carrying the percussion revolver

45 Dragoon

Yes legality in certain regions or for other?? reasons has been given. But to trick one out will just about double the 'out of the box' price, so as to my post, that wouldn't compare apples to apples at the bottom of the price range.

Well, I'm not a convict (I've made better life choices than that) nor am I really concerned about their fate either.
Remember the adage (and one of my personal favorites) "The gun is the least of it."
Whatever is chosen as a weapon, if the owner is knowledgeable and good with it, it will do just fine.

A little story about BP guns:
At our local public range one day, two older fellows unpacked their stuff and there wasn't a single item not related to BP shooting.
They had a bunch of pistols, both single shots and revolvers and a couple of long guns.
Naturally, producing all that flame and smoke they were getting a lot of attention and soon acquired quite an audience.

During their lengthy stay, they didn't have a single malfunction of any kind.
For all practical purposes, they could have been practicing with modern equipment.
And they were definitely hitting what they were aiming at.
They later said BP guns were all they both owned and enjoyed the history and the freedom of using them.
Hard to argue with that.
I later wondered how many folks watching ordered a BP gun or two afterwards, probably delivered right to their door just like the old days.
One thing you need to remember about the legal status thingy.... Once you load that replica with powder, ball and caps it just became a firearm! So if you ain't suppose to have one and get caught with one loaded it's back to the pokey for you.

I'm with USMC on this one. If it's what I have in my hand, then it's what I will use till I can get to sumthin more modern.
I just feel that I should carry what I shoot best with, and can put into action best. For me, it's a single action revolver, either cartridge or cap and ball. I was never a great shot with any of my semiautos, and I bore of shooting them so quickly I never put much time into practice with them. It's not that I have some weird aversion to modern weapons, I spent almost 25 yrs in the Army, so I am pretty familiar with most modern military arms, and have owned several. I am planning an AR build. But for a handgun, I will always stick to single action, for the reasons I stated above. My home defense is a 12 guage pump. Not real practical for around town, so I just wear a pistol in a belt holster, open carry is legal in Texas for concealed permit holders, so that's what I do.
I'm not a con or ex con either but not all fellons are "violent " or necessarily "dangerous". I guess if one had the ability to pull a gun to save even your life, it wouldn't be OK with you? Hmmmm.

You need to do some homework dude. (I rarely say dude! Lol) Just because you " think" it's a firearm, doesn't make it a firearm. Do some reading.

Follow me on Instagram @ goonsgunworks
Don't think that all states allow convicts to own black powder handguns or black powder guns of any kind at all. This is cut and paste from the North Dakota State Century code:

"Firearm" or "weapon" means any device which will expel, or is readily capable of
expelling, a projectile by the action of an explosive and includes any such device,
loaded or unloaded, commonly referred to as a pistol, revolver, rifle, gun, machine gun,
shotgun, bazooka, or cannon. For a felon who is not sentenced under section 12.1-32-09.1, the term does not include a
firearm or weapon that is a rifle that has a barrel sixteen inches
[40.64 centimeters] or longer or a shotgun that has a barrel eighteen inches
[45.72 centimeters] or longer and which is one of the following:
a. A firearm, including any firearm with a matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap,
or similar type of ignition system, manufactured before 1899.
b. A replica of any firearm described in subdivision a, if the replica is not
designed or redesigned for using rimfire or conventional centerfire fixed
ammunition or uses rimfire or conventional centerfire fixed ammunition that
is no longer manufactured in the United States and which is not readily
available in the ordinary channels of commercial trade.
c. A muzzleloading rifle or muzzleloading shotgun that is designed to use
black powder, or a black powder substitute, and cannot use fixed

Nope, still not legal for a convict to own a BP handgun in this state and 12.1-32-09.1 deals with violent offenders. Convicts that have an arrest for violent crimes are completely SOL in this state, black powder or not.
Dude? Like in Dude Ranch!!!!! LoL,,, Sorry couldn't resist repeating Dennis Hoppers great line. If a convicted felon has a loaded cap and ball revolver, and it has to be loaded. Although it's up to the po po even if it's not loaded here in my local area, he is in for a visit to the pokey. He may win only if it is not loaded and he doesn't have powder, ball and caps in his possession. If he has powder, ball and caps in his possession along with the pistol or rifle then it's call intent and he goes to the pokey. I am not sure how the laws work in your area, but that is how it works here!
That's exactly what I mean, I'm not talking about violent (they shouldn't even be out anyway) and I'm saying every state/city/ County has their own laws/ ordinances so it can be a broad brush when we speak "ill" or "down our nose" . . . . . at black powder revolvers for defense as a whole. It may be (whether you like it or not) all a person has to defend themselves with!

Federally spearing, unless recently changed (last I checked ) cap guns aren't firearms by definition.

Follow me on Instagram @ goonsgunworks
In MS a convicted felon can't even own one.

Mississippi Code Annotated Section 97-37-5 provides:
(1) It shall be unlawful for any person who has been convicted of a felony under the laws of this state, any other state, or of the United States to possess any firearm or any bowie knife, dirk knife, butcher knife, switchblade knife, metallic knuckles, blackjack, or any muffler or silencer for any firearm unless such person has received a pardon for such felony, has received a relief from disability pursuant to Section 925(c) of Title 18 of the U.S. Code, or has received a certificate of rehabilitation pursuant to subsection (3) of this section.

The above quoted statute prohibits a convicted felon from possessing of any “firearm” among other weapons. Black’s Law Dictionary defines “firearm” as:
An instrument used in the propulsion of shot, shell or bullets by the action of gunpowder exploded within it. A weapon which acts by force of gunpowder. The word comprises all sorts of guns, fowling pieces, blunderbusses, pistols, etc.
It is the opinion of this office that a muzzle loading rifle or a muzzle loading shotgun is within the meaning of the term “firearm” as used in Mississippi Code Annotated Section 97-37-5. However, the statute does not include weapons such as a traditional bow and arrow or crossbow. Therefore, a convicted felon may possess (and consequently hunt with) a traditional bow and arrow or crossbow.
Im not a con either... And at some point I may well change what I carry, I just dont see any NEED to at the moment.

As far as cons go, its a non issue as far as far as Im concerned. I swore an oath to uphold the Constitution of The United States of America. Unlike most of our vaunted leaders, and police, who immediately break that same or similar oath the very first day on the job, by creating or upholding "laws" they damn well KNOW to go directly against the Constitution (which creates MOST of the "cons" in this once free nation), I actually KEPT mine. The Second Amendment to that MOST important and foundational of ALL American Law is QUITE clear. It doesnt mince words and is in no NEED of "interpretation".


Pretty damn simple, aint it?

I know many cons and ex cons. Almost every one of them was imprisoned for this or that "crime" that usually boils down to "Attempting to act in a free manner, while being an American Citizen". They where all put there by people who seem to have little to no understanding of what freedom means.. Or worse, they do and simply disregard it.

The fact that these people are denied their God given RIGHTS after having pulled "their time" and "paying there debt to society", is simply one MORE illegal and underhanded blow to not ONLY their freedoms, but to the freedoms of EVERY man, woman and child who walks Gods green Earth.

This doesnt man that Im a FOOL. Certainly, there ARE some I would WISH where not armed. Some that I would be VERY careful around if they where. No, it doesnt mean that Im a fool... Just that I prefer the dangers of FREEDOM over the peaceful "security" of servitude.
+1 to James K . . . .

While a lot of folks may think it to be adequate to carry a C & B . . . I doubt you'll stack up to a perp carrying a semi auto . . . no matter how good you think you are with your "hog leg". And for those of you that do carry a C & B . . be aware of the conceal or open carry laws of your state as James points out . . .

I've been shooting BP for over fifty years but I personally, am not going to put my life or that of a family member in jeopardy by carrying a BP revolver - whether it be a front stuffer or a cartridge gun and think that I would be any match for a perp armed with a semi auto or a revolver.

For those of you that do carry a BP wheelmen . . . I'd be curious to know how much practice you put in as far as SD shooting practice? And remember . . . what works on the range isn't necessarily what is going to happen in a real life SD situation. And . . how well do you think you'll react in a real SD situation when the adrenaline is flowing through your veins and you are possibly being shot at, attacked with a knife or more than one perp coming at you from two different directions? AS someone who HAS been shot at . . I can assure you that you do not know how your will react nor will you always react the same.

I used to carry a J frame Smith Model 36 and feel adequate with five rounds . . no more. I have switched to a 9mm semi auto with spare magazines and am even considering a step up to 45ACP. The first step in SD training is to learn to avoid any SD situation if possible . . . but things do happen no matter how careful a person is or where they are. On the farm or hiking? That's a different story as a SAA would be adequate for snakes and critters . . . . unless you are where there are the two legged kind that might be an issue.

The "romance" of carrying a SAA, whether it be C & B or similar is fine . . . if you live in a storybook fantasy . . . personally, I prefer to live in "reality" and the "reality" of it is that things have changed drastically over the past few years and I much prefer to be CCW that at least gives me a fighting chance when facing one or more individuals intent on doing me harm. YMMV
It boils down to:

1. If you are a felon and/or live somewhere where modern firearms are banned, cap and ball revolvers beat a sharp stick or a rock.

2. If you don't fall into the above categories, grow up and get a real gun for defense. Your life is worth more than that, same for your family.
On the farm or hiking? That's a different story as a SAA would be adequate for snakes and critters . . . . unless you are where there are the two legged kind that might be an issue.

And there is THAT.

I came to this out of the way place, where MOST of my time is spent away from any towns, from a MUCH larger place... And I didnt get into C&B til I got out here. When I was in that city I always carried much more firepower, just out here on the fringes of the wild I simply dont feel the NEED. Biggest issue here on two legs is going to be some meth head or pill junkie who already SOLD his cheap little pot metal semi auto in order to buy dope... Damn fool, but thats his choice I guess.

What may work for me, may NOT work for others... And what other may feel they need may not be necessary for me... To each his own.
Remember guys, there are many kinds of "defensive situations".

If you are awakened at 3AM by someone trying to break in the door, and you have a caplock double barrel shotgun sitting by the bed, you can reasonably get the drop on whoever is trying to enter and fumigate them right quick when they do enter.

If you live a high-risk lifestyle and you happen to seriously cross the line of certain bikers or wiseguys, then a Dillon Aero mounted on both shoulders is not gonna help you, because the attack that ends you is most likely going to be coming from behind or when you are shopping with your friends and loved ones.

Negating the speed of draw, getting the target lock etc... since everyone's skill level differs. If you need more than 6 rounds of cap and ball or cartridge, or more than one magazine-full of ammo in a regular civilian defensive situation, then you might want to reconsider your extracurricular activities.

Whatever you choose to use to defend yourself and your loved ones, the most important thing is to know how to use it. If you choose to carry a cap and ball, and you don't practice with it, carelessly load them, not bother to sleeve the nipples, etc, then you are set up for certain failure. Same thing goes for those who purchase $3000 safequeens and neglect to actually familiarize themselves with their awesome master blaster.

During the Xinjiang Riots of 2009, a shopkeeper in Urumqi used a 60-lb recurve bow to kill 8 terrorists armed with machetes. He positioned himself behind a storage cabinet and fired at anyone who crossed the threshold of the store's entrance. Within 1 minute he had a considerable body count right at the front door. Being in a frontier city and not a criminal he had access to hunting rifles, and he had one, but it was locked in a closet upstairs.
and Johnny Jihad rolls in with the yapple-dapple gang foling close behind yelling "Allah-uh-Akbar",

In that case, the CORRECT procedure for dealing with that, no matter if you have a hunting bow or a fully optic-equipped AR-15, is to find a hiding place with a good view of the area and preferably some hard cover, and start dropping dirtbags with AIMED SHOTS, while keeping yourself as low key as possible.

Remember what Texas Ranger Cpt. Jack Hayes did when he was separated from his band by almost 80 mounted Comanches. He wedged himself into a pressure crack within a boulder and fired at what he presumed were the leaders of the Comanche war band. He got almost 15 of them before the rest of the Comanches realized that they were in some serious trouble and that they were not dealing with regular Joe Farmer who froze in terror as soon as he hears a war whoop. Had Hayes burst out into the open whooping and hollering and firing his Patersons like crazy, chances are that he would have missed most, if not all of his shots, and the Comanches would have ridden back to camp with his scalp on a lance. BUT HE DIDN'T. He made the best tactical decision that could have ever been made, hid, and made ALL of his rounds count. Captain Hayes may have been one of the most legendary gunfighters of the Old West and he ain't done so by strolling down Main Street and blasting hats back and forth between rooftops.

The Chinese shopkeeper I mentioned in a previous post in this same thread did exactly the same thing when faced with superior numbers and opponents who were ready to die for an extreme ideology. Based on what was revealed during the Colorado theater and Pulse shootings, someone armed with a Thompson Center Contender and chewing a mouthful of pizza could have put an end to the nonsense. Both shooters were EXPECTING NO RESISTANCE and literally walked around reloading at a leisurely pace and not even remotely thinking about concealment or cover. They would have been FAR EASIER to deal with than a tweaked out urban junkie who have singled you out for an individual gunpoint mugging because he feels the need for his next fix.
Model 12, that is the kind of statements that make gun people their own worst enemies. Berating others for their particular choice of arm as if you are some sort of authority figure does nothing but cause division, so congrats for helping out the anti-gunners. Since everyone here is still posting, I assume that their arms have been sufficient to keep them alive.