I will sometimes carry a Colt Detective Special or even my Beretta PX4 if the weather is cold enough and I am wearing a heavy coat.

I never carry two guns. We all draw our own line of risk/reward - some people won't carry a caliber smaller than X, or a number of rounds fewer than Y. For me, and maybe it's because I'm young and frequently out on the town with friends, it's just not worth it to carry anything more than a single light pocket pistol 99% of the time.

To compensate for this I practice with my LCP frequently and I'm actually pretty dang good with it. If I ever have to open up, God forbid, at least a few of those 102-grain Golden Sabers are hitting home.
Need it? I seriously hope not. But I do prefer to have one and have carried both primary and BUG for many years, now. Also an assisted opening knife.;)
I almost always carry a knife, even when I'm not carrying a gun.

However, I figure it's for cutting stuff, not folks. I haven't been trained in knife fighting, and don't think it's really something I want to learn on the fly...

Something about the loser of a knife fight dying in the street and the winner dying in the hospital...
I saw a machete fight in Honduras. It lasted about three swipes. One guy basically got his arm filleted to the bone from the bicep to the elbow, then he got hit on the other forearm which took out another chunk and ended the fight.

I wouldn't be surprised if he lost the arm, possibly both.

Another reason to take a gun to a knife fight.
I carry a kel-tec 380 ALL the time so when I carry something more substantial the kel-tec continues along for the ride out of pure habit. My knife is just a given. Unless I am going into a secure facility I always have two, a Swiss army knife and a folder. Right now I carry a Wenger Evolution and a Zero Tolerance 0300.
Carry what you're comfy with and be done with it! Usually a 6 shot Colt snubby or Sig 229 for me. But rarely both. Might tho if I feel both are needed.
I have never seen the need for a backup and am unlikely to ever get myself in a position where I might...

Some time back, I had called a was a Saturday near lunch time....I swung by his place and picked him up on the way to a restaurant. As we ate lunch, we talked about lots of things....mostly gun related as we spend a lot of time together at the range and just like to shoot.

I asked him if we was carrying...."No, I didn't grab it since I knew we were just going out for a quick lunch."

He asked me if I was....."Yep, one on my hip, the other in my pocket."

"You carrying a backup?" he asked.

"Yes. If you aren't smart enough to carry your own, I figured I would need one available for you." :D

If I am with a friend or family member, and I know they can handle a handgun, I have no problem providing them with my BUG should a situation arise where two are better than one. And as was already stated...."two is one and one is none".....I've followed that saying for many, many years. It's why I carried spare axle shafts, u-joints, water pump, fuses, fan belt, radiator hose, etc. on the trail when I was actively 4 wheelin'. I never ever had to use one on my own vehicle....but many friends thanked me for what I had along when they otherwise would have been stuck in a very bad way.

One other point....I chuckle when I hear people make statements like..."I live in a nice part of town and never allow myself in a situation (ie., go to a bad part of town) where I would ever need more than my pistol and the magazine that is in it."

Gee....I wish I was able to control my world so well that I could stop someone from the bad part of town from coming into my neighborhood to commit a home invasion, burglary, carjacking, etc. Not too hard to realize that a burned out meth head would not want to try any of those in his own POS neighborhood?
I never had to use an Octopus while SCUBA diving, until my buddy's regulator failed around 90' down; he was happy I had a working Octopus.
I'd say having an octopus when diving at 90' is like carrying a bug on patrol. Carrying a bug to the grocery store is more on par with using an octopus when repairing a pool.
Obviously everyone makes their own decisions - and I've come around on caring a spare mag - but I still feel that the near impossibility that I'll ever need 2 guns makes it too much effort.
The continued discourse is that you need a BUG because you will get into a fight where you will have a gun in each hand, blazing away.

The reason is really for that once you are in a fight, the gun malfunctions or you are disarmed.

That negates all the rhetoric about being in a bad situation or going to a bad place. If you are in a fight, it is a bad situation or a bad place.

The reason not to carry is that it is a pain or you are playing the odds that the gun won't malfunction or you won't be disarmed.

The bad place argument is just plain silly. A gun fight in a hipster, locavore restaurant in an upscale neighborhood is a bad situation in a bad place.

I've had my major rock solid carry gun go belly up in a training test, making me look like a dolt for a second, till I retrieved my BUG.
BUGs speed Up Uploading!!


If you've ever found yourself in a situation where your right hand and arm are busy fending off an attack by a knife wielding lunatic the sudden epiphany sinks in real quick like that you need another gun.

I found myself in that situation many moons ago and doing a behind the back draw, pulling a service revolver out of a holster, with a strap, was a contortionist act that I vowed never to repeat.

So I've always carried a BUG since then. I get teased by an old friend who prefers a single carry, with a magazine. I just smile and let it go. A BUG is a lot quicker than any speed loader or magazine.

I also carry a Charter River Skinning knife, just in case.

When the weather heats up in the summer I carry a Walther PPK S-1 .380 ACP, in the fall and winter it's a heavier caliber. But the BUG always goes along.