DA/SA Recommendation for EDC

RAMI is a chunky little sucker. Nice shooter but fat, much like PX4 subcompact.

I had an XD for quite a while. Reliable as hell.

Not a big Glock 43 fan. My usual carry is a Walther PPS M2 with LaserGuard. But I carry my P-07 whenever I can.
I loved my P229...... But for me, it was a pain as I had to get a two clip, pancake holster. It was "doable" but man..... A little too much IMHO

Interesting, was this because the gun was too heavy for your belt? If so, you may have been able to save money with a better belt. I routinely have carried 1911s, a 229 and now a 226 in a Vedder Light Tuck and a RDR instructor type belt with no issues.

Then again if you've found what works for you, it's all good.
Numbers don't tell all. My K40 is .9 inches wide, and the Sig 230 SL is advertised as 1.1, but the Sig is way thinner by comparison in real life, as the slide is tapered at the top, but the Kahr is more square like a glock.
jackstrawIII: said:
I really love the P99. We own several of them because they're my wife's favorite pistols and I really enjoy them too. If it only had a hammer

OP, it doesn’t need a hammer, the cocking indicator on the back of the slide tells you if it’s in SA or DA mode. If it’s in SA, you decock it to carry it, and it’s darn near perfectly safe to carry it decocked. Once you practice with it and get accustomed to the manual of arms, that P99 AS variant really will work for just about anything you want to use it for, there’s nothing else like it.
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I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned Bersa,,,

I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned a Bersa handgun,,,
Bersa Thunder Ultra Compact Pro series.


I have one and it's a very nice handgun,,,
I've heard people call it a poor man's RAMI.

I have two friends who own RAMIs and to tell the truth,,,
I think the Bersa is a much nicer handgun.

Mine is the 13 round 9mm version,,,
One can also buy 10 round mags if needed.

The gun is not skinny so to speak,,,
But it is very ergonomic and nestles very well into my palm.

For you lefties out there,,,
The controls are fully ambidextrous.

I'm not saying it's the finest 9mm out there,,,
But you would be doing yourself a favor to at least handle one.


I'll admit that I have not. I'm sort of anti Springfield XD series... not sure why. I'm just not that interested in them.

I've looked at them and they seem "okay" bordering on "meh". Not really standing out as good or bad, I can see how the "grip zone" stamp ends up a deciding factor for some people.

John Correia of Active Self Protection gives a humorous but reasonable review of the XD here:


Px4. I swear I hear more good things about this gun from friends, family, internet/press, etc than most other guns. This is on my list as my next carry gun.

The full-size is excellent. It feels good in hand (with the right back strap). It's a pussycat in 9mm and the softest-shooting polymer-framed gun I've tried in .40 S&W. The trigger is good right out of the box. The major complaint is with the bat-wing style safeties that stick way out, but those can be swapped for nearly flush-fitting decockers with a kit from Beretta. The fancy compact carry version comes with those installed (and some other stuff).

Speaking of, I've been waiting to get one of those in hand. I'm curious to see if the size reduction to compact is worth it. I know from the full-size that ditching those big safety and release levers goes a long way towards reducing perceived chunkiness. I'm not so sure about the sub-compact version though since it ditches the rotating barrel system that I've come to appreciate in the larger versions. If I ever get around to shooting one, I'll post about it.
@HighValleyRanch: Thanks. I looked "EDC" up in the acronym list here, but couldn't find it. All I could think of was something about erectile dysfunction, and maybe the original poster was referring to stove-piping. Now everything makes sense.
To the OP I guess I'd ask you to rank what's most important to you. Or add to the list. Is it:

- A specifically DA/SA trigger action because you prefer THAT action (rules out every slim 9mm except XDE)
- Ability to holster the gun while immobilizing the trigger for safety (rules in Glock Gadget, XDS grip safety)
- Greatest possible discretion when carrying (may necessitate .380 or something especially small like Kahr CM9)
- Other priorities?

As the thread has shown, highly concealable DA/SA guns in 9mm are nearly non existent. Even the XDE is long in the slide and grip. From what you have described so far, the G43 with Gadget or Springfield XDS with grip safety may be your best options. I've run the XDS a fair amount and it's a really excellent shooter. The new Mod.2 version in 9mm has a better grip, and hooray, they've dropped the words "Grip Zone" from the plastic!!!
Interesting, was this because the gun was too heavy for your belt? If so, you may have been able to save money with a better belt. I routinely have carried 1911s, a 229 and now a 226 in a Vedder Light Tuck and a RDR instructor type belt with no issues.

Then again if you've found what works for you, it's all good.
I bought a thick belt to support

The P229 is a thick and heavy gun.... too thick to carry (for me) with the really good options out there

To me...... it ended up not being worth the extra hassle of having to pull out the Crossbreed holster and dress around the gun

My M&P40C fits VERY well in a tuckable remora with no clips

I just tuck it and go....... i have become very accurate with the M&P

I also found that when I went back and forth between DA/SA and striker fired, my accuracy suffered.
I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned a Bersa handgun,,,
Bersa Thunder Ultra Compact Pro series.


I have one and it's a very nice handgun,,,
I've heard people call it a poor man's RAMI.

I have two friends who own RAMIs and to tell the truth,,,
I think the Bersa is a much nicer handgun.

Mine is the 13 round 9mm version,,,
One can also buy 10 round mags if needed.

The gun is not skinny so to speak,,,
But it is very ergonomic and nestles very well into my palm.

For you lefties out there,,,
The controls are fully ambidextrous.

I'm not saying it's the finest 9mm out there,,,
But you would be doing yourself a favor to at least handle one.


I did mention it....... I tried to get the UC40 to be a comfortable carry

IMHO..... (for me)...... 1.45 inch thick is too thick for comfortable IWB, CCW

I also found the recoil out of the UC40 to be higher than I thought it would

I shoot M&P40C and Shield in 40, P229, P226 (40's) as well as a K40....... The UC40 seemd to have much higher felt recoil.... My wife wouldnt shoot it
is there a thin, "easier" to conceal DA/SA gun that I haven't thought of? Is there something else out there that I might like?

Here are the DA/SA guns I've owned:
Sig 226 - Too big
Sig 220 - Too big
Beretta 92 - Too big
H&K P30 V3 - Didn't like the trigger
H&K P2000 V3 - Same
H&K USP9c - Too big
FN High Power - Too big
FN FNX - Safety latch dug into my hand
Various 1911s (I know they're not DA/SA, but if I don't mention it here, someone will recommend one) - Too heavy for their given ammo capacity
CZ PCR - Basically the same as the P01
Walther P99 - Lacks an external hammer

I've considered:
- Various smaller P series Sigs, but the weight/thickness just seems excessive on a lot of them.
- Beretta PX4 seems to get good press, but 1.4" thick is a lot.
- CZ P07 is also well liked, but seems like it's even bigger/heavier than the P01
- Springfield XDE - no go on the "grip zone"
- CZ Rami D - shot a friends Rami and the trigger was really weird. Is that normal for it to be so different from a P01?
- I've considered throwing a "gadget" on one of my Glocks to use that to meet the "thumbing the holster" need. Anyone have experience with this solution?

That's where I'm at. I'm wondering what else might be out there that I haven't thought of or just prematurely overlooked.

Ps. Please don't make this a thread about carrying with a loaded chamber. I know that's preferable, that's why I started this thread.
PPs. Not looking for a 380. Let's use 9mm as the minimum.
Looking at your list, and requirements...

I've got something that comes to mind;
S&W 3rd Gen, 69xx or aluminum-frame fullsize (915 or 5903). The fullsize are 15 rd capacity, 4 inch barrel, and noticeably smaller than the equivalent Sig/Beretta/CZ fullsize. My 915 isn't 'compact', but is trim and well-contained. It really isn't much larger in the hand than, say, a Makarov.The Delrin factory grips keep things narrow.


The 69xx will be even smaller.
There arent a lot of options here. Fortunately one of them is nearly perfect for your requirements. The p30sk. Da/sa with a hammer. Small and light. Plus its hk so you know its reliable. Decent capacity, the same as a glock 26. It might be a little thick but for a hammer fired gun its as small as youll find.

The price isnt too bad by hk standards, around 600 and some change, which is cheaper than a sig p225 i think.

If you dont need a hammer theres the walther p99c.
Gonna have to +1 for the Rami. I’d prefer a single stack for a thinner frame, but it otherwise checks off all the boxes for me. Plus, there’s a good aftermarket for it. Here’s the Rami among a few other carry options I have. It’s the only DA/SA of the bunch.

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