CCW Set up $580

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8MM Mauser

New member
Hello people of TFL. I have been a gun enthusiast for about 5 years now. Some of you may know that I work full-time, go to a state university full time and assist in the raising of a daughter. :eek:

I have enjoyed hunting and shooting immensely for some time; but guns and their accompanying activities have been hobbies purely. I suppose I would have called my Mossy 500 to action if me or my family had been threatened in my home (in fact have a detailed plan of what to do in such an event) but for the most part guns have been about entertainment.

Now it is time to get serious. I have had the desire to acquire a CPL and a suitable weapon for concealed carry for a few years now. This year my wife and I's skillful financial management means that I have ben able to secure for myself about $580 (possibly up to $600) to pursue this objective despite my limited income and time.

A Michigan CPL is, I believe $100; and I have found a training class that meets the state requirements, taught by a county sheriff for $80. So basically, I have $400ish for a suitable gun and holster.

My initial plan before putting together the various costs was to get a Glock 19. I like Glocks fine and it is a utilitarian, sensible choice for someone on as tight a budget as I am. I have fired various G19s fairly extensively (in the area of 500 rounds.) Unfortunately though, the cost of even most used G19s is prohibitive here. I have looked at many different options and I just don't think I can make the Glock work so, with that in mind I have some other options that appeal to me, but that I have little or no experience with. Do not tell me to wait and save please, my budget is extremely tight and that would mean at least a year, possibly two more before I could go forward with purchasing a carry pistol. G19s aren't going anywhere and I have no emotional attachment to the idea of a Glock either, so I can buy one anyway in a few years if I am totally dissatisfied with something smaller.

S&W Shield 9MM: The cost of 9MM will make it my most likely choice and even on my tight budget being able to afford a S&W of any stripe would be great. This gun is concealable and feels good in the hand and the trigger is acceptable. I have handled but never fired this gun. I seem to be able to find these right around $390 - $400, and I know an FFL who could do the transfer for me.

S&W 642: .38 special would be great for the same reason as 9MM. The low round count worries me a little here, as does the supposed unpleasantness of shooting the gun, I want to be comfortable with what I carry. I am aware that some light loaded SWC could alleviate this some. However, I have never shot a gun this small, I am used to rifles, shotgun and my Ruger MKII target model pistol so the crappy sights and high recoil make me nervous that I might not like the gun. However, the concealablility would mean I would be more likely to carry when I could (no carry at work or on campus you know.) I believe I could even pocket carry this little guy with the right pants. The gun points naturally for me and the long trigger doesn't bother me much despite the lighter triggers I am used to. These seem to be priced right at the top of my budget, but I would consider used here too, especially since I would like to avoid the internal lock altogether.

Ruger LC9: Similar reasons this works to the Shield. I trust the brand; the gun feels good in my hand, but I hate the trigger. It just feels weird to me. I really can't put my finger on why but I like the Shield trigger better. The LC9 seems somewhat more concealable than the Shield too, but not quite as much as the 642. I am not sure if I could pocket this gun or not, but being a muscular 5'8 I feel like it would be a stretch, so the increased concelabilitey would have a negligible effect on how often I carried. Prices appear to be around $340, making this the cheapest option.

So what are your experiences with these guns and what guidance can you offer me? I don't expect this journey to be fast and I appreciate all the help along the way!
Used Kahr C9 - $350
Comptac Spartan - ~$60

Beat looking XD9 $350
Bladetech kydex $50ish


KelTec PF9 - $300, I think
Don Hume IWB - $40, I think


S&W j frame any used $350
Used IWB or pocket holster

In my preference order...Armslist is your friend. Search these guns and you will find a good gun in your price range.
Nathan, the XD had not occurred to me. That's is a great line to follow!

The kahr could be a good line of inquiry as well.
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Have you considered the SR9c? Larger than the LC9, with (of course) more capacity. It was on my "short list" when I was looking for a polymer 9mm. I see them on GB new for $400-425. Perhaps you could pick a used one up a little cheaper.

For budget belts, I'd recommend the Aker B21. That one's about $55, and I realize that constitutes a big chunk of your budget. Another belt options is the DeSantis Econobelt. I picked up one of these for about $18 on clearance about a month ago, and I'm pretty happy with it. Naturally, that'll be easier to squeeze into the budget than the Aker.
Look at the CW Kahr line of pistols:

$180 for the Permit & Class
$350 for CW9
$20 Aker weave or Desantis Belt
$50 holster of your choice....
Total $600

You can save a lot of money on the holster by buying used. I suggest posting a WTB thread here for whatever gun you choose. I bet you can find a quality used holster on this site for $30 which would put you at $580
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I'll second the sR9c recomendation. Best value in a carry gun out there. They can be had for $400 NIB.

Any holster that will fit a Glock 26 will work...... the Bianchi Model 100 size 10A for example .....
I'll second the sR9c recomendation. Best value in a carry gun out there. They can be had for $400 NIB.

Any holster that will fit a Glock 26 will work...... the Bianchi Model 100 size 10A for example .....

At $400 for the gun that leaves him nothing for the holster or the belt.

The class and registration for the permit = $180

That said if it were me I would do wait until I could spend a little more. $100 to $150 more would really open up the choices.

If you can stretch to $680 total

$180 Class and Permit
$450 Used Glock 19
$20 Aker weave or Desantis Belt
$50 used holster of your choice....
Total: $700
I actually have a belt, a Galco belt that I wear quite often actually. It was a gift from my wife for my birthday a few years back when I was all set to buy myself a USP compact but had to buy a car instead. :eek: It does a great job holding my heavy steel Ruger on my belt, sometimes for range sessions or hikes from 2-8 hours a day; so no problem there.

$180 for the Permit & Class
$350 for CW9
$20 Aker weave or Desantis Belt
$50 holster of your choice....
Total $600

That setup looks good to me. I know literally nothing about Kahr, but obviously in my price range they look like a good place to check out. The CW9 look very comparable to the shield. That said, what is the Kahr's trigger like? I notice it says double-action on their site, is it heavy like a revolver or something different? In any case that is a very nice looking handgun! I am glad to see it's American made too.

The SR9c could be something to check out too. About the same size as the others but wider. Probably not a problem really, I was prepping myself to buy a G19.

Thanks again everyone for all the helpful advice!
That setup looks good to me. I know literally nothing about Kahr, but obviously in my price range they look like a good place to check out. The CW9 look very comparable to the shield. That said, what is the Kahr's trigger like? I notice it says double-action on their site, is it heavy like a revolver or something different? In any case that is a very nice looking handgun! I am glad to see it's American made too.

It is a long trigger but it is very smooth. It is not heavy at all. It take a bit of time to learn to run the trigger properly but to me it is a great carry gun. Small enough that it disappears on the hip. I carry it wearing shorts and T shirt. It is my summer carry.

Honestly if you have a belt you are really close to a Glock 19.

Are you a LEO/First Responder/Veteran etc.... If you are there is a program that will let you buy a Glock at LEO prices. If not a used Glock 19 Gen 3 should be $450 you can find Gen 2s for $400.
A used G19 has crossed my mind many times and honestly if the right opportunity comes up I would jump on it fast. I've been perusing GB, armslist and a few local shops for good deals on used Glocks but have come up short so far. If I found a Gen 2 I would buy it, I don't mind the finger grooves but I would happily do without them too. I am not all that worried about a Glock wearing out on me.

If it meant stretching my budget say $50-$75 I could probably make that happen, but it would be worth it to buy into something I want too I suppose.

$180 Class and Permit
$450 Used Glock 19
$50 used holster of your choice....
Total: $700

Could be a workable plan, but a stretch nonetheless.
The Glock 19 is pretty large gun for CCW ..... not just the barrel length, but the big fat butt on that thing riding above the waistband makes it hard to hide ..... not saying it can't be done, but everyone I know that started out with a duty-sized CCW gun ended up getting something smaller fairly quickly.

As for the holster and belt- I made my own belt (Tandy 10 oz. latigo belt blank and a buckle I had laying around) the first year I carried. .... and the holster was a suede bargain bin POS I got for like 10 bucks .... not great but they worked until I got the scratch together for a good gun belt ($49) and a Bianchi 100 ($40) ....
Jimbob, I know about it. I've shot the crud out of G19's owned by friends an family. I actually have a small drill that is almost identical in size to a G19 (it is a little bigger in the handle) that I have occasionally worn inside my belt around the house and out in public to sort of "test drive" carrying such a wide pistol. While slightly uncomfortable, this was a drill with no holster. This exercise is a bit silly I know, but it has shown me that I would be capable of carrying and concealing such a hefty weapon. I wore it once for an entire saturday and neither my wife or young daughter noticed!

I mentally settled on a G19 about a year ago, but what I have to spend as well as some of the concerns you just brought up have made me question it. I feel confident...but I don't really know yet.
I feel confident...but I don't really know yet.

...and you won't until you do it.

I toted around a 5" steel framed 1911 in a crappy holster on a less than great belt for a year before I had the money for a better rig and then a lighter, smaller gun .... I spent a lot of time hitching up my britches .....
The Glock 19 is pretty large gun for CCW ..... not just the barrel length, but the big fat butt on that thing riding above the waistband makes it hard to hide ..... not saying it can't be done, but everyone I know that started out with a duty-sized CCW gun ended up getting something smaller fairly quickly.

I would not call the G19 a duty sized gun. A duty sized gun in the Glock line in 9mm is the 17. With the right holster you can wear a 19 with a loose T shirt. In colder weather it simply disappears.

I agree it is easier to carry many of today's mini sub-compact CCW guns but that does not mean you have to give up on compact pistols like the Glock 19. I have carried a few guns in my time. Sig P228/Sig P225/CZ P01/Kahr CW9/1911 Commander/1911 CCO/1911 Govt/Browning Hi Power/S&W 642 the common denominator between all of them is rock solid belt and the right holster for my body and the particular gun. Sometimes you need to wear a cover garment to accommodate but that is not a big deal in order to carry a gun you shoot well and are comfortable with. IMHO YMMV
It is a long trigger but it is very smooth. It is not heavy at all. It take a bit of time to learn to run the trigger properly but to me it is a great carry gun. Small enough that it disappears on the hip. I carry it wearing shorts and T shirt. It is my summer carry.

I don't mind long so much. Smoothness is what is most important. I did a little Shield vs. CW9 research and many people seem to favor the CW9 trigger. The smaller size (than a Glock) appeals to me too because I feel like I would carry more the simpler it was to do so, that is part of the reason the 642 made it into my consideration even though I would prefer more than 5 rounds. Both a Shield or CW9 would get me 15 rounds between a loaded mag+1 and a spare mag. That seems fine.

I will say though FWIW that a friend of mine carries a full-size 1911 under mostly tee-shirts year round. I might not be that dedicated yet though. :D
Check out the CW9 and the CM9....

The CM9 is more of a pocket pistol but runs about the same price. I prefer the CW9 because the grip is long enough to get my whole hand on it and it feels more like a compact vs a sub-compact in my hand.

CM9 vs Glock 19


...and you won't until you do it.

I toted around a 5" steel framed 1911 in a crappy holster on a less than great belt for a year before I had the money for a better rig and then a lighter, smaller gun .... I spent a lot of time hitching up my britches .....

Very nice, that's a cool story. I think one of my biggest concerns is having carrying have as little impact on my life as possible. If it changes things it will be harder to actually do it. I absolutely think it is worth it, but I am trying to be realistic about my discipline too and get something I won't get too discouraged with... I'm rambling now.

That's great info, I'll check out the smaller Kahr too. If I could make pocket carry work that would be ideal. I really need to get out to the local stores and start handling weapons. You've sated my appetite to learn about not just a new gun but a new brand!

You never answered the question about being in LE or EMT of Fire? If you are you can get a great deal on a glock at Michigan police equipment in Lansing. Also about the holster and belt, I wear a good thick leather belt that I bought at Meijers, also you can look on amazon for a holster, that's where I have gotten all mine from for the most part. Also the CPL license is $105. I would check around at a few different places for used guns. Best of luck!
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