Do we need Hi-Capacity in everyday Carry?

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I finally hit the title, above. Do we need Hi-Capacity in everyday Carry?
As law-abiding citizens, in our everyday life?

Yes, lest we fail in our attempt at self defense for a lack of shooting back.
"I never felt that more than 6 or 7 rounds was needed."

Seriously? Highly trained people miss a bunch in stressful situations. Limiting yourself is asking for trouble.
As a retired scientist I only consider probability, not possibility. In theory nearly everything is "possible", but I cannot and will not dedicate brain time to everything that could possibly go wrong. Hence I only carry when the probability/consequence ratio pierces my threshold, which for me is rural walks and larger public places like movie theaters and malls.

You seem to be mistaken there when you add that to science. Science is anathema to chaos, they want organization and factual data. Real life is all about chaos. Should a guy wind up with an armed encounter at 11 pm while carrying used cat litter to the trash? Well, dog gone it, I'm glad that I carried my pistol with me. What a wild statistical anomaly. Did I need a high capacity or a .45 ACP with buffalo bore hollow points? I don't know, chance or fate or luck denied me that knowledge.

Can you be struck by lightning anywhere? Yes, and it happens all of the time. Your risks are greater walking on the beach during a storm, or flying through a storm. You probably won't be either shot or struck by lightning in your comfortable safe room at home.

The only clear difference between these two is that lightning rarely happens without proper conditions, but the conditions for random crime exist everywhere, at all times. Preparing at all times is the safest answer even if it's minimal. There is wisdom in increasing one's level of preparedness to match conditions.
We took a 2 and a half-hour drive to Jupiter FL yesterday. To visit with my 60 year old daughter. We have not seen her in a couple of months. The Turnpike was good. The weather threatened rain but did not deliver any.

Glock 43X with spare magazine, 21 rounds of Federal HST 147 g total. Sue had been up to her eyes in Lap Top City all day, so we decided to go out for Supper.

Two exits South on the I95! What a madhouse at 7 pm. Came back on the Turnpike (Sanity) the Restaurant was populated with well-dressed adults, no small children. No loud voices, no excited arguments, parked close, clean well-lit road!

So why did I need this combat firearm and ammunition? I did not NEED these lawfully bought and carried items at all! But escorting two attractive Ladys to my 2016 Jeep Cherokee. Sober, attentive old chap. I was not concerned at all.
But still attentive.
My new country, these United States of America, in Florida no less. Not a bad place to reside, yes? 30 years in the UK, two years in Germany, 3 years in Australia. Thirty-six years in Toronto Canada. And the USA since 2004.

84 years, and a day! Can't be bad.
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Both my CC weapons are 6+1's. I also CC an extra mag. Thats 13 opportunities to incapacitate a threat(s). My primary concern if im forced into a life threatening situation is not mag capacity, but will i be able to maintain profficient control in a chaotic and adrenalin filled enviroment. All the defensive training cant truly prepare you for a defensive encounter. Ive trained, and I pray im ready.
this question, kind of like those about caliber, never does seem to go away, and that's probably because there is no answer to it.

Whether or not one needs a red dot sight seems to lately be joining the series of questions.

If we were talking about statistics, then carrying a gun at all is preparing for an almost statistically insignificant probability.

if we pay any attention to the statistics about typical defensive shootings, most of them occur at near contact distances and require no more than three to five shots. this is one reason why people who advocate for carrying small revolvers believe they are carrying the weapon that is best suited to the encounter that anyone might ever face. and they do have a point, in that revolvers do have certain advantages in very close quarters.

As many people point out, carrying is always some optimization of factors. Capacity is just one of several. Until these micro-compact came out, the choice between carrying 7 or 15 rounds with the choice between carrying a Glock 43 or a Glock 19. Now we are at the point in which you can basically carry a glock 43 with Glock 19 capacities and so the compromises aren't as dramatic as they were before.

so do I think I need a high-capacity micro-compact? No, I don't need it, and I am perfectly happy to carry 9 rounds in my Walther PPS. but at some point when I decide I feel like spending money on something I don't actually need, I will very likely by one of these new micro compacts and end up carrying it because...why not?
As a retired scientist I only consider probability, not possibility.

As a retired soldier with 4 tours in combat I only consider the things that are required to survive a firefight.

Bullets are one of those things. You notice when you run out.

If that happens, Statistically though you will not be around to voice your concern about running out after the firefight.
Well, I think there is an argument for having more rounds! Here is one thing to keep in mind... link to a PDF about the NYPD ( it shows in 2016, average officer involved shooting was 9% hits, 16.8 rounds per firefight. I believe that is all officers involved, so like more than one cop firing...

Now, I know people will argue that cops don't train much and are lousy shots... but I don't know how true that really is. When it hits the fan, have I trained enough to suppress all the adrenaline and other chemicals and hit someone charging me? I'd rather have higher capacity and expect to miss a number of times.

I rely on on John Correia from Active Self Protection who has shown in hundreds/thousands of self-defense videos that high-capacity helps because things rarely go as planned. I'll carry all the boooolits I can comfortably carry!
Most days you don't even need a gun! Every once in a while, some unlucky person needs 30 rounds. Or more. You don't get to pick (if you knew you'd need your gun that day, you would stay home) Make your choices and take your chances, and it's none of the government's business because they have no duty to protect you.
Opinions vary, of course. That being said, it's not going to be you against zombie hordes. It's going to be you against some POS looking to take you off. One or two rounds and you will be victorious or dead.
Opinions vary, of course. That being said, it's not going to be you against zombie hordes. It's going to be you against some POS looking to take you off. One or two rounds and you will be victorious or dead.
Sometimes a POS has a friend, or friends.

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Luckily, the chances of being in a defensive encounter are relatively rare throughout much of the United States or Canada. We carry for the same reason that we have fire extinguishers in our homes; just in case. For those encounters that do happen, capacity will sometimes matter.

I strongly recommend the Active Self Protection Channel on YouTube. In the digital age, lots of defensive encounters get caught on video. This channel brings them to YouTube with discussion and analysis from a competent trainer. I think this is a valuable general resource for those of us who carry, including those of us who work in security or law enforcement. Whether you go through their back catalog of uploads or just watch new ones as they come out, you'll see that capacity is sometimes a factor.
In my 65 years I have never seen or even heard the sound of gunshots from a shooting ...Let alone be part of one.
I would also think that the odds are very very high that I will before I die.

I have also never seen a raging fire or had been a part of one!
I have seen the charred results but just not been there when it was burning.

Yet on both accounts I live in a big it's not like I've led a sheltered life.

With that said I...

* Carry either a P365 or a P320 at 12 or 15 rounds respectfully.

* I have a Fire Extinguisher in my apartment and in the last week my Condo's Fire alarm (Earth-shattering Alarm in every apartment and outside) has gone off 3 times.
Once by Kids pulling the alarm handle and the other 2 faulty equipment.
But I would not want it gone!
I am overjoyed that I live in a complex with a very good Fire Alarm System!
Lord knows it cost us all enough for it!

The moral of the story is we all Plan for the Worst and We Pray for the Best!
Because I have been blessed for all of my life nothing guarantees it will be that way for the rest of my life.
God Bless me if I am that lucky!
Having a Fire Extinguisher, a Great Fire Alarm System and I can EDC my Higher Capacity Semi's... provides me with Peace and Security in my day to day life.
Not to mention that if that day ever comes they will help me keep my life!

If a 6 shot revolver or a AK at home or whatever the law provides in Security does the same for someone else then I say God Bless them too!
Who am I to make any judgement on how they live or feel secure in their long as it is lawful and they are not hurting anyone else!

I really liked Ohio Guy's Post!
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Lohman446 said:
I might just possibly meet the Valkyries with an empty snub nosed revolver in my hand, looking around, and wondering how in the society I live in I could have used more than five shots and my desperation lock-blade knife. I'll be confused no doubt but it will have been what happens. Your fate is already decided you only get to chose how you will meet it and if this is my fate so be it.

So no. I do not need high capacity magazines. But the question was not singular in nature.

While I have no issue with your decision to carry a six-shot snubby for self-defense, I really must question your rather extreme beliefs in regards to pre-destination.

Frankly, I don't think that we would be designed with survival instincts if we were just supposed to face threats with minimal preparation under the assumption that our fates are predecided and that one way or another we cannot die by accident.
Heck, free will in and of itself illustrates the fact that our fates are more fluid than that. I mean, think about suicide, how could such a thing possibly be part of a divine plan, especially when it is forbidden under threat of damnation?

Also, we may not have the same religious/spiritual beliefs, but the idea of a predestined fate of death at the hands of a murderer when murder itself is a sin goes completely against my religion, so unless yours are a lot less precise than mine, that whole scenario can only be the end result of free will begin exercised in opposition to the will of God and thus couldn't be orchestrated by His hands.

As previously stated, I have no issue with your choice of carry, (I myself regularly carry an LCP as a primary weapon) I'm merely pointing out a possible flaw in your religious/spiritual beliefs, at least from the perspective of Abrahamic religious doctrine.
For the record from my perspective predestination is supposed to allow one to face threat without fear and make a good accounting of ones self regardless of outcome. I also lack the skill set to effectively use high capacity in most situations. A protracted fire fight or multiple attackers is going to quickly highlight my shortcomings.
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If the firearm that you carry is what you are most proficient with and best suited to defend yourself with, then obviously you've made the right decision.

I was just mistaken and worried that perhaps you merely opted to carry what you do based solely upon your beliefs, regardless of if you could perhaps carry something more, and that you might be limiting yourself. Please pardon my presumption.

I am surprised by the number of folks commenting regards comfort, appearance for their choice of firearms, and the belief that they can perceive or predict where bad things may happen to them.

Astounded may be an even better word.
I also lack the skill set to effectively use high capacity in most situations.


The nice thing about high capacity is it shifts probability in a direction favorable to you.

Lastly, it sounds like you need to train more.
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