Considering a pocket revolver -- but do they actually fit in pockets???

The 642 IS a 5 shot, and the .380 is practically the same diameter as .38 Spl. so the cylinder should be the same size as the Taurus .380.
A holster is nothing but a pocket suitable for a handgun. Pockets suitable for handguns are widely accepted as the best place to carry them. Only a few people carry their handgun outside a pocket, and fewer think it's an advisable practice.

To carry a handgun in a pocket that was not originally made for handguns, we need to upgrade it. For example, a lot of pockets are made with fabric. We can upgrade them to carry a gun by lining them with properly-stitched leather or bonded kydex. A lot of holster makers produce "drop-in" "pocket holsters." However, one-size does not fit all. If the holster is too small for the pocket, the gun and holster will tumble around in there and not maintain a consistent orientation for drawing. If the pocket doesn't hold the holster securely, the gun is likely to be drawn with the holster still on it. This can be fixed by cutting a pocket holster for the pocket, or sewing the pocket around the holster to hold the holster firmly.

Revolvers that fit nicely in pockets are a 3 1/2" Model 27, a 3" 686+, a Model 19 Carry Comp, or a Colt King Cobra.

The J frames and LCR will be exactly like your experience with the 380 miniature pistols. They will be hard to shoot well and only practically suited to marginally effective cartridges, further diminished by poor ballistics from the short barrel. Get a revolver about 35 ounces or more with a barrel at least 3". It will fit pockets just fine unless you wear those hot-pants hipster skinny jeans and a man-bun.
I will guarantee that I can't get any of those S&Ws or the Colt in my pockets.
Carrying a 35 ounce revolver in your pocket is absurd-as is saying the .38 Spl is a "marginally effective" caliber.
If you are talking pants.
Same as "pocket" autos. Some pockets yes, some no. Of course my LCP disappears in most any pocket, and is easy to draw. The size of my Kahr CM9 is more in line with my LCR, and only works well in some pockets as does the plastic Ruger 38 Spcl.
Most often the LCP is put to use as a pocket revolver in a Winter coat pocket during the colder months.
I owned a 642 and it's a little shorter than that BUT, it's also lighter with a 'slimmer' cylinder..since its a 5 shot .380..also no 'hammer' to be snagged.

Reason I sold the 642 was that is was NO FUN to shoot..the M380 is a, reliable and accurate little snubby...I use G9 defense ammo, very effective.
I had the chance to shoot a Ruger LCR today in .38 special, and dang, that little sucker really kicks!

That has Hogue rubber grips, so I imagine the stock Smith 642 with its exposed metal backstrap must be a truly miserable experience. So the .380 recoil must be much less. Of course the .380 from a pocket pistol is already pretty low in velocity, so from a snubbie barrel must be even less?
I have a 642 in a cheapie Uncle Mikes pocket holster from Walmart ($2.50---yes $2.50) that works reasonably well in cargo shorts----make sure you wear a belt to hold your pants up.
Well I came to learn that someone I already know has been looking to sell his 7 year old 442 (with Hogue grips installed) for a while. I'll go to the range sometime and shoot with him. Maybe I'll pick it up.

Even if I never end up carrying it, it gives me something new to do :) After watching YouTube it looks like it's no small effort to get good with reloading revolvers. I can reload a semi-auto in about 1.5 seconds (and have another 8-15 rounds ready to go -- not 5) so I think a revolver is gonna take some work.

Lucky Gunner is such a fun channel to watch!
One advantage of revolvers is you don't have to run a couple of boxes of your carry ammo through them to make sure they'll feed.

If you get a chance to shoot the 442 you might want to take your Pico along so you can compare how they fit in your pocket. I can't imagine the Pico causing a problem that the 442 will cure, but you never know until you try. Stranger things have happened. Good luck.
Can't remember where I learned this, but with a revolver with an exposed hammer, when you draw from your pocket, put your thumb in the space under the hammer, on the back strap. That prevents the hammer snagging on your pocket. Once clear of the pocket it's simple to let your thumb drop over into your firing grip.

This will work with any gun you draw from your pocket. With your thumb in that position, you're reducing the width of the your grip, which makes it easier to get out of your pocket. Just takes some practice.
I know some guys who carry full size 1911's in their front pocket. Not for me, but it has been done.

I believe in the KISS principle. Spend as much as you want, but the small neoprene holsters like this work IWB with guns like a G43, Ruger LC9s, or Sig 365 just fine. I've even gone as big as a G29. It is a little thick with the double stacks, but I can forget one of the smaller single stacks are there They hold the gun secure, and don't break the bank.,159&sr=8-49-spons&psc=1&smid=A3DBPI3OGAZSQL
This is the revolver I carry when I carry one in the pocket, which I don't do much anymore. The SW Model 38 with those small grips fits in almost all pants pockets. The unusual shape doesn't shout "gun!" especially in a pocket holster. In addition the small grips do not print very much. A t-grip would help with gripping it while not making it print any more.

It all depends on your revolver and your pockets. The only revolver I have that fits in most of my pockets is a NAA .22LR. However if you wear pants with big enough pockets you can carry K-Frames or larger.
Charter Arms Aluminum framed 38Spl ... Mine weighs at 11.5 OZ

You can buy one DAO or buy a DAO hammer for $20 and in 5mins you have a DAO

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I agree with 44 AMP- a 642/442 is perfect for a coat or jacket gun.
A 442 works great (for me) as a pocket gun, but the Ruger LCP is unbeatable as a pants pocket gun.
I also have a 442 and occasionally carry it in a pocket holster, it works well for me even in jeans. I do wear relaxed fit jeans though, not skin tights.