Do we need Hi-Capacity in everyday Carry?

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TomNJVA said:
Guns are better than insurance. Insurance merely compensates you after an event, while a gun may actually prevent the event or greatly reduce its consequences.

I don't know of any SELF-DEFENSE INSURANCE (short of hiring a bunch of body guards) that would be useful in a self-defense situation, so I'll accept your point, and maybe even agree. :)

But, that said, I don't think it's really that simple. I do know that carrying a gun will not necessarily prevent an attack of or harm to the carrier, or can guarantee the he or she won't be killed.

Health insurance is similar -- good insurance can help you get preventative care, make it easier to maintain your health at a high level, and assist you both medically and financially if or when things go sour. But you can still die while insured.

But there's no guarantee that a gun or the best health insurance will help you in the way you want. As TunnelRat notes, having a weapon in hand (or, I might add, having good insurance) doesn't keep you from doing something stupid.
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Is there a formula for deciding X is better than Y rounds? Not exactly but here is a fun exercise. Take all the possible defensive scenarios that could occur. How many of them could you survive (or survive in reasonable health) with X? How about Y? What's the difference?

Yeah, obviously we aren't working with real numbers here since this is open-ended probability. However, there will be a logical difference. Since that diifference exists, you could say that X is better than Y, or at least "enough" in more possible situations. I think that's the thrust of the capacity argument.

It's probably worth mentioning again that our personal X or Y is going to be limited by what we can reasonably carry around with us.
There is a premise offered that is logical even if I don’t adhere to it

If 5 rounds is enough who cares if you have 10?

However if 10 rounds is enough and you only have 5 there is a problem.

So, if all else was equal (it isn’t) more rounds must be equal to (same end result) or better than less rounds.

However there has to be a max value. Because 1000 rounds for a CCW holder is likely not better than 900 or even 500

The original question was about high capacity magazines. I cannot speak for the we but there are people who likely possess the skill set to make more than 10 rounds useful in CCW. I’m not one of them.
We are in Foulson CA at this time, just arrived (for a month, no gun!) have a City stick. Have my razor shark Benchmade, came in the hold!

The whole question, is a non-answeable situation, really.

I have come to a more or less end result. If in Security mode, the very odd time I am working for my Son. Gen 4 Glock 19, I can shoot well.

Out shopping, going out for breakfast (or supper!) Glock 43X Ameriglo night sights. My Buddy just received the two 2 aftermarket 15 round magazines. One is for me, but being I am away for a month, I told him to shoot both of them.
He will, he has a lot of ammo!

My experience with Glock factory magazines is good. So I will carry the 15 rounder as a backup. 11 rounds will be my loadout in the future.
Enough? Time will tell. Or not.
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We are in Foulson CA at this time, just arrived (for a month, no gun!) have a City stick. Have my razor shark Benchmade, came in the hold!

The whole question, is a non-answeable situation, really.

I have come to a more or less end result. If in Security mode, the very odd time I am working for my Son. Gen 4 Glock 19, I can shoot well.

Out shopping, going out for breakfast (or supper!) Glock 43X Ameriglo night sights. My Buddy just received the two 2 aftermarket 20 round magazines. One is for me, but being I am away for a month, I told him to shoot both of them.
He will, he has a lot of ammo!

My experience with Glock factory magazines is good. So I will carry the 20 rounder as a backup. 11 rounds will be my loadout in the future.
Enough? Time will tell. Or not.
This is a way interesting discussion. I have a Glock 26 EDC and just got a Glock19 mag and 'sleeve' for it to make the grip the same length as a G19 or 43x and 48..short barrel, 15r -19, essentially, size wise...

BUT, 20r mag for 43x? Not flush fit, I assume?
A little off-topic, Homeland Security, and the Secret Service have gone to Glock 9mm pistols. Varied models, the G 19 G47 as two of them. With Ameriglo night sights fitted at the factory. I have those same sights, also ordered from the factory. On my 43X. I would like to shoot the police only G46, German Police only. The Pistol with the twisting action.

Don't know the ammo yet. My new load, 147g Federal HST. Real accurate.
There is a way to have BOTH capacity + concealment

With some pistols, Glock among others, there is the chance of having both.

In the case of Glock 30, or the Glock 26, they can be carried with the short mags or they can also use the longer, higher capacity mags of the Glock 21 and Glock 17.

For my needs (and since I can only own 1 pistol) I got a Glock 21 that then I chopped to G 30 size. The modified pistol can be easily concealed by using the 9 rd magazine, or can be used with a 13 round mag and an X-Grip sleeve that restores the pistol to its full size configuration:

Chopped Glock 21 in Glock 30 size for conceal carry

Chopped Glock 21 restored to full size.
Very entertaining and informative thread. Best one I have perused on here in quite some time. I don’t have much to add that hasn’t already been said. I have been carrying for almost 15 years and have experienced a personal change in favor of more capacity. I used to carry a j-frame revolver almost exclusively. In the last few years I have began carrying a semi-auto more and more. Perhaps it is due to my perceived societal changes. Seems to be more mob like activity with multiple perpetrators. Also seems to be a great deal of hatred and intolerance in this country that has led to poor choices and outcomes. Maybe (quite possibly) it is all in my head.

I do hold my comfort while carrying important and few guns to me are as comfortable as a small revolver, unless a caliber smaller than a 9mm is used, which doesn’t interest me. I have tried to make the change to a Sig P365, but mine has proved to be too unreliable for carry. I know there are some that have hundreds of rounds through theirs and it has performed adequately. Unfortunately that hasn’t been my experience, even after a trip back to Sig. Sooooo, bring on the Hellcat. In short, I am in the why not go for an increased capacity as long as it can be carried and used effectively category.
With some pistols, Glock among others, there is the chance of having both.

In the case of Glock 30, or the Glock 26, they can be carried with the short mags or they can also use the longer, higher capacity mags of the Glock 21 and Glock 17.

For my needs (and since I can only own 1 pistol) I got a Glock 21 that then I chopped to G 30 size. The modified pistol can be easily concealed by using the 9 rd magazine, or can be used with a 13 round mag and an X-Grip sleeve that restores the pistol to its full size configuration:

Chopped Glock 21 in Glock 30 size for conceal carry

Chopped Glock 21 restored to full size.
Interesting in that I just did something similar(not chopped but)...bought a -19 magazine for my -G26, got one of those sleeves and now have a 'short barrel' G19(15+1)..when clothes allow or a 11+1, or a 10+1..versatile..
My Buddy with the 15 round Magazines for the 43X! In speaking to him yesterday night, he has now clarified his position.
He has not received them yet! Just a communication to say he should receive them next week, or the week after. These magazines are like a Unicorn!
Bloody mythical!

And we don't know how they will perform? I still agree with the majority, not carried in the pistol, just as a spare, love the performance of Glock factory magazines. No worries.

That saying, (No worries) I first heard in Aussy in 1965! The overall attitude they mostly all had. In my first week, I managed to get myself into a fistfight!

Wasn't hard for me during the early, and late twenties. Not so much in my eighties!
Everyone here seems to hold Masaad Ayoob in high regard. I shared a link above, but I'll share it again here with some quotes.

"Alas, that’s not always the case. Sometimes you can’t do it with six, but you can end the deadly threat with, oh, seven … or eight, or 19, or maybe 33."
- Masaad Ayoob

"But four of those saves were absolutely firepower based. Two were Kaas and Davis, cited above. The other two were Bob Kolowski and Lloyd Burchette. Ambushed by a two-gun outlaw biker, they fired more than 20 shots and achieved 13 or 14 hits before attempted murderer Wayne O’Brien slumped and died. Kolowski had reloaded during the blazing gun battle."
Masaad Ayoob

"And what about armed citizens? Famed Los Angeles watch shop owner Lance Thomas was involved in multiple gun battles with armed robbers, winning every one. In one of those incidents, he had to fire 19 rounds before the last of his multiple opponents was out of the fight. Some bad guys can soak up an unbelievable amount of lead, and the cunning ones run and use cover, making them harder to hit and requiring more shots to stop them."
- Masaad Ayoob

It's a very good article. Check it out and much more on that topic. The professionals agree. More > less. Meaning if you *can* carry more, do it. If not, that's fine.
Carry a Para Ordnance Expert Carry .45 with 7 rds in mag and one always chambered. Works for me. I like the long grip. Occasionally will carry Sig P938 on ankle with 7 + 1 9mm. Both are excellent self-defense weapons. Within 3 shots, either perp is dead or I will be. Don't need much more and do carry extra mag anyway.
"" Interesting in that I just did something similar(not chopped but)...bought a -19 magazine for my -G26, got one of those sleeves and now have a 'short barrel' G19(15+1)..when clothes allow or a 11+1, or a 10+1..versatile.. ""

Yep, USNRet93 (in the beautiful and extremely anti-gun republic of Boulder) versatility is the idea. BTW I am close to you, in Evergreen (near Red Rocks). I go to Boulder often to do research in the library on campus.

My reason for going with the longer slide is that my pistol, if using 45 Super ammo, is legal for big game hunting in CO (we need at least a 4" barrel). I don't actually hunt with the pistol, but I have used it to finish off an animal felled by my bow (during rifle season) or by my rifle. In CO it would be illegal to do that with a 9mm and the pistol must be legal for big game hunting. It also does double duty as a woods defense gun.

My significant other limits me to 1 gun (I have convinced her that should mean 1 pistol, 1 rifle and 1 shotgun) and that's why I needed to have a versatile set-up that is good for everything.

The chopped G21 conceals great. I carry it AIWB for full concealment at work, and that's why a put a thumb safety and Tau's "the gadget" on it. And since the barrel is full length, it is also good for competition.

Jack of all trades (master of none) pistol.
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