Decided that Glock is definately not for me.

The military may not issue Glocks, but you would be surprised at the number of Glock 17s there are in service.
You mean you don't fondle your Glock?

J. Parker said:
Glocks just aren't FONDLE guns.

No wonder you thought it didn't have personality...
Would you treat your wife or girlfriend that way?

Have to agree with the no personality/Borg pistol comments. A Glock is a Glock is a Glock. My 1911 is much more fondle-worthy. That's the main reason I bought it.

But I shoot the G30 better than anything else.

"Personality" that another word for "unreliable"? I mean, you take the tool out of the box, and it performs flawlessly, reliably, accurately and does everything that you need it to do, then it is so "robotic" that it "has no personality"?
If it came out of the box with some flaws, and needed some new parts and some work to get it running, then you could call it "customized" and then it would have "personality"?

I dunno, you asked what we see in Glocks, and I guess it is its lack of "personality". There are no doodads, gizmos, gadgets, levers, and no surprises. It just does what it is supposed to do, every time. In my lifesaving tools, I prefer that unexciting lack of personality. :)

My Glock is like a Pit Bull...all a$$holes and elbows. I don't carry it because it has personality, I carry it to stand between me and death. For that job, it is the best.

My wife has personality; my gun is just a tool.

My Glock hits where I point it with utter accuracy, it is %100 reliable, and it is an outstanding carry gun. All business. I compare my Glock's personality to a Jeep, or a good daily "heavy user" knife, or a pair of Danner combat boots. It is just a tool that gets used hard, and the personality is in the performance.
It does the job, just right, all the time.

To those that like guns with more pretty colors on them and a "history" behind them and such so that it gives them warm fuzzies when they hold it, I respect that and it is their business. But, I don't carry a gun as a toy, or as something to gawk at, I carry it purely to defend my life, and my Glock has done so on numerous occasions.

(Although, I do dry fire my Glock a lot, so I guess that is kind of like fondling ;) )

[Edited by jdthaddeus on 01-04-2001 at 03:42 AM]
My Glocks have plenty of personality, it might just be that you do not like them,,,theres a brain storm?

To me nothing has more personality than a Glock that looks like it spent time in Vietnam in a river bed and still out performs a 1911 that was just taken right out of the box.

Here is a question.

What do you 1911 guys see in a gun that costs $1000 (with personality) to start and then it wont even function correctly without you adding and tweaking the thing out?

I can go buy a Glock for $500 (no personality)take it to the range after a leaving the store and have the thing be acurate, reliable and tough and have the thing cleaned in five minutes.

Seriously I dont get the whole personality thing, sure if the gun doesnt feel right thats a problem, but personality?

Shouldnt personality come after Reliability/feel/accuracy/price? I dunno, maybe I am just wierd. You want to see personality, you should see my 27 with the scrapes and scratches all over it that just says "watch out fellas, the bully is in the house"

Glocks pick o all the 1911s that I have seen, Glocks go to public schools while the 1911s go to private, Glocks take the bus while the 1911 drive to school in dads Corvette:):):)

Have to make some fun of this thread right?

It's mandatory for guns to have the highest Fondle Rating as possible. You sit on the couch watching football and procede to rack the slide, pulling slide back and forth (Beretta's are oh so smoooooth), pull slide back insert mag, drop mag, insert mag, drop mag, close slide and decock, safety on, safety off till halftime. Then in the second half it's the revolvers turn. The Parker Fondle Rating System has a scale from one to ten. Ten being heaven, ecstasy, paradise etc. My Beretta is an eight. My Mini-14 a five (Rating System frowns on rifles). My Sig P-220 a six (Rating System frowns on STOUT recoil springs). My S&W 657 41 maggie a nine (gorgeous gun, smooooth trigger, powerful, BOO YAH). Are guns serious working tools? Of course. But they've gots to be beautiful too!:):)Best, J. Parker
Steam engines have more personality than internal combustion engines and bi-planes have more than jets. Lugers and 1896 Mausers have personality. Glocks are all business, no levers ,no grip safeties, just aim and shoot. Their personality is their deadly efficiency.
Glocks not "fondle worthy"? I beg to differ. When I fondle my Glocks, I picture lovely Austrian maidens in dirndl dresses tromping through the Edelweiss flowers...I'm even considering getting one of them Oak and Acorn engraved in the Teutonic style. JAWOHL!
Looks like some of you guys are getting your feelings hurt. I can only laugh as my Springfields are absolutely reliable, as cost the same as a Glock. Hurling 1911 insults and "making fun of this thread" won't make a Glock have any more personality than it already does, and you can't change my mind by beating me up.
After further review, The Parker Fondle System has given the Glock line of pistols a score of.....4....sorry.:):)J. Parker
But wait! In the spring when we head for the woods to recreate they'll be The Parker Woods Gun Rating System.:)J. Parker
Maybe I am just a freak of nature, but my 2 favorite guns are Glocks and 1911's.

The main reason for this is they both have the same trigger pull from shot to shot. The DA/SA transition is a big drawback (to me) for guns like beretta, sig, etc.

Now here's a question for you to ponder:

Lets say you were about to be in a gunfight. You could either pick a stock 1911, not customized, or a stock Glock. You can't test fire them, take them apart, or really even look them over good before you have to pick. For the purposes of this discussion, we will limit the Glock to 10 round mags. Which one would you pick?

I think I would go with the Glock.
I am a 1911 fan too. I just carry Glocks. The Glock and the 1911 have the best trigger setup and are about the only pistols I am interested in any more. So, I am not about to bash on the 1911, but I do prefer my Glock for serious work. I love my custom 1911's, but they tend to sit in the safe while the Glock gets carried every day, and does a wonderful job in that role.
My G19 is in my nightstand, and my 1911s are in my safe for me to take out and admire whenever I feel the urge.

I think personality also has lots to do with aesthetics. People like things that are visually pleasing. Glocks are boxes with handles and Hi-powers and 1911's are nicer to look at (for those with more than utilitarian values). Swoopy lines, sleek looks, etc... sell guns, cars, computers, ad nauseum....