carrying the percussion revolver

A cap and ball sixgun in the right hands will stop any liquor store hold up and would have put down ALL of the mass shooters this nation has been subjected to as of late.

If you have to reload, you need more than a pistol. I can count on one hand the times read about where a person needed to reload to stop an attacker. It is even rare for a policeman to get into a gun battle where reloading is necessary.

Federal Law and many states like Florida and Texas, allow convicted felons to keep and bear antique firearms. However, any restriction on the right to keep and bear arms is not Constitutional and therefore un-American.

Mine own sixguns are perfectly reliable and would not feel insecure with them out and about.
I personally, am not going to put my life or that of a family member in jeopardy by carrying a BP revolver

a single Navy on my right hip is good enough for me

Possibly a bit of contradiction here Billy, what would Hickok say? :eek: :D :D

As I have said, I would prefer concealed carry with a small auto because it's small, no extra mags. But if I were to open carry, and had addressed the 'cap sucking' to my satisfaction, I would not worry about a BP pistol with only six shots or having to cock the hammer. My only remaining concern would be the telltale cloud of smoke which would tell the attacker where I was. But that wouldn't matter if the attacker was already attacking me specifically.

I don't see the action of the BP replica being any less reliable than the autos. This varies for each pistol no matter the type of action. Each has its weaknesses.

Some feel that you can't have enough firepower. They wouldn't take a knife to a gunfight, fight an AR with a BP pistol, fight a tank with an AR. Well where do you feel comfortable? You have to make a reasonable assessment of what you think you will encounter. If grenades were legal would you need to carry them to feel secure? I feel if I couldn't get it done with six, then 150 wouldn't matter. It's where you put those six.

Many posts seem to just repeat what they think.... without saying specifically why they think it. So be it. I just thought that the reasons why would be interesting. Anyway we seem to have drifted into felons rights, which has nothing to do with the original post.
Here's another issue...
Unless you're going to CCW a Colt Walker, most .44 cal cap & ball revolvers have a muzzle velocity and weight of ball = to a poor lead round nose 38 special loading.

I don't know anyone that seriously recommends 38spl LRN for self defense.
Let's be honest here - most of this fantasy is being fueled by nostalgia.

Technology progresses. Even if everything else was equal, and it isn't, just the fact of them being nearly all single-action puts them at a disadvantage to modern firearms. If you are going to carry, there are, without question, firearms that are quantitatively superior in function, safety, power, and capacity to any 19th century revolver.

Now to contradict myself, I don't think you actually need that much firepower for a self-defense weapon. Most people are highly unlikely to ever be a victim of violent crime. So you will probably never need your weapon in the first place. So why not carry something anemic and small like the LCP? Also, if you watch any of the self-defense videos on YouTube, 99% of the time as soon as shots are fired the perpetrator $hits themselves and runs for the exit full-bore, often running through furniture and glass doors in an attempt to get away. Protracted gun battles are not the norm.

Still, if I was going to bother carrying, I'd be torn between an LCP that can be carried in southern heat in an external cell-phone-looking holster by Sneaky Pete or just getting a modern semi-automatic like the Springfield Armoury XDM that in 9mm can hold 19 rounds of ammo.

That's not exactly true. It depends on the powder used, as well as the projectile. If you were to use Swiss, Olde Eynsford, Triple 7, or the pellets from Hodgdon's you .45 ACP performance with a conical.

Looking at just the results from the 5.5" model you see that the Lee conical produces 388 ft/lbs and the Kaido bullet produces 440 ft/lbs, and that is with reduced loads which isn't necessary for safety as some erroneously believe.

But when standard Goex, as well as many other powders, is used the energy figures plummet with a ball producing, as you said, .38 Spl performance. Change the projectile to a bullet and it gives hot +P performance.
for Pete's sake, if we talk ballistics, .357 trumps .45 acp all day long. But if you look at anecdotal evidence, even though conicals are supposed to be more deadly, round balls often times were given the nod by men who used them in combat. My deal stands the same: If you are comfortable and shoot well with any particular weapon, percussion, cartridge revolver, or automatic, carry it. There is no magic caliber, plenty of Iraqis ran around after being hit with a full magazine of 9mm, as well as plenty of people have instantly died being shot by a .32. Shot placement, as well as the individual you are shootings pain threshold, carries the day. Otherwise, everyone who is not packing at least a .454 Casull or above is, in the opinion of some here, an idiot.
"I know many cons and ex cons. Almost every one of them was imprisoned for this or that "crime" that usually boils down to "Attempting to act in a free manner, while being an American Citizen". They where all put there by people who seem to have little to no understanding of what freedom means.. Or worse, they do and simply disregard it."

I don't know where Stormson lives or what his job is, but if almost everyone who is in jail in his area did nothing but be "an American Citizen", he must be in some kind of paradise, or else he considers rape, murder, assault, robbery, etc., as "attempting to act in a free manner."

I also have met many "cons" and I guarantee most of them were not a bit interested any "freedom", except getting out of prison so they could get right back to beating and killing and selling dope to school kids for their own pleasure and profit. (I grant that some used checkbooks and fraud rather than guns to browbeat and rob, but that doesn't make them good citizens.)

There is no magic caliber, plenty of Iraqis ran around after being hit with a full magazine of 9mm, as well as plenty of people have instantly died being shot by a .32. Shot placement, as well as the individual you are shootings pain threshold, carries the day.

I think the point here is that this is not an either-or situation.

Yes, shot placement trumps all, but there is no reason to short yourself on kinetic energy. You can have both. And while you can't count on shot placement to be consistent, you *can* count on kinetic energy to be consistent.

That's why I say, if you're going to carry, carry the biggest thing you can get away with carrying.

Drobs: In its first year of introduction the .38 Special was a black powder load. With a Lead Round Nose bullet and a full case of black powder, that cartridge was more powerful with less pressure than most modern +P loadings.

A soft lead round nose is much preferred for man-stopping than a jacketed hollow-point, when used from a revolver.

It has been my experience that 1 in 5 people convicted of a crime are innocent of the charges brought against them. As this nations morality waxes worse, the percentage will continue to rise.

If a soft lead .44 caliber Kaido Conical can drop a 300 pound wild boar dead in its tracks, it's more than adequate to stop some crackhead dead in his tracks who was intent on doing you and your loved ones harm.
To swathdiver:

Unless you're going to CCW a Colt Walker, most .44 cal cap & ball revolvers have a muzzle velocity and weight of ball = to a poor lead round nose 38 special loading.

That is definitely an understatement of these types of guns. An 1860 Army or '58 Remington loaded with a full charge pushes a 140 grainer up to at least 1000 fps, and more with powders such as good Pyrodex P or Swiss. Do the calculations, and that is well within the .45 ACP to medium .357 Magnum territory. Many desperados and outlaws, as well as a great many good men, have found their departure at the wrong end of a cap and ball Colt or Remington LONG before cartridge guns came into general use.

And the larger caliber single shot pistols? Don't even get me started on those. They may be cumbersome, and slow loading, but a .50 .58 or .63 roundball out of a flintlock or wheel-lock cavalry handgun inflict a level of damage that will make the service 9mms, 45s, and .357s seem like peashooters. During the Siege of Vienna in 1683, when the Ottoman army under the leadership of Grand Vizier Kara Mustafa reached their highwater-mark in Europe, the city was saved by a charge of the Polish Winged Hussars. The Hussars' sabers and lances may have been a terrifying sight for the Muslim attackers, but it was the large caliber wheel-lock pistols that seemed to be the favorite of the Polish riders. There are many accounts of the incredible damage that the balls done to the many, many unfortunate Turks who got the receiving end of these. Stories of heads removed cleanly, limbs blown into shattered pieces, rotting corpses on the field with their backs blown out completely. The balls made complete pass-thrus on many accounts, going through even the multiple heavy coats of chainmail and scales worn by some of the Sipahi, elite heavy cavalry of the Turks.

A Youtube user by the name of Iraqveteran88 made a video showing what a matchlock musket did to a ballistic torso AND a stack of wooden baffles. It was incredible. The musket used was the same type that the Pilgrims would have carried when they landed here.

Yes, shot placement trumps all

Yes and yes indeed. It is VERY FORTUNATE that many, if not most violent criminals cannot aim at all, or are very poor at it. If they are proficient shots, the great multitude of police officers fired upon, or injured by gunfire on duty may turn into much sadder conclusions. Just this week in NYC, two incidents where shots were fired at police. No officers were hit and the perp was dead in one incident. The other perp, (two unrelated cases), was found in his homie's apartment hiding under the bed with a stolen and defaced .22. Multiple arrests in the histories of both.

That's why I say, if you're going to carry, carry the biggest thing you can get away with carrying.

CCW weapon of choice is a Pietta 1858 here. I have no doubts that it will be a one-shot instant stopper with a Kaido 240-grain conical and 30 grains of FFFg. That is one massive round with over 400-foot pounds of stopping power. Plus "Old Reliable" is much more accepted even in places where guns are normally frowned upon. I've had even ardent anti-gunners give me positive remarks about my revolver when I am carrying in an Open Carry state. I HAVE introduced at least FIVE former anti-gunners to the world of guns with my 1858 over the last 7 years. The 2 that I still have contact with are both pro-CCW and carry on a daily basis too.
There's also a YouTube video where a fellow compares a .45 Colt HP to a ball pushed by 30 grns of weaker powder (standard Goex), and though it didn't give the same level of disruption the HP did it penetrated much, much further (well over 20") and performed very much as a .45 ACP FMJ would have, and those, though not what I'd necessarily choose, have done fairly well for the military.

And this velocity/energy level from a handgun at 15 yds is quite similar to a PRB from a rifle at 100 yds, which gives complete passthroughs nearly every time and kills quite effectively.

A ball wouldn't be my choice though as I prefer a wide meplat for hunting...
CCW weapon of choice is a Pietta 1858 here. I have no doubts that it will be a one-shot instant stopper with a Kaido 240-grain conical and 30 grains of FFFg. That is one massive round with over 400-foot pounds of stopping power.

Again, my only point is if you're going to carry a full-sized handgun, why would you settle for a full-sized handgun with only 6-shots capable of 400 ft-lbs of energy when you could carry a full-sized handgun with 3 times as much ammunition carrying capacity and about the same energy (more with +P ammo)?

It is VERY FORTUNATE that many, if not most violent criminals cannot aim at all, or are very poor at it. If they are proficient shots, the great multitude of police officers fired upon, or injured by gunfire on duty may turn into much sadder conclusions.

However, good guys, including the police, are also very poor at it. I think the police have a hit rate of about 18%. So with a 6-shooter, with an 18% hit rate that means you will miss 5 out of 6 shots.

Again, I don't really have a dog in this fight. I don't carry, and I don't really care what most people decide to carry because most people will never be involved in violent crime anyway. I just think most of this is driven by nostalgia and not practicality. To paraphrase Nathan Bedford Forrest, "Get there the firstest with the mostest". A modern semi-automatic handgun is going to give you 15-20 rounds of reliable, quickly reloadable ammunition that goes a long way to bringing "the mostest".

I'm one of those who feels there's nothing finer than a 1911, which would typically only give you a 6 rd magazine.

7 plus one chambered which gives you 8, altho they do make reliable 8 round flush mount mags now which would give you 9 rounds with one chambered.
Hey I could be wrong, however, I can tell when I ring my gong with a Hornady .454 ball and 30gr of fffg that it's a weak round coming out of my 44 Colts & Remington. It barely makes ding.

The sound is completely different than my 9mm, 38spl, 45 acp, or 357 mag.

That being said, where y'all finding conicals, I feel like I've looked everywhere. No one sells em. Is it a cast yer own voodoo boollit thing?

I also own a 357mag Uberti Hombre, that I do like. However, I wont let romantic notions of the old west keep me from carrying and depending modern firearms backed up by jacketed hollow points.

When ever someone says that they have reliability problems with a semi-auto, I instantly think 1911. Step into the modern world where guns function reliably out of the box, no break-in required, no Wilson, blah, blah, blah mags required.
really, I've had berettas and smiths jam on me? I just can't get excited enough to shoot enough to be proficient with something that reminds me of an electric stapler. I think i'll stick with guns I shoot on a daily basis. But that's just me. P.S. Try 35 grains.