Are Hi-Point Firearms any good, there cheap prices scare me

better than nothing....

Saw one today at local shop in .40 cal, new for $179. Checked out the torture tests on youtube (that was nuts) I would never buy one personally, but have been sighting in a HP 9mm carbine for a friend and it makes a nice target gun, or if you only need it to bullseye raccoons or other livestock harrassers. Granted, they are butt ugly. No elegance whatsoever, but as dale and others have stated, far better than having nothing. Worse case scenario and it FTF's, you can always throw it at your assailant or better, beat them over the head with it. It's heavy enough and you wouldn't have to worry about screwing up a nicer gun with a well executed pistol whip. :eek:

Also, chances are pretty good that any gun you use in self defense will be confiscated, at least temporarily (usually perminently), so I suppose I would rather surrender a $150 POS to local law enforcement than my Beretta.
Beretta, no doubt about it. If I had a hi point for HD, i would definately have somethin else close by, byt then again i have options and a bit of available capital to buy more dependable brands. But for arguements sake, single mother of 2 with, without the extra cash for something better crafted, and a violent ex who keeps comin around? Better than nothing at all.
Indeed, and she'd get away with it, especially if the cops are aware.

I have to report that, without lying, my JHP 45 has not jammed once on Federal or PMC.

Mag Tech was: shoot, jam, rack slide, shoot, jam, rack slide, ... you get the idea.

Someone was hinting at Taurus being crap, I had a PT 145 up until yesterday (I sold it to finance the GP6) and I have to admit it was shooting pretty well, just too small for sport, too big for carry, perfect for HD.

I love their revolvers.
Took my C9 and PT-145 to the range today. Add another 100rds to my 1500rd. count without issue in my C9. The Taurus did what it always does, runs flawlessly and tears the center of the targets all to hell. People who say you cant trust these guns are wrong. You gotta love an inexpensive .45 that holds 10rds., lightweight and accurate, easily concealable and 100% reliable. Thank you Taurus and Hi-Point. You guys rock. :)
Myself I have owned three High Point carbine firearms. Every one of them has been a total failure from 9 mm to 45 ACP to 10 mm. Constant problems. Had to replace the springs and the firing pin along with the firing pin and the recoil springs multiple times. You have to pay to send them back for warranty work that gets costly after a period of time when you have to do it multiple times in one year. I got rid of the 9 mm and the 45 ACP and I will be getting rid of the 10 mm once I get it back from the machine shop again. This is a warning if you buy a high point firearm for home protection you're better off buying a Daisy BB gun because at least the Daisy BB gun will shoot every time.
I reckon.....

I guess it's nice to know that High Points are still darn good!
The current inflation we are looking at make the pistols and revolvers we all enjoy so much out of reach for many in today's world.
Poor working folks need to protect themselves as much as us "gun guys" do. Perhaps more? It's great that I can recommend High Point to people that can't pony up for a nice G17. Ya ya I know used Glocks are cheaper, I won't typically recommend used in the case of a first handgun. Reliability is paramount and folks are more comfortable with new. I can confidently recommend High Point, IMO their clunkiness is a plus for first time handgunners. Heavy mitigates recoil, blowback makes for KISS. I own many "better guns" but I would trust my life to a High Point if I must.
Ya ya I know used Glocks are cheaper, I won't typically recommend used in the case of a first handgun. Reliability is paramount and folks are more comfortable with new. I can confidently recommend High Point, IMO their clunkiness is a plus for first time handgunners. Heavy mitigates recoil, blowback makes for KISS. I own many "better guns" but I would trust my life to a High Point if I must.

I don’t know that a new Hi Point is any more reliable than a used Glock or a number of other pistols (though I would point out a used Glock is more expensive than a new Hi Point). I would honesty expect the opposite. I’ve had my fair share of used pistols that ended up being problematic, but I’ve had equally as many new firearms have their own issues.

Hi Points are clunky because they’re direct blowback in cartridges like 9mm and above and need the slide mass. Is direct blowback in a pistol noticeably more reliable than a short recoil locked breech design? Maybe, but manufacturers have been making short recoil, locked breech pistols for a long time now so it’s not like either is untested.

I post this video in good fun, but also for some element of truth. I think there’s a tendency to associate crude and low cost with tough and reliable. That’s not always the case.
For just a few dollars more, you can buy a good used handgun. Example would be the Taraus Model 83 revolver I bought at an auction a few years back for $200. It doesn't look pretty because it has serious holster wear, but the bore is perfect it is surprisingly accurate and has worked flawlessly for over 1000 rounds now.
You guys are posting to a 13 year old thread. Chances are the OP has made up his mind by now.
13 year old thread? This thread is old enough to vote and almost buy alcohol. Turns 20 in October.

Funny to see in 2004 new Hi Point pistols were going for $150. About the same today.
Oh, I've got to get my 2-cents in before this one gets closed. A gun should be a nicely made piece of precision equipment, not a crudely cast block of painted Zamac. In fact, I find Hi-Points offensive to look at. They should be banned for violating my 1st Amendment right not to be associated with one. Plus, they aren't "WOKE" and never will be. I hope the OP follows all of this good advice and doesn't buy one!!! (satire....sort of)
Well put 4V50Gary.
It is easy to forget that many struggle to feed their kids and make the rent today, High Point fills a significant niche. Plus the gangbangers would likely get dissed by their homies for carrying a high point.
I think it's cool they have held the line on prices. Alloy has increased in price, however I'm sure given the tech employed they are always taking cost out of the equation wherever they can. Being the low price leader only means it is harder to stay the low price leader. Kudos to High Point, most of us here would use one for a duck decoy anchor, however they fill that very important niche, and they do it VERY well.
Well put 4V50Gary.
It is easy to forget that many struggle to feed their kids and make the rent today, High Point fills a significant niche. Plus the gangbangers would likely get dissed by their homies for carrying a high point.
I think it's cool they have held the line on prices. Alloy has increased in price, however I'm sure given the tech employed they are always taking cost out of the equation wherever they can. Being the low price leader only means it is harder to stay the low price leader. Kudos to High Point, most of us here would use one for a duck decoy anchor, however they fill that very important niche, and they do it VERY well.
I believe Hi-Point makes a 10mm carbine that is cheap, ugly as sin, but I understand works quite well. A 10mm carbine is a fairly high-powered carbine.