Decided that Glock is definately not for me.

You want personality? Go find a fat chick. As for myself, I treat inanimate objects as inanimate objects. I don't stroke them at night and give them pretty names, nor do I fear them and call them evil and dangerous as the gunhaters do. They are only tools. There are several reasonable arguments against Glocks, but this thread makes the "I hate Glocks because they feel like water-pistols" argument seem Einsteinian.
I must disagree on philosophical grounds...

A firearm is a canvas upon which master craftsmen work to blend function and beauty.

I guess this thread is becoming pretty esoteric, and I have done nothing to help.

Claude Monet would build custom 1911's. Pablo Picasso would build Glocks. Which is better just depends on what the viewer considers important.

Hey, Pate, remember fat girls need love too!
Mr Parker: with all due respect, as cleaning and oiling are fundamental features of firearm fondling facination, your rating system is patently biased against guns that don't rust.:D
Ya know I knew this was gonna happen when this thread started. 9x19, I'm gonna have to loan some of these guys some of .38's tinfoil I guess! I guess the 1911 fans don't know about your subliminal brain wave generator!
Steve Smith,

Dont get your feathers all ruffled here, most of the insults here were made in good fun:):) see,, smily:)

Also, it does seem like you have thrown a couple insults of your own here so dont contradict yourself, what would you expect in a thread like this? Not once have I read a thread with 1911s & Glocks as the subject that didt get testy.

Seriously, if you want the gun to work everytime you pull the trigger get the Glock.

If you want to go broke and have a gun that works on good days and doesnt on the bad ones,,,well,,the 1911s are for you :):):)

By the way, did Heckler & Koch beat fisher price to the punch also? Lots of poeple using these cheap plastic pistols long after your 1911s have rusted and been sent to the parts dept at your favorite gun shop.

Outdated,,,,but still works sometimes.

Have fun,
Jiminy Crickets! Are there no Ruger fans here?! the 95 (9mm) and 97 (45 acp) have been stone reliable and easy to use for me. The 97 is particularly accurate. Having said that, I also own a compact 1911. It's awesome. But for ABSOLUTE reliability I'd pick up one of my Rugers.

I loved the P95 that I owned and constantly praise it as the bast value for a reliable semi auto on the market every chance I get.

Steve Smith,

What gives man? Seriously, nobody is trying to throw personal blows at anybody here certainly not me, I was just trying to shed a little light on the thread much like others here.

Try and relax a little bit, this board was never meant to raise your blood pressure.

The 1911 and Glock people have been throwing digs at each other for years, nothing personal should be taken from it just try to come up with a better one than the last guy:).

Safe shooting,

Not every thread has to have some deep meaning to it. I accept threads as is. If I can pass on some expertise or experience, fine. If I can add some humor, fine. If I can participate in a rousing debate, that's fun too. There's no bashing going on here, Steve just doesn't care for Glock's. Is that okay? Of course it is. We all love our particular guns. Nothing wrong with that. Group hug!!!:)J. Parker
I think my G36 is great,accurate and light. I do understand what you mean by personality though. As a working tool l'il Sparky is Da Bomb but I'll never be a true G-Man because there are so many other beautiful weapons out there. 1911's are my favorite because they have a certain mystique,looking to buy a PC 627 for the same reason and a Sig P229 and I'll pick up a G29 or G30 eventually. The difference may be that I don't carry a weapon for a living. Do love to shoot,look,fondle,talk about,stand in front of the mirror and say,"You talkin' ta me?" I just,friggin'LOVE guns. What was the topic again? Think I'm buggin',better go take my meds,lol.
Man, this is just getting rediculous! All I said was "I decided that Glock is definately not for me." and there's three pages of why Glocks are better than it just me or are those two different topics in one thread?

Jsut to satisfy those here who can only plug their ears and shout "Glocks are best" at the top of their lungs, I'll say this: If I had to depend on a gun I'd never fired before to save my life, and I could only choose a Glock or a 1911, then YES I'd choose a Glock...if I could choose among all guns, I'd probably choose a revolver, in that scenario...BUT, since I don't have crazed maniacs running after me all the time, and I can choose a pitol that I LIKE, taking my time, and then see if it's reliable, and then carry it, then that's what I do. Does that make you happy guys? I doubt that there are many folks who carry unproven guns for protection...thos who do are fools. I am not a fool, and my 1911 has proven itself reliable, and I like shooting it, therefore, I carry it. One cannot have more than 100% reliability, and if I had to choose between a 100% Glock and a 100% 1911, I would choose the 1911, BECAUSE I LIKE IT! What's so friggin' hard to understand? I could care less about all you Glock people spouting about how good it is and how bad the 1911 is! If there were no 1911s, I choose a wheelgun, not a Glock. I won't post to this thread again, so go ahead and spout off all you want.
The comparision in question was posed by the good 45 doctor and was purely "hypothetical" in nature. The Glock enthusiasts rallied around this "hypothetical" situation and ran with it. This would never happen, nada, never, ever. A more "realistic" situation might be "you have your beloved 1911 or your cherished Glock 21" in your gun safe. Which one do you grab? You'd grab the one you're most comfortable with. Either that, or you would grab the one that first comes to hand. If there're both yours it doesn't matter which one comes to hand, does it?:)J. Parker
Ok.. Glocks are ugly.. but they are fine guns.

1911's are nice looking, and they are fine guns.

Both get the job done..

Glock = Subaru
1911 = Lexus

Both are reliable and drive very well, but I'd rather be seen driving around in a Lexus. Thank you.
WOW, everyone seemed post to this thread, I feel left out. FWIW, here's my .02. I carried a 1911 for 5 years in the Navy, it did everything I needed it to do and I never had a problem. Also, I have shot several GLOCKs, G17, G21 and G30 over this past year, not one malfunction from the Glocks. I don't own a GLOCK or a 1911. In fact my first handgun purchase will be a USP 45, which I'm buying next week. Why a USP 45, because I like the feel of the gun in my hand, I like the external safety, the recoil reduction system, attachment rail for a light, it's accuracy. All my friends have GLOCK's, SIG's and Baretta's. Aside from the reasons I listed for buying the USP the other reason I'm going with the H&K is because it has the "CDI" factor. "Chicks Dig It" It is a cool looking gun.:cool:

Hey, I think we've hit on something here! The "chicks dig it" factor. We have totally discarded this factor. Actually, I owned one since they came out and my shootin' buddy still has his. What, four or five years later without a malfunction of anykind? I didn't know jack-squat about H&K until I bought that USP45 full size. You can talk up Glock, Sig, Beretta, or whomever but that full size USP45 was absolutly awesome. I think I'll incorporate "the chicks dig it" factor into The Parker Fondle Rating System. I've got some research to do, excuse me.:)J. Parker
I told myself I wasn't going to even dignify another Glock vs. 1911 thread with a response, oh well.

For what it is worth, I shoot a 1911 and I have never been beaten in a full IPSC, Steel, or IDPA match by a Glock shooter, ever. Yeah, I have lost a few stages, but never the match. Add to that the fact that my Baer hasn't choked even once in over 20,000 rounds. Yeppers, them 1911's must be a POS compared to a Glock.

Get real guys, the reason so many action shooters rely on the 1911 or 2011 frame is because they are the better shooting platform. And yes, the 1911 is steeped in history and has a higher fondle factor.

Now if I had to pick between a new 1911 or a new Glock to save my butt (like a Charles Daly, Kimber, or SA) then I suppose I would go for the Glock...