Do y'all carry in your house?

I'm single, no roommates so there's always a gun around. one time some cops knocked on the door because someone robbed the 7-11 a block away and ran into the apartment complex. he was probably going to a friends place in the complex but if someone was desperate enough they might try to force their way in. another time in a different town there was a convenience store robbery a few blocks from my house that resulted in a car chase that ended in a crash a block away. I keep a gun close by.
I carry in and out of the house, to the mailbox, doing yardwork, working in the garage, watching TV, working/playing on the computer, making dinner...etc. It doesn't have to be heavy iron. All it has to do is allow me to get to the heavy iron, so a P32 or NAA mini will do it inside. Outside, it's a CZ82 - small enough but still packing the round count and punch. The only time I may not be carrying is when I go from the bed to the bathroom in the early morning hours.

It might sound over the top. We live in a nice development but unfortunately, it's only a mile or two from some not so nice apartments. On garbage day, we have people driving through the neighborhood looking for freebies, metal and even cardboard. There's nothing wrong with that, but I get the feeling some of these people are casing out the houses with what is placed at the curb.

Do ya'll carry in your house?
I carry everywhere its legal, which includes the home. I have Grandchildren in and out the home a lot. Its safer with it on me than anywhere else in the house, except the Safe. The Police could be there by the time you opened the safe and got out a firearm.
My dog knows it's breakfast time, when my pistol comes off the nightstand and into my holster. It's hilarious. Once the kydex "clicks," he's bounding around and barking in excitement for food.

I carry at home all the time.
I carry in my home every waking minute. When I go to bed I place my ccw in a bedside holster mounted on the bed post, when I get up I while putting my wallet/watch/ etc on, I put my gun in my IWB holster. I am very routine and do this every day. My wifes bedside gun stays where its at though so of the night, we have a gun on each side of the bed. If an intruder comes in during bed time hours and somehow manages to get past my glock 19, then they have gotta worry about mad momma with her .357 magnum!
Thanks so much for all of your responses, fellas! I'm glad I don't sound like I'm paranoid for wanting to carry while at home, judging by the number of others that do so.

jhenry brought up a valid point that I think I worded poorly:

Adrenaline should never take over your reasoning skills. Having a roommate means that sometimes the door opens late at night or early in the AM. Is your roommate in danger of getting covered by your loaded pistol because he comes into his own residence? Something to consider.

What I meant by that was that in a high stress situation, I believe a person more 'reacts' to a situation rather than sit and analyze all potential consequences. I didn't mean that I would throw logic to the wind. This was poor communication on my part.

As for the roommate, we've been in the same house for over a month, and this is the first occasion of his being up so early, he told me later today that he was having trouble sleeping. I'm glad it was an insomniac roommate and nothing more.

Thanks guys!

Sometimes I do.
Is that a typo?,seventy rounds on hand in case someone come in your door?
How many bad guys are you expecting may come through your door at one time?lol
I always have a pistol within easy reach when I'm home. If not on my person there will be one within arm's length. I live solo so no one else's welfare to consider.
I sometimes do, mostly for practice. (I haven't taken my PPITH class yet to get my carry permit.) Even when I get the permit, I don't know that I'll carry very often -- haven't decided yet.

I think I'll call the instructor today and see when she's offering the class again; I just missed the last one.

I can definitely relate to your story. The three uninterrupted semesters I spent in college (currently waiting until next semester to start back) I lived in a 1st floor, one story apartment. My last 3 weeks or so there were some break-ins in the area and a murder in my complex so I took a trip home one weekend and brought my 20ga down with me.

Now I'm back home working and waiting to start class again. When I'm at home by myself on my days off I don't really "carry" but I try to keep my PT 1911 somewhere in the room I am in constantly. There's also a 20ga sitting in a corner downstairs and an SKS and another 1911 somewhere upstairs.

We have some strange/shady folks who show up from time to time and look surprised when I open the door (hiding the 1911 behind it) and ask them "Hey there, you/yall need help with anything?" They usually say something like "Oh no, just wondering if that jeep you got there is for sale" or "I was wondering if you knew so-and-so". Never gone and checked it out (and I don't plan to) but I've been told there's some place where meth junkies like to get together or do business or whatever it is they do so that's part of the reason for my caution even living here, way outside of the city limits.
No need where I live - half the time, the doors are unlocked, or the garage door is up, even all night.

I notice a shadow moving, and almost without thinking my hand went to my hip and to my immediate terror was weapon-less, so I ducked behind the wall that the stairs come down to. Right about then, my room mate comes strolling in through the door, after just squashing out a cigarette.

Immediate terror could have had dire consequences as a result.

Imagine had you had your gun, you see someone coming in, maybe too quickly, panic sets in, and you shoot your room mate accidentally because you didn't know he was having a smoke.........
ClayInTx said:
In the house there is always a gun within quick reach at night, no children here.
During the day I usually have a gun, OC, on me because I’ve had a few “unusual” callers with flimsy excuses for coming here.
Pretty much the same here. Not a bad neighborhood, but I live just south of a violent city. Seems to be runoff of sorts here intermittently, though it's mostly theft from cars and garages. Only hear of violent home invasions once or twice a year, but it's enough to keep my armed during the day. The gun stays next to me while relaxing at night also. Dogs are also a problem, even though there's a leash law, and police here don't seem to want to do anything about it. I'm sure that if I have to shoot one though, they'll show up right quick, and not to congratulate me.:rolleyes:
I don't only for the fact that I'm still waiting on the great state of NY to process my permit application. With that said though I am never that far away from my rifle... mosin nagant (I know not best HD weapon but hey it has a bayonet) Once I do get my CCW I might just keep something by my side because hey... you never know.
revolverrandy wrote:
Sometimes I do.
Is that a typo?,seventy rounds on hand in case someone come in your door?
How many bad guys are you expecting may come through your door at one time?lol

Ummmm, . . . I have 30 + 20 + 9 + 7 + 6 + 9 + 5, . . . then I have to reload.

The real trouble with trouble coming, . . . one never knows how many companieros he may bring with him.

But in answer to the OP, . . . Sometimes I do. If my wife is home, I usually do not as one of us will notice anything or anyone on the property, . . . whereas if she is gone, . . . I may be otherwise occupied and not as attentive as necessary, . . . so I carry then for sure. But sometimes I carry anyway.

May God bless,
Ha, I love the way every word that one uses is picked apart.

oneounceload - Immediate terror: Dread, a disconcerted feeling, thinking "Oh jeez, the one time I need my weapon it's not on my hip."

This is not to be confused with panic or complete hysteria, and start blasting at everything that moves. There's a difference between entering fight or flight mode and completely sh!tting the bed.
As soon as the pants go on, the gun goes on too. When I am awake and moving I always have a pistol on me. Having served in combat for 19 months in Viet Nam, I learned to never move around without some sort of firearm on me. Enemy soldiers and American thugs both have the same thing in mind: find an easy victim who can't or isn't prepared to fight back. And I am forever scanning my surroundings too. If I go shopping, before I enter the store I look things over at the cash registers. If there is no panic or no unusual activity going on then I do my shopping. If I see trouble, I stay outside, watch, wait and note license plates down. Heck, I might even take some cell phone photos of whatever I can from a safe distance if I think it might help somebody later. So, keeping in mind that bad guys don't call us up in advance to schedule when they'll invade our homes, you gotta kind of think ahead of them and trouble so always, whenever you're awake, carry some sort of gun or protective device on you. Besides, if you only have one gun and its on your hip or in your pocket that makes for better safety control of your gun when the kids come over to play too. So it's just common sense to carry when you are at home.