Bye Bye Elliot

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Is there any way they can connect this to Bloomberg and bring him down? Please? Pretty, pretty please?
Have they identified the actual prostitute? We could start a rumor that Bloomberg was the actual prostitute. We might have trouble convincing people that he is worth $4700 an hour though. :D
but $4700.00 a pop???

At those rates you get more than one :)

Prostitution exploites women, and demeans and degrades them. Other than that, I guess it is no big deal

I wish some would exploit, degrade and demean me at the published rates. :D

WildnotafanofpowermadelliotAlaska TM
Prostitution exploites women, and demeans and degrades them. When one pays a prostitute for sex, she is simply being treated as a sexual object and a commodity. Other than that, I guess it is no big deal.

Unskilled hard manual labor exploits men, and demeans and degrades them. When one pays an unskilled laborer for hard manual labor, he is simply being treated as an object and commodity. Other than that, I guess it is no big deal.

Women should be free to do with their bodies as they will. That men would think to outlaw their profiting from the one thing men can't do is laughable and the height of hypocrisy.
The Luv Gov

After 30 years of marriage, $4700 a pop is starting to sound like a bargain. There's a chart somewhere that shows the longer you're married the more it costs. It's a direct relationship between income growth, age and how many times a month.

I believe that's why so many older men are into guns. It's cheaper, something you can do weekly and a whole lot less noise to tolerate.

Ammo is cheaper than Viagra. The Luv Guv should have been at the range.
He can afford it. He's a pop star.

Spitzer's family fortune is estimated to be in excess of $500,000,000.00

FYI, now we are looking at upwards of $80,000 paid for escorts over 6 or more years. This would cover the time he was AG of NYS... and prosecuting a high priced prostitution ring.
At 16 a few of my dad's biker buds and we were in the "kettle" restaurant drinking coffee and one said "Ya'll i am outta here I gotta go find a whore." I said I ain't never payin for sex... I am gonna get married:o He said "sonny I could hire a whore every night of the year and be bucks ahead of you with a wife;):D
With that kind of money you'd think he would have had 1-2 mistresses setup in apartments he could visit on a regular basis. A much more acceptable solution for the rich & famous.
Unskilled hard manual labor exploits men, and demeans and degrades them. When one pays an unskilled laborer for hard manual labor, he is simply being treated as an object and commodity. Other than that, I guess it is no big deal.

Now I like your way of thinking. In that regard I was a treated like a whore since I was 12! Well that's when my neighbors started exploiting me to mow their 20 acre lawns for 10 bucks.. :) I only got in deeper and deeper after my first taste of what it was to be a working man..haha Now I am similar to a Pimp- I am in charge of 24 other working men!
sasquatch said:
Prostitution exploites women, and demeans and degrades them. When one pays a prostitute for sex, she is simply being treated as a sexual object and a commodity.

She is a willing participant in the transaction, therefore it is her own action, not society's, that is degrading her. She and the man are equally degraded by the commercial aspect of an act of intimacy.

When I was based in Germany and my squadron had a party night out in Hamburg's red-light district (industrialized sex), I found it most telling that of all the acts on the "menu", kissing was the most expensive.
I wonder what job these very high priced prostitutes would consider more degrading, sex with men who they could refuse if they wished and walk away or cleaning out a porta potty (somebody out there has to do that job you know!)?
Plenty of prostitutes are smokin' hot chicks; try walking Honolulu's Prince Kuhio Blvd after 2 am.

As a rule smokin' hot chicks do not clean toilets. They pretty much do what they want, and these ones choose to be prostitutes. They are degrading themselves.
As a rule smokin' hot chicks do not clean toilets. They pretty much do what they want, and these ones choose to be prostitutes. They are degrading themselves.

No more than the guy who volunteers to clean toilets for money. A job is a job.
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