Do we need Hi-Capacity in everyday Carry?

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I've been carrying concealed since 1992 and not once "needed" a bullet for SD.
MY EDC is a Glock 23 + spare mag + Shield 40 in weak hand front pocket.
Live in a "bad area"? No.
Anticipated threat? What? If I anticipated a threat I would not go wherever.
Do I "need" "all that"? Haven't yet. Its about what I would prefer in my hand (that is easily concealed) if I had to defend myself and options.
Glock 23 meets my criteria of a concealable pistol that I would prefer in hand (over something "lesser") if I had to defend myself.
Shield 40 in weak hand front pocket is my 2nd option™
Option to put my hand on it without revealing I'm carrying and option to quickly access pistol if my dominant hand is unavailable.
I'm gonna keep carrying "all that" and hope to heck I don't "need" any of it. ;)
Flor a long time, my answer would have been "no" - and for most folks, that's probably true. For a long time, I felt just fine carrying a 5 shot J frame - however - I have "re-thought" my carry handgun recently. I carried a 9mm for a while and still do once in a while - but recently, I have gone with a Glock 26 which gives me the ability to have 11 rounds - 1 din the barrel and 10 in the magazine. My reasoning? For one, my wife and I spend the winter in lower AZ and we often go in to the city - where there is always the possibility of "gang issues" - i.e. multiple perps - the other issue is you never know what you will run in to on less traveled roads out in the rural areas - I'm not paranoid, just cautious as I get older and I would rather have "too many rounds" than "not enough rounds" in "today's world". I have always advised others to carry what they are comfortable with and for many years, a 5 shot J frame was what I was comfortable with - like I said, I have "re-thought" that based on things I have heard about and the advice of a number of friends in LE who have advised me to "up-grade" to more capacity based on what a person could/might run in to. I'd much rather be on more "even ground" than "out gunned" should a situation ever be confronted.

I was shot at once, many years ago, when responding to an emergency situation as a first responder. I have also had several situations which could ld have escalated, one with two individuals who were looking to break in to my house - fortunately, I have never been forced to draw my carry pistol and I was able to diffuse the situations through other means than by having to draw my conceal carry - b ut those situations and tasing with LE afterwards have convinced me that for "me" - I am more comfortable with what the capacity of my Glock 26 is capable of over my J frame. To each their own.
Considering that none of us have eyes in the back of our heads, the issue very often is spotting a quiet attacker who already has a gun aimed at us.

Not many robbers reveal their intentions until the last two seconds, and they don't slowly approach, or within inside the front angle of your field of vision.

In a very different scenario (i.e. similar to "the Miami FBI Shootout") we might easily get into a gun fight, then would four full 15-rd. magazines be enough?

I don't know, but maybe you guys/gals do.
The comments about never needing a carry gun are interesting. I'm glad for those who never needed it!

Curiously, the times when it would have been most handy were all when I lived in a heavily restricted area that just happened to have a high crime rate. (Go figure.) I saw some pretty horrible things and I had to call the police more times than I wanted. I was once mugged at knife point and luckily, I came out okay with compliance. Relying on compliance is pretty dicey though.

That was over twenty years ago. Crime rates in general have fallen and I've since moved to a much safer, more rural environment where rights are far less encumbered. I've twice drawn defensively on wildlife but in both cases, the animal decided to turn tail and run. While certainly not a defensive issue, I have used my carry gun to kill a few varmints and to put an injured animal out of its misery down by the highway.

Let's all remember that past events do not guarantee future outcomes. You really don't know if you'll need to defend yourself or how many shots you'll need. It's better to have them available if at all possible, but that has to balance with a lot of other factors in daily carry.
If you have a choice to carry a 45acp with 7+1 or a 45acp with 13+1, why would you choose to carry with a lower rd count? If you don't need the extra ammo but you have it, everything is fine. However, if you do need the extra ammo and don't have it, that's not good. In fact, that could be fatal.

I own both a few 1911s and a Glock 21. Why would I carry a 1911 with 7+1 when I could just as soon carry my Glock with 13+1?
"If you have a choice to carry a 45acp with 7+1 or a 45acp with 13+1, why would you choose to carry with a lower rd count?"

Because the thinner grip feels better, which in turn leads to more accurate shooting and thus increased control and confidence. That's why. :cool:

The same answer can be used to explain why some of us still carry revolvers or small pistols that others loudly proclaim are outdated and antiquated. We like them. :D
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I hope I never need the first round, much less the last one. However with the trending reported incidents with multiple assailants I feel slightly better having magazines of greater than 10 rounds, and at least one if not two spares. Your mileage my vary, as it were.
CCW, or whatever it's called locally, is not about non-coppers getting into gun fights. It's about non-coppers and self-defence in extreme, unusual, conditions. If you need more than one mag of whatever capacity came with the pistol you can shoot best to get yourself out of the mess you got into, you're in waaaaay over your head.
"...the gun games have..." Yep. Far too many think the shooting games are practice for those extreme, unusual, conditions. They are not practice for anything. They're shooting games and nothing more.
"...a RPG might..." An RPG requires 25 to 40 meters minimum to arm itself, depending on the warhead. And it still will not stop anything in its tracks.
As an Eagle Scout, I say "Be Prepared !"
Jeff Cooper said high capacity magazines were for those who plain to miss a lot. I don't think any of us "plan" to miss, but in a stressful situation.....
T. O'Heir said:
CCW, or whatever it's called locally, is not about non-coppers getting into gun fights. It's about non-coppers and self-defence in extreme, unusual, conditions. If you need more than one mag of whatever capacity came with the pistol you can shoot best to get yourself out of the mess you got into, you're in waaaaay over your head.

What course of action do you recommend when you find yourself in a situation that leaves you waaaay over your head through no fault of your own? Do you suggest rolling over and playing dead? (If not, why even mention it?) Maybe you can recommend a preemptive move, like never going out without one or two armed companions known to be competent with firearms?

T. O'Heir said:
...Far too many think the shooting games are practice for those extreme, unusual, conditions. They are not practice for anything. They're shooting games and nothing more.

I agree that in most real-life situations, we're not going to shoot as many rounds as we shoot in matches, but I also realize that as we moved from one part of a course of fire to another, that could be a simulation of a real-life event where we may have missed what we were aiming at, and the target had moved, and was still able to shoot back at us.

I used to create the scenarios that we used at our club's IDPA matches. We certainly fired more than 3-4 rounds in each course of fire, but each course of fire often included 3 different scenarios. These courses of fire were seldom examples of extreme or unusual conditions. But they were designed to cause you to find and use cover, seek the best way to shoot from cover (sometimes from awkward positions), reloading when empty, and not doing anything really stupid -- like NOT using cover! But the gun games are also entertainment and meant to be fun, too, so you've got to throw in some things so that they aren't the same all the time.
Gun games are not training. Training requires training objectives, some understanding on the part of the trainee about what is be accomplished (i.e., skills to be developed), and critiques of the trainee's performance done by an observer or instructor after the training session is complete, and some ability for the trainee to practice the new skills being taught (and hopefully learned) after they've gotten feedback on their performance.

While you do get feedback in the gun games, it's not always positive and you don't always learn from it, or get tips on how to improve. But, you also don't get that a LOT of that at many TRAINING classes, nor do you get a lot of chances to practice newly learned skills or practices with someone watching to see if you're doing it right!

Over time in the gun games you can begin to assess your gun handling habits (good or bad) and that lets you decide which things may need attention. That, in turn, can lead you to seek training/guidance to work on the things that need improvement. A lot of us have done that.

I know that thanks to my gun game participation, I'm now much more safety conscious than I once was and I'm far more comfortable with and adept in the use of my weapons. That wasn't directly training, but it was indirectly, and valuable in its own right.

Whether these learned skills and behavior will make themselves known or disappear when the STUFF hits the fan remains to be seen.
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one can come up with any excuse to carry reloads/xtra ammo for any real or imagined
event.No matter what you hear of Fox or Cnn, we live in a relatively safe Country. As long as we Americans believe & be true to the Constition of the US. and we don't have to allow racist & fasist groups to subvert us, we will remain the US of America where all have the rights to free speech(not HATE or Racist speech) which also is protected. Where all citizens are supposedly equal in the eyes of the law & all are treated with respect and our right to protect one another, then we will not allow the few to dominate our news and we shall provide protection for all of our neighbors regardless of Race, Color and of course freedom to worship God in one's life.
Do not forget that the two largest relgions all come from Judism. God is God no matter what color, race or creed you are. I look at the Bible & see things that 3 thousand years ago are not acceptical now. As religion evolves so do we. You ask yourself What Would Jesus Do? not what the KKKers, White Supreme haters of people who don't look like us would do & certainly not want what POTUS wants. He wants to divide us to conquer us.
Just think about this. the Founding Fathers of our Country foresaw how to deal with this..
Read your History books please.
As long as we Americans believe & be true to the Constition of the US. and we don't have to allow racist & fasist groups to subvert us, we will remain the US of America where all have the rights to free speech(not HATE or Racist speech)

The First Amendment protects both racist and “hate” speech. If you don’t understand that, you don’t understand the First Amendment. There is no, “You can say whatever you like, except for these things that offend people.” The First Amendment protects offensive, horrible, vile, speech or it has no use at all.

And while I haven’t read through the several pages of mind-vomit to pick out the relative nuggets of worth, yes, you do need “high capacity” which prior to gun control was known as “the capacity the gun was designed to hold.”
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They are not practice for anything. They're shooting games and nothing more.

So something that teaches you to shoot fast, accurately, one-handed, kneeling, through narrow gaps, at small objects all under a certain degree of pressure offers no transferable skills to a SD situation. Is that your position on gun games?

Just to be crystal clear.
IMO, more is better provided the weapon can be concealed well enough to be carried no matter the time of year (clothing worn)...this is the problem for me and I have to adjust my armament depending on time of year.

Then there was Col Cooper who said high cap pistols were good "if you plan to miss a lot" :)
Whenever any one brings up the possibility of facing multiple attackers and needing XX number of rounds to deal with that, (ok, rare, but not impossible) I am reminded of a scene from a movie I saw once...

Group (half dozen or so) of bad guys, facing lone armed good guy. Bad guy leader taunts, saying "what you gonna do, you can't shoot ALL of us!"
Good guy replies, "No, but I can shoot YOU!"

At this point bad guy leader pauses, then admits. "oh, yeah..I always forget that part..." :rolleyes:

If you're equipped to, by yourself, eradicate a squad of IJA infantry doing a Banzai charge, then you've probably got enough ammo on board to handle anything you're likely to meet in the USA today, and anything you're unlikely to meet, as well.

On the other hand, if all you carry is 5 rnds you're a lot less likely to play action movie hero and shoot when not "in gravest extreme".

Always keep in mind that "stand your ground laws" do NOT recommend or require standing your ground, they are legal protection from being sued if you don't retreat.

I would not carry a "hi cap" gun I couldn't use as well as one that held fewer rounds I could use better, but that's just me.
On the other hand, if all you carry is 5 rnds you're a lot less likely to play action movie hero and shoot when not "in gravest extreme".

And a lot more likely to get killed, when / if you are fumbling to reload.
I question that manta49. If I have failed to stop the threat with 5 rounds it’s already highly likely I’m on the wrong side of the equation. While I respect the right of others to decide what is appropriate for them I think many people over assess their skills. “I need 15 rounds in case seven armed gang members attack me”. I’m not winning that scenario with any handgun. Highly unlikely I win that even with a long gun.
I am surprised by the number of folks commenting regards comfort, appearance for their choice of firearms, and the belief that they can perceive or predict where bad things may happen to them.

Astounded may be an even better word.

I agree totally

A handgun is a weapon.. a WEAPON. It is not a bobble or accessory to your clothing. I have never in my life considered "comfort" to be part of the process regarding my selection of a weapon. Ergo? sure.. I need to be able to handle the weapon properly and proficiently. Size?.. weight?... sure, as it may need to be concealed or be carried in concert with other items where overall (combined) weight is a consideration. I do not expect the carrying of a weapon to be comfortable. On the contrary, I expect it to be uncomfortable, unnatural and generally unpleasant. Every weapon I have ever carried has been exactly that... unpleasant.

I do not like weapons, I do not want to carry weapons and would certainly prefer to never carry one. That said, I carry a weapon for the express purpose of affording me a very specific force related option. I require and demand that the weapon I carry meet certain reliability standards, size standards, power standard, capacity standard and I require that I am able to use it proficiently. Comfort has nothing to do with it.

If comfort is some sort of priority, I suspect that person may not be very serious about its use. If that's the case, its fine and there is nothing wrong with it. I just come from a different place I guess.
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