do you need a BUG? I do.

You don't have the proper mindset for a fight anyway.

Rule One of gunfighting is NOT "Have a gun."

It's "Stay the hell out of gunfights if at all possible."

I've carried some kind of knife (usually two, as I am now) for nearly seventy years. I could assuredly hurt someone with one, if there was time to draw and open it, but I regard my knives as tools.

I carry a revolver concealed. No magazine to drop, no tap-rack-bang, no going out of battery if I need to ram it into an assailant. As nearly 100% reliable as a handgun can be. It's a concealed-hammer J-frame, so it would be very tough for someone to grab--the leverage would rest with me. I usually, but not always, carry one or two Speed Strip reloads. I think, however, that I'd be unlikely to need, or have time for, a reload.

I don't carry a backup gun. I also don't go into areas known to be dangerous if I can avoid it; and if I do, my hand is on my gun most of the time. I carry an aluminum cane with which I could do some damage.

I respectfully decline to spend my few remaining years in a constant state of hair-trigger hyper-vigilance. If the odds prove me wrong, they do.

No, I suppose I "don't have the proper mindset for a fight." I'm not looking for one, nor do I anticipate one finding me.
As a civilian, I don't carry a BUG; my primary *is* a BUG. I always have a knife but I don't think of it as a weapon.

Heck, when I was a cop I didn't carry a second weapon on or off-duty. I've carried a weapon for close to 40 years and its been about that long since I had it out. Twice in all those years. Once before I became a cop and once off-duty (and once on duty but that was in uniform not plain clothes and carrying concealed). While I'm prepared, I don't expect I'll ever have to draw a weapon again so why carry two? I live in a quiet rural town in the Rocky Mountain west.
Check your state laws. Here in Tennesse, we have been reminded that it's a HANDGUN CARRY PERMIT. Knives are not included nor implied by having a permit. But with a permit, one may carry any handgun, or handgus he owns or legally posesses, that is, borrowed.

Bob Wright
I carry (right now that its warmer)

1) Springfield XDS .45acp with Remington Golden Sabers
2) Kershaw Blur Tanto

To me that is plenty.
I don't. Not saying it would be a bad idea I just don't. A couple of times I carry a second pistol in my patrol car just in case but that's been over a year ago. I put alot of faith in my glock gen 4 model 22 but I don't think you could hurt it if you ran over it with a tank.
I am down to 4 pistols .
Rotation changes on a daily basis .But always 1 in pocket .1 IWB .
Yes, you could, JerryM.

However, either the primary or BUG would have to be OC. You are limited to one concealed handgun, or at least that was the case the last time I transited NM.
Since I wear shorts 50/52 weeks a year, one gun in my pocket is enough for me - no ankle carry, no major crimes where I live, don't go to places that are high crime/high risk
I carry an M&P 340 loaded with 38s of some sort (currently Winchester PDX1), a speed loader in the pocket and no BUG. For the most part, I don’t feel the need. However, when I’m taking my wife to visit one of her friends or customers that live in a questionable neighborhood or area and she asks me if I’m carrying, I’ll go back in and strap on something bigger.

I’ve carried a knife all of my life, but only thought of it as a tool. And I doubt that I would even remember it’s there if something bad was happening. I have no training or fighting skill with one. There are far too many people better with a knife for me to consider using it as a weapon. Two weeks ago, I went flick-flick-flick-flick with my friend’s assisted opening pocketknife in my right hand. Since then my left thumb has been taped up with bandages (wasn’t nice).
dont go flick, flick, flick. Get a spring assisted like a Kershaw or some other brand. You just barely put small amount of pressure and you're into action.
He doesn't train with knives, and you suggest he carry something that is spring assisted?

I have a nice scar on one hand that would argue against that idea, or else for an assisted knife that has a good, poisitive lock. It can hurt, when they open at times you did not intend.
Carrying two guns is like enjoying vanilla and chocolate ice cream. Variety is the spice of life, so why not include it in every aspect of life?
When I get more carry guns, I'll definitely be carrying two, plus reloads. I'm not paranoid or out looking for trouble, I just like being prepared.
If I did carry multiple which I don't. They would have to be the same guns. Universal ammo, swap mags but the main reason is point of aim the same, same safety in same place if you have one. Same trigger basically just same everything. It would be confusing to me when grabbing two different guns. I like to practice with one design and only carry or use one.
My BUG becomes my primary carry gun when it is blazing hot here in Central Texas. I can carry my pocket gun in a pair of cargo shorts with a tank top on. When I am not going to roast then it is still in my pocket, and there is a larger gun in my waist band.
BUG out....

To me, BUGs have merit. The smart move is to tote a full size pistol with a sub compact of the same model. Like a PX4 C with a PX4 sub-compact or a Glock 23 with a 27 .40S&W.
