CCW Set up $580

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Very nice, that's a cool story. I think one of my biggest concerns is having carrying have as little impact on my life as possible. If it changes things it will be harder to actually do it. I absolutely think it is worth it, but I am trying to be realistic about my discipline too and get something I won't get too discouraged with... I'm rambling now.

This is a common trend which IMHO has led to a lot of the sub compact mini guns you see on the market. These are not bad guns and these mini guns are better than no gun at all but let me give you some food for thought.

Carrying gun around with you in public is a right and at the same time a huge responsibility. IMHO it should come with some impact on your life. You should be aware that it is with you at all times. You need to have an awareness and a mindset that is necessary to defend yourself. I personally find pocket carry too casual.

Not to get too preachy but I have found that if having some heft and some presence on the belt helps with that mindset for me. I want to be aware of the gun at all time. It should not print or show to others but its presences should never be forgotten.
I am not LE, EMT or Fire, or a veteren. Just boring ole' me.

I will check out Amazon and maybe ebay for holsters too; any suggestions on brands? My Ruger rides in a custom holster made by a friend who does leatherwork so I have never shopped for holsters before.

Thanks for the info about the license.
Carrying gun around with you in public is a right and at the same time a huge responsibility. IMHO it should come with some impact on your life. You should be aware that it is with you at all times. You need to have an awareness and a mindset that is necessary to defend yourself. I personally find pocket carry too casual.

Not to get too preachy but I have found that if having some heft and some presence on the belt helps with that mindset for me. I want to be aware of the gun at all time. It should not print or show to others but its presences should never be forgotten.

Great point! This is exactly the kind of information that helps me think this whole process through. The idea of carrying a gun around people who aren't enthusiasts like myself; let alone the possibility of having to use it, weighs heavily on my mind. Your point about pocket carry being too casual is intriguing. Perhaps it is a better, more responsible attitude to always have the process of strapping on a gun be a very deliberate decision.

I was not aware of the Glock Blue Label program .... I learned something today!

Now it'll be a little harder not to go over to the Dark Side, knowing I could get a 26 for around $400 .....
I think one of my biggest concerns is having carrying have as little impact on my life as possible.

I can respect this. I refuse to dress around a gun day in and day out, therefore I carry smaller guns. Right now I carry a Shield 9mm or a Bodyguard 380 depending on dress. The largest gun I have carried on a daily basis was the Ruger SR9C, and although it was fairly easy to conceal, the Shield conceals so much easier due to its width. Personally, I think the shield is just about the best carry gun out there.

You mentioned you were also looking at the 642's, and I suggest you get some trigger time with any J frame you can get your hands on before making a decision. J frames take some practice to become proficient with. I carried a model 60 and 640 for 2-3 years, and even with all the practice I shoot just about any auto better. They are great guns, but not the easiest to shoot.

While your budget is tight, I suggest saving up a tad longer so you can get exactly what you want. Every time I have made a compromise and got something cheaper than what I actually wanted, down the road I always ended up regretting it and would sell it for a loss and end up getting what I wanted in the first place.

As far as holsters. If you cant afford a holster right away, you can improvise. My preferred method of carry is sewing in a hidden pocket inside my pants and slipping my carry gun in it. Get an old pair of jeans, cut out the back pocket, sew it in where your IWB holster would normally sit, and you have yourself a built in carry pocket that adds no extra bulk to the gun like a holster would. Have carried with this method now for over 2 years with anything from a 3" S&W 60, 640, Ruger SR9C, Sig 232, S&W Shield, and Bodyguard 380.
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My carry after MANY set ups is:

Kahr CM9 $350
Desantis Nemesis (pocket) $50
Crossbreed Second Supertuck Deluxe (IWB) $35
Wilderness Tactical $40

I carry this pistol 90% of the time. Slim, light, accurate, and reliable. Yes, please.
I have carried a Kahr CM9 and the S&W 642. Both are great little pistols, and personally I prefer the S&W 642.

However, you have mentioned you are interested in both pocket carry and IWB carry. I know from looking at my holster drawer, have a bunch of holsters for different carry methods can get pricey. I have been carrying my 642 in a Sticky Holster- a clipless holster that can be worn both IWB and in the pocket. It's a simple design that creates a very verstile holster for your weapon, and with a decent belt/drawstring, will hold your weapon more securely than you would think. Plus, at $25 each, it's worth experimenting with. I strongly reccomend them, and think they are great holsters to have. are wasting your time pretty much at Amazon or eBay....I would buy the gun and search forums for used holsters. Forum users tend to be not selling junk on the used market...

For new, I would look at Don Hume. While not great they could be carried every day....I have. I just got a pancake OWB for a Kahr P40 for like $70...mag carrier was $25. They are very good for price. Comptac is also quite good and only a bit more.
i use:

S&W SD40VE 14+1 DS mag - $300 or so
Blackhawk Serpa CQC size 25 - $40 or so (no sepra bashing!!)
hogue handall rubber slip on grip - $10

the SD40 is a 4 inch barrel similar to the size of the G19. it comes with a S&W lifetime warranty. it does have a heavy trigger. you will read both good and bad things about this firearm. its the latest sigma type model.

something to look into, its build just like a glock as well. boxed out slide. poly frame, same takedown mechanism type.

just a thought
I carry a Kahr CM9 in a Foxx Hybrid IWB holster or a Nemesis pocket holster. Good reliable carry gun and conceals extremely well.

I bought mine for $360 NIB at the local gun shop and Foxx holster was $40 from Amazon. usually has good prices and $5.99 flat rate shipping. (Keep in mind you have to pay $20-30 for the FFL transfer fee at the LGS)

Also, poke around on for more info on Kahr.

If you go with your first choice (Glock 19) ive got about 10 different holsters that ive used over the years... OWB, IWB, all kinds of stuff. I still carry that gun EVERYDAY but ive gone to AIWB

Anyway, if you end up with a G19, let me know.... I'll give you one of my old holsters. That will help hold down the cost:D

If you are serious that could make a huge difference in affording the G19! In either case thanks.

The S&W SD series seems to get a bad rap but maybe they are better than I think?

One thing that worries me about the Kahr is that I see reports of front sights falling off and magazines falling apart! Perhaps this is exaggerated but worrisome nonetheless. That said the lack of a safety on the Kahr is appealing too.

What other single stack 9's are out there in my price range?
Well gentlemen, I talked to my grandfather today; he builds custom rifles for hunters and does some gunsmithing on rifles. Because of this he holds an FFL; I talked to him today and he said he would happily acquire and sell me a Glock 19 Gen 3 at $450. By the time I buy a holster I will be over budget but I think the extra $100 or so will be worth it in the long run for something I already know I will like. Of course then there is the problem of buying ammo...
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that I have ben able to secure for myself about $580 (possibly up to $600) to pursue this objective despite my limited income and time.

A Michigan CPL is, I believe $100; and I have found a training class that meets the state requirements, taught by a county sheriff for $80. So basically, I have $400ish for a suitable gun and holster.

Good. You've figured out that there are other expenses than just the gun.

Within your constraints here's what I would do: .38 snub with a pocket holster.

Pocket holsters are relatively inexpensive. (Uncle Mike's "OK", Desantis Nemesis better, Mika even better.)

You won't need to be spending part of that carefully horded stash of cash on a belt.

Speedloaders are cheaper than any autoloader's magazines.

S&W 642: .38 special would be great for the same reason as 9MM. The low round count worries me a little here


, as does the supposed unpleasantness of shooting the gun,

Put a decent grip set on it and you will be fine.

I want to be comfortable with what I carry. I am aware that some light loaded SWC could alleviate this some. However, I have never shot a gun this small, I am used to rifles, shotgun and my Ruger MKII target model pistol so the crappy sights and high recoil make me nervous that I might not like the gun.

That is a possibility. In addition, snubs are't the easiest thing in the world to shoot.

However, the concealablility would mean I would be more likely to carry when I could (no carry at work or on campus you know.) I believe I could even pocket carry this little guy with the right pants.

No one will be looking at your pants pocket. No. One.

The gun points naturally for me and the long trigger doesn't bother me much despite the lighter triggers I am used to.

The heavy but smooth trigger of my snubs is a plus, to me

These seem to be priced right at the top of my budget, but I would consider used here too, especially since I would like to avoid the internal lock altogether.

There are other options than that S&W.
Just realized I didn't budget at all for an initial ammo budget to shoot my new gun; which I will have no stock of ammo for.

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Lee N. Field:

That might just be a good idea, I wonder about what a 642 would wholesale for? Apparently I know a guy.

What you mention is exactly what makes me consider the 642: I feel like I would be more likely to carry it. In truth, I fear that a bigger gun might end up as 99% another range toy. A pocketable gun would be much more likely to make it's way unto my person every day.

Also, I feel like it would keep my wife more at ease when carrying around her if it was "out of sight, out of mind." Also, it looks like there are some no lock ones floating out their around $420 retail.

I'm glad to see some love for the 642 coming around. If I don't buy one now I probably will later; along with the G19 and a few other pistols the 642 is one I have wanted to own for some time, plus it would be my first revolver. I think I really need to find a way to shoot one...
Absolutly serious Brother

Just PM me and we can discuss what i have and what you want/ need

I well remember starting out and trying to justify gear vs putting food on th table. Luckily im not in that position.

Happy to help
As far as the Glock 19 being too big conceal is malarky. I carry one every day IWB with a Crossbreed SuperTuck. Shorts, tshirt, whatever. I have no need for special gun belt for this rig.

When I work (physical labor) then throw a CM9 Kahr in front or rear pocket depending with a cheap Uncle Mikes pocket holster size 2.

Both serve me very well.

One other point to make that you may not have thought of. When I first stated carrying I felt like I had a huge boil on my face and everyone knew it. Now I can carry a GP100 4 inch with the right holster and not think twice about printing. No one cares anyway. You will get used to it.
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As far as the Glock 19 being too big conceal is malarky. I carry one every day IWB with a Crossbreed SuperTuck. Shorts, tshirt, whatever. I have no need for special gun belt for this rig.

When I work (physical labor) then throw a CM9 Kahr in front or rear pocket depending with a cheap Uncle Mikes pocket holster size 2.

Both serve me very well.

One other point to make that you may not have thought of. When I first stated carrying I felt like I had a huge boil on my face and everyone knew it. Now I can carry a GP100 4 inch with the right holster and not think twice about printing. No one cares anyway. You will get used to it.

Thanks for your perspective; that is exactly the kind of thing I need to hear! I am always very careful about my firearms, and I think it will be weird to load one and just wear it out one day...
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