Complete and Utter Disgrace certain speech is deemed "disrespect"? and should be banned?



Actually, at least in Canada you still (I believe) have the right to disrespect either the state or majorities. They only really go out of their way to protect minorities.
How physically attacking someone who speaks his or her mind could possibly be considered free speech, I cannot fathom.

What next? Shooting of homosexuals? Pistol whip litterbugs? Beating up anyone who speaks ill of the sitting president? Jail dissidents?

Well, if the law required such acts, and somebody got their head caved in as a result, you'd have people on this forum saying it was their own stupid fault for breaking the law.

obviously i am the only one in this debate that loves my country enough to fight for it.:rolleyes:typical "i have the right to do whatever i want including disgracing the symbol of the country that gives me this right" i will not debate this anymore as i have said my peace and it is my opinion that it won't matter to you anyway so go on using the banner of freedom of speech but remember the ones who fought to give you that right and what it means to them
obviously i am the only one in this debate that loves my country enough to fight for it
No, you love your own opinion so much you are willing to become physical with anyone that does something you disagree with...there is a difference. This country is all about freedom of expression and action.
dont want everyone to agree with me just want them to be respectful to our country there is a difference

Actually you're forcing on them your definition of being respectful to our country, so there really is no difference.

obviously i am the only one in this debate that loves my country enough to fight for it.

Fighting in our armed forces against our enemies = good.

Assaulting somebody because you've decided they've been disrespectful = bad.

That I have to explain this = sad.
I disagree with you, and that is my belief. Can I arrange for you to go to a local gym to receive your beating?

(in case you didn't know, I am not truly advocating your receipt of a thrashing. I am illustrating the absurdity of your claim)
not standing up for your beliefs = really sad

He is standing up for them, so swallowing his craw and recognizing that Freedom of Speech means exactly that is what true patriots (god I hate that word) do......

Tell ya what if Barack Obama wins I will burn a flag as a protest for having such an incompetant rascist in the white house. I'll open carry too.

Bet you wouldnt bat an eye....and you did, bet you wouldnt have the guts to attack an armed man.

WildbetyaAlaska TM

PS...this is a wondeful thread to illustrate to progressives the importance of firearms to protect their rights to choose, speak and associate...there are folks out there who would use violence against you because of your beliefs.......
The Toby Keith was tacky.

The flag is property, hence it can be owned by a specific person.
That person should be able to do what they wish with said property as long as it does not hurt anyone.

My thoughts.
mnhntr said:
not standing up for your beliefs = really sad
Threatening people for standing up for their beliefs = really sad.

Look, I don't like it when people desecrate a flag either; but the men and women who fought and died to preserve this republic did so to (among many other reasons) protect the right of free speech - even free speech that they might find disgusting.

The veteran in the video had a right to protest the protest. Making him leave was a spineless move by an elitist who purports to support free speech as long as it is speech she agrees with.

Seems we have a few like her here on TFL too.
"Is this how we should treat veterans?" (text from the video)

I don't see any veterans being treated poorly. As was pointed out, there are veterans on both sides of this issue. Other people are not responsible if you get upset because of your own values. If seeing flags on the floor was so upsetting, why didn't you leave?

This country, its colleges, and other institutions, are not in place to propagate any one person's or group's value system. Some things they do we'll all disagree with. I think it's important to separate the trivial issues from more substantive issues.

If you can't or won't separate the flag from that which it signifies, I submit that you are contributing to the intolerance and general ideological angst that is causing unnecessary conflict in this country.

Kudos to the Provost for actually attempting a dialogue.


Look, I don't like it when people desecrate a flag either; but the men and women who fought and died to preserve this republic did so to (among many other reasons) protect the right of free speech - even free speech that they might find disgusting.

The veteran in the video had a right to protest the protest. Making him leave was a spineless move by an elitist who purports to support free speech as long as it is speech she agrees with.

Seems we have a few like her here on TFL too.


I really wasn't gonna enter this, but....
mnhntr said:
obviously i am the only one in this debate that loves my country enough to fight for it.
Obviously, you are wrong.

I loved my country enough to volunteer to join the Marines. Even though the chances were that I would have been drafted, I didn't wait. I volunteered.

I loved my country enough to volunteer to be sent to Vietnam. Even though I would most likely have been sent there anyway, I volunteered to be sent.

I respect the flag, for the principles it embodies. But the flag is not my country. Nor is the flag the principles of my country. Those principles reside in the hearts and minds of my fellow countrymen. Even those I disagree with.

I didn't go off to war to fight for the flag. I didn't go off to war to fight for the Congress. Or the President. I went to uphold a way of life that embodies the principles of Freedom and Liberty for all. Not just those who think as I do. For All.

Pity some don't understand this.
The veteran in the video had a right to protest the protest. Making him leave was a spineless move by an elitist who purports to support free speech as long as it is speech she agrees with.

Seems we have a few like her here on TFL too.

Jeeze I didn't expect to ever see a personal attack from a moderator.

Can I lock the thread? :D

I didn't realize that support for a flag-desecration amendment would bring out such vitriol.

I wonder where you folks stand on SCOTUS's upholding of a Virginia law banning cross burning?
I wonder where you folks stand on SCOTUS's upholding of a Virginia law banning cross burning?

In most contexts, cross burning is either an implied threat or incitement to violence. In the case of a flag desecration (particularly the one in the OP) who is being threatened? Who is having violence incited upon them?

I could swear I already typed that in regards to Nazi flags. EDIT: Actually, I think it was nooses.

And sorry about the vitriol, but some of us like our Bill of Rights whole. Whether it's gun rights, speech, or search and seizure.
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cool hand luke said:
Jeeze I didn't expect to ever see a personal attack from a moderator.
That wasn't a personal attack upon you. It was a general statement as to the attitudes of some that are posting in this thread in particular and many other threads in general.

Perhaps you missed this little item, from the sticky at the top of the forum:
Antipitas said:
For those of you that see only black and white, we suggest you leave this forum altogether. Life is not a two-toned creature, neither are our rights.
Simply put, the Constitution, including all of its amendments, is not a smorgasbord. You don't get to pick and chose what things you like and discard those you don't like. Neither do you get to pick and choose who can exercise their rights and who can't.

That's an attitude problem both the left and the right share.
Simply put, the Constitution, including all of its amendments, is not a smorgasbord. You don't get to pick and chose what things you like and discard those you don't like. Neither do you get to pick and choose who can exercise their rights and who can't.

That's an attitude problem both the left and the right share.

Know ye wisdom when you read it, for thou now havest.

WildendofhtreadAlaska ™