Complete and Utter Disgrace

the flag is our countries symbol not the cross. cross burning is not the issue here. if you can seriously think that its ok for you to disgrace the symbol of our country after being in the marines you are pathetic and sad. you obviously didnt learn a thing as a marine. freedom of speech is not the same as intentionally ruining our flag. like i said before if you dont like our country theres always iran or iraq you can go to live. as far as i am concerned if you disgrace our flag you belong there.
freedom of speech is not the same as intentionally ruining our flag.
Au contraire. And what's this "our" nonsense? Did you buy that flag? Do you and the mouse in your pocket have some claim to a flag (made in China) that somebody else purchased?

People burn flags to symbolize their hatred of the country it represents. It's dissent; political speech. You have the right to tell these people what you think about them, but you do not have the right to assault, penalize, or deport them for doing it.

Get over it. You're presenting a hack emotionally-based argument.


Take a good look at that picture. Doesn't it make you pat your pockets for your Zippo?