Best deal you ever got on a used handgun

A possibly good deal would be the Sig 365 XL with a Red Dot for $350 except for the fact that I do not like this gun. But as far as a deal, I can use it in another trade.
When my best friend and main shooting buddy passed away,,,
I offered to buy the revolver she had gotten for her 11th birthday.

It was the one gun she always brought to the range,,,
For her 11th birthday her Father took her to a gun store,,,
Then told her she could pick out any of the .22 pistols in the store.

The gun she picked out was,,,
A brand new 4" nickle plated round butt S&W Model 34.

Her father was an avid shooter/re-loader,,,
She had some basic knowledge of guns even at 11 years of age.

I asked her why she chose that particular pistol,,,
Her reply was, "It was shiny."

Anyways I offered her brother a fair market price for the gun,,,
He just handed it to me and said "She would have wanted you to have it."

Not really a "best deal" story,,,
I just like telling it.


Back in the 70’s a friend of mine owed me $30.00 and couldn’t pay me, so he offered me an old war rifle instead and I accepted. It was a Winchester 1917 Enfield and was one of the most accurate rifles I’ve ever had. I wound up selling it for $50.00 to a good friend only because he was going to have it sporterized as a gift for his grandfather who was a special person to me. A couple years later I was visiting his grandfather and he pulled out this beautiful rifle and asked if I recognized it. Then I realized it was my old rifle. We went outside to the shooting bench and he handed me the rifle and five rounds. He pointed to a five gallon can on the other side of the coulee and said that’s 350 yds away. He told me where to aim and I proceeded to shoot. My first shot just went over the target,I made a slight adjustment and nailed it the next four shots. Not bad for iron sights, sure wished I had those eyes still.

Oops, my apologies for this being a rifle story. I forgot this thread is about handguns.
Bought an HK compact 9mm for $300 out the door at local pawnshop. It only had one mag and someone painted the glow sights. I was able to get the paint off and now you can't even tell they were painted.
Traded a lightly used Ruger Single-Six for a lightly used 70's era S&W K-38 (don't remember the model now) plus a Bianchi thumbsnap holster. Have never found a trigger that 'glassy smooth' since. Like the dumb kid I was, sold it later and now wish I still had it.
A store had two SIG P228s for sub $400 (I think it was $365). My best friend was looking for a 9mm at the time so I called him and let him know.

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It was about fifteen years ago, so this will sound like an even better deal now than it was at the time. I live in a small AZ town, but my job used to require me to fly in & out of Phoenix on a regular basis. My habit was to check the Phoenix sports section on the night before I was to fly home. It may as well have been labeled the "firearms" section. I was looking for a S&W Lady Smith revolver at the time, and, sure enough, one showed up on the website. It was a once-used Model 60LS in the factory box with two holsters and two boxes of ammo for $400. The poor guy's girlfriend just did not like it. My wife did.
About 12 years ago I paid $395.00 for my LNIB factory hardchromed BHP MkIII. Still my best gun at the best price.
I picked up an HK VP9 on GunBroker for $325/shipped. The seller didn't have a lot of feedback, but I took a chance. When I got it, it was in mint condition. But upon firing it, I had a failure to return to battery problem with my first shot (115gr. ammo). Turns out that it hadn't been fired enough to soften up the spring. I ran a few mags of 124gr. through it and it was perfect. I haven't had the problem since.

After adding a Lobos trigger, enhance striker sleeve, Speed Sights, and low-profile magwell, I still think I made out under (pre-pandemic) selling prices.
Hmmm.... my personal best deal on a handgun was probably when I bought my security six from Gunbroker in 2011. It’s a blued .357, 6” barrel, 150 prefix serial number... in that it will be C&R eligible in a couple three years. I paid less than $350 including shipping and FFL transfer fee. Totally worth it. It’s not one of my favorites, but it’s a solid option and my first choice for handgun hunting. Bluing is 98% and it still looks great. Only issue was the original grips were a little dinged up. I made a new set of grips for it.
There was one, that probably could be classified as BEST and WORST.

Early 90's timeframe, decided to go checkout the Gun show. 13yo son wanted to go with me. As we are leaving, Wif calls out, " don't buy ANYTHING! "

Hadn't been there long, looking over a table, 20-something guy walks up and asks about a 4" Python. Seller says he has a 6" and hands the gun over for inspection. Looking it over, guy asks how much? and says he really wants a 4".

Price is $650. Guy hands it back. Writes down booth number and says he might be back.

We wandered a couple of aisles. Stop at a table, a guy is looking at a deer rifle, $350. Asks about a trade? Hands over a revolver. Seller says no, he wants cash.

I ask to see the revolver. A pristine, 4" Python. I offer $350 cash. He takes the deal. I give him the cash. He gives cash to table and takes his deer rifle. Everybody happy.

Son saying, " Mom said to buy anything. "

Shhh, what happens at gun show, stays at gun show.

Walk around a couple of aisles, standing at a table looking. Hear a voice, " do you have a 4" Python? " Table guy says, " no, don't see them often. "

I say, " I have a 4" Python. " hand it to him. He looks it over, " how much? "

" $650 "

Son is stammering, I give him 'a look'.

Guy hands me cash and we part happy.

Get home and Wif asks, " did you buy anything? "
Son chimes in, " he did, but you ain't believe it. "

He never got to go to another gun show with me.

Wish I had a pristine, 4" Python to sell TODAY.
Got my officer's ACP for $400 + tax and trade.

New to me, but was lightly used. Broken in, utterly reliable. Loved that deal, and the shop was great. Painless.

Best deal I got on a used handgun, by far.
I went to the range with some church friends several years ago. The guy in the lane next to me was shooting a S&W 4006. I mentioned that I had always wanted to buy one but had never been able to find a used one.

The next morning in church he offered it to me for $200. He said he wanted to be sure he gave me a fair deal.
I think I paid $300 for my Ruger 1911 SR. That's probably the best deal I got.

Bought several firearms from a guy that was dumping them due to financial issues, but I paid what he was asking.

My daughter shoots the G17 (or 19? I always get them confused) I bought from him in USPSA. Had action/trigger rework done by a fellow competitor.