Decided that Glock is definately not for me.

Steve Smith

New member
I'd fired a few Glocks before, and had a neuter opinion on them until I recently went to an indoor range with rental guns. I was in NC to visit family and had not brought any of my 1911s along. I decided, "Well, the Glocks have always interested me...I'll try one." and rented a G30. Well, it shot fine, and was reliable, but it just didn't have a personality at was definately a Borg pistol. What do you guys see in these things?

Sorry about starting up another Glock vs. 1911 thread, but d**n that thing had the personality of a 3 hole paper punch!
I love my homely little Glocks. :D
I got my first one, because it was an eighteen round Glock 17 or a 6-shot 38 as a duty weapon.
Since then I have grown very attatched to them due to the function, reliability, etc. I now have a G20, G17, G26, G27 and a G30, all wonderful pieces.
Either you love em or you hate them, I happen to love them and 1911's, sigs, etc.
I guess I am a gun ho. hehe :D
To me revolvers have personality, I love my j-frames.

Mikey the gun ho. :D
Steve, I did one way worse than you, I bought a G30! Oh well, live and learn. The darn thing just does'nt feel right to me.
I had a Glock 30, sold it. IMHO Glock makes one of the best 9mm's in the world, but their .45's cannot compare to any top 1911's. Colt, Kimber, SA, Wilson, Les Baer etc...Don't get me wrong I own a G26 and a G17 in 9mm, but I will not own a G36, G21 or G30. Give me a Colt, Kimber or SA in 45 any day.
I have the opposite problem. I bought a Springfield, tricked it out for PPC, and hate it. I cannot get used to this gun. I have a problem, I buy a gun, shoot it, end up comparing it to a Glock, and end up trading it. I should have learned by now, but I prob never will. The only gun I feel semi-comfortable w/ is a 226 or possibly a 92. The only prob w/ the 92 is that the last Elite I had was a lemon, and Beretta wouldn't do a thing for me. I would love to try an Elite II but am for lack of a better term, gun-shy. I would love to see Sig offer the 226 in a Sport in .40Auto w/ all the features of the current Sport guns, but have the front site mounted on the slide rather than the comp. Also have the comp be removable w/ another barrel or thread protector. I would dig this set up. Guess I will have to settle for a G35. See what I mean.

Be Safe
I had a Glock 30, sold it. IMHO Glock makes one of the best 9mm in the world, but their .45's cannot compare to any top 1911's. Colt, Kimber, SA, Wilson, Les Baer etc...

I must respectfully disagree. Of the Glocks I have owned, the .45 Glocks are better shooting guns than 9mm Glocks. The G17 does not even come close to accuracy to the G21 (I've owned both).

Regarding the 1911's: The Colts I have seen/shot were unreliable and inaccurate out of the box. A Colt generally requires gunsmithing just to make it shoot right! Quality control has been below average with Colt 1911's from my experience. Kimber and Wilson make great tackdriving (very accurate) 1911's, but again they are not as reliable as an out of the box Glock from my experience. I think very highly of both Kimber and Wilson, but I wouldn't trust either when TSHTF (I've just experienced too many reliability problems with them). I don't have any experience with Les Baer so I won't comment on that one. My point is I will take a Glock 21 over most 1911's. It is very accurate out of the box and extremely reliable. I can't say the same for MOST 1911's (they are not always reliable).
Last year I took my plain jane Colt 1991a1 commander and a Wilson CQB through several tactical schools including a 3 day course with Louis Awerbuck, fired well over 600 rounds thru both guns, not one hiccup and accuracy was right up there with the glocks, sigs and hk's. I'm not saying the 1911 is the wonder gun, but out of the box IMHO they can more than hold their own against any glock 45. Again this just my preference and experience and by no means am I saying that Glock in .45 is junk. All im saying is that I trust and prefer a 1911 in .45 over a Glock in 45. Happy new year to all.
Pate wrote, "Personality in a pistol? Life must be very sad for some."

I say, "Personality? Heck yes! 1911s, Browning High Powers, and too many others to name, have more personality than a lot of people I know. More interesting, more fun, and better looking!"
To not apply traits of personality to an inanimate object is to make one question the imagination and expansiveness of the owner.

Had a Glock 19 once upon a time. Very reliable but no personality. Also, the ergonomics just didn't fit my hand. My 1911s have a lot of personality and the ergonomics are great, but I do wish they were as reliable as Glocks. Why doesn't someone come up with a single stack, single action gun with the same ergonomics as the 1911, but that's as simple and reliable as a Glock. That'd sure be a winner.
They are some of the most reliable darn-near indestructible guns with only 34 parts and you can usually fix it yourself - no gunsmith required.

Few other guns fit that bill.

Glock may not be for you but the US military, the FBI, DEA, and most police departments do or are planning to carry Glock. In 10 years, I project that 85 percent of American law enforcement, federal, state, and local will be carrying Glocks.
I rather like them, tho' the 9mms are my favorites! :D

I shot an HK and Glock .40 both side by side, felt that the HK was slightly more accurate and better trigger. Both as reliable with no malfunctions, also felt the HK had less recoil/flip. Decided to go with the USP .45 as my final purchase.

Girlfriend really likes Glocks (thanks to Hollywood) and 9mm... she shot the fullsize (G17?, can't remember) and almost started crying because she didn't like it so much. She liked the Para P13 much much better. Almost lost a convert (whew).

To be honest with you, there is a lot going for Glocks. The simplicity and durability are things that still attracts me.

I actually think Glocks don't look all that bad! The trigger pull feels a bit like a dart gun, but I've only shot them three different times over the course several years so have not ruled them out yet. I think I'll give them another look when I'm in the market for a CCW. G27 or the compact 10mm look like potentials. For non-CCW, I much prefer a cocked and locked 1911 or USP.
jtduncan, I must disagree...

The military does not use any variation of the Glock. The standard service pistol is the M9, a basic Beretta 92F. Army CID spooks carry Sig P228s. Special forces have both the HK Mk. 23 Mod 0 SOCOM and the Sig P226. The reason for this is, the military demands and external hammer on their service sidearms. I don't know why, but that was one of the requirements when looking for a pistol to replace the 1911 back in the '80s.

As for police. Most cops use Glocks, in either 9x19 or .40. However, some don't. The FBI HRT uses a tricked out 1911, as does LAPD SWAT. I'm not saying the Glock is a bad gun; on the contrary it's a marvelous gun. I"ll never own one, though, most likely.
Note, guys that I never said anything about the function or reliability of the Glock! I did not start this "Glock vs. 1911" reliability guys did. All I said is that the Glock has no personality, whereas my 1911's do (and they're completely reliable, too).

I'd say that the 1911's are akin to a farmer/rancher's trusty old Ford/Chevy/Dodge, and the Glock is moer like a new WV Beetle. They both get you from point a to point b, but one has some personality.
I had the opportunity to shoot a friend's .45 Glock several years ago (sorry, don't remember the model). I have to admit, it shot very well and functioned flawlessly. However, it simply did not feel right in my hand. Since then, I've really tried to talk myself into buying a Glock, but every time I go to the gun shop and handle one, it just does not feel right. On the other hand, my 1991A1 feels like it was made for my hand, and has been absolutely reliable right out of the box.