Delaware Shoot?

Jody Hudson

New member
A couple of us are thinking about a Delaware Shoot. We have a couple of hundred acres suitable for camping and shooting and even some fresh water fishing.

We have another area suitable, and only a few minutes away, where we can shoot quite long distances; up to about 800 yards from prone.

The locations are southern Delaware, just a few minutes north of Rehoboth Beach.

How many folks are interested?

We can determine the date as we go.
The proficy has come to pass...........

Jody, you KNOW that Renee and myself will be there! It looks like this will complete our "TRIANGLE OF TFL". SodaPop being our P.A. Rep.:cool:, Ray Woodrow 3rd being our N.J. Rep. ;) , and now Jody Hudson as our D.E. Rep :D . NOTHIING CAN STOP US NOW! NOTHING, NOTHING! HAHAHAHA!:eek: (time to take my meds)

(Hey K80GEOFF, can't something be done up in your neck of the woods?)

Jody, can we shoot at night on your lands? Inquiring minds want to know!:)
Heck Yeah!

Most certainly! We are in Flordia from July 2nd to July 9th but other then that we are game. We can visit my parents while we are there. Hey, I'll have them come too!!!! Can we bring the young uns?

Yes, children are most welcome.

Night shooting is fine at the camping area.

There is a sandy area, swamp, woods, small pond (about 5 acres or so) a sand bank to shoot against with pistols. and a bunch of other stuff at the acreage site.

The target shooting site is a long thin line we rent with a target berm and target frame area.

I'll need to borrow a truck, and electric screwdriver and get some new plywood or particle board, just before the shoot to make certain that we have everything just right.
It can be a LONG weekend if you wish. That may be easier to arrange for more people to attend. Cell Phones will be in range at both places for most of us.
I vote for a Camp TFL weekend:) That way people can come down Friday night, Saturday, or Sunday. The only thing is I'll need twice as much ammo:D

Do we need tents?? Or do you have Caves?
BYOS. That is bring your own shelter, or a good shovel to dig down into the sand. ;) Of course a good Siwasher can just come with a toothpick or less and have a royal condo by end of the weekend.
The middle or end of June is good for me.

Jody, It's husky not portly. Stout or "big boned" is also appropriate. ;)

I will start aquiring ammo to fill the battlewagon.

Any theme(s) for this shoot?

How about Co-Ed Skinny and Husky dipping... ;) That should get a larger crew... as long as we do a lot of fibbing about how there will be 7 women to each man and it's the women that are skinny... Not the other way around...

Also, there is the Fighting Blue Hens motto of Delaware from the Revolutionary Fighting Blue Hessian Mercenaries that fought for us Quaker Delawarians and they by the way, just to add confusion claimed to have Blue Fighting Cocks...

Blue Hen Shoot??? We will be doing it at Sugar Maple Farms for camping and the range is at Bull Shooters Club. Sugar and Bull Shoot???
OK, I'll check with Kate and get her helping me with the other 6 for me.. ;) The rest of you do the same and we'll have No Worries!!!
Mrs. Woody's Response

Okay guys - are you all claiming I'm FAT!!! :eek: Doesn't make me want to go skinny dipping. ;) By the way, I don't share my man. NO WAY!!! Don't need too! :D :D :D :D LOL.

SodaPop, my husband thinks your hitting on me so you have been elected to change the targets at the next shoot!! :p :p

Ray, the young uns & I will probably be camping out at my mom and dads (if they are there).

Gotta run, date with hubby. :D :D :D :D
Theme Suggestion:

How about calling it the Delaware BANG CHAT CHEW...

Bang - Chat - Chew. As we plan to Shoot, Converse and Eat.

Kate and I will plan to camp at Sugar Maple for at least two nights, perhaps three to try and be good hosts.

We will also need two other couples to be primary site managers as we have two sites to account for. Volunteer Couples please...

Site managers will need cell phones, preferably Verizon phones so we can do free calls to each other with the Verizon to Verizon free call feature; as I suspect there may be quite a few calls amongst us over the period.