Anyone know suarez international?


Hi everyone, i've three books of Gabriel Suarez in my little tactical library (the tactical advantage-force on force gunfight training-the tactical shootgun, paladin pres editor) and i've found some interesting things, despite i don't like so mutch weaver stance; anyone join in past courses? Your opinions? probably i'll go in Arizona in September and i could partecipate a class, is it any use ($)?
84, 7/27/11

I usually go back to the States once a year to take a training course and had heard good things about Gabe Suarez's courses. There was a good course set up in Maine so I made arrangements to fly 9000 miles to attend. I tried to contact the specified person arranging the course twice by email but got no response. I then sent an email to the company's contact email and got no response. I finally gave up and took an Extreme Close Quarters shooting course through Shivworks (email name southnarc) in Phoenix for three days. It was excellent, so much so that I went back to Phoenix the next year and did it again. So my experience with Gabe Suarez's training did not work out well. Good luck.

best wishes- oldandslow
kraigwy, "intresting" things :eek: in a gabriel suarez google research outside "suarez international" official site, thanks
I have heard good things about his training, but what I have heard about his personal conduct suggests there are others without such bloches on their record.
Everyone has a past of some kind.

I've personally trained with him twice and his assistant instructors 4 times.

The material and instruction is very good. Out of the box, cutting edge type stuff. If you want the modern-technique material everyone else is teaching, go elsewhere.
I've trained with Roger Phillips of Suarez International as the lead instructor twice, and I will no doubt train with him again. There are other good instructors with Suarez as well.

My experience is that if you want to know whether it is worth training with someone, find the after action reports from students who actually went to a class.
Redstate has a point - just look beyond the school web site. Who is going to publish negative reports about himself?
For the life of me, I can't recall what gun writer wrote this, but Suarez was once accused of allowing an assistant to shoot live rounds at him. This was allegedly done in front of a class he was teaching, supposedly to help him "keep his edge". I don't put much credence to this, particularly since I can't remember the author of that accusation. I CAN say that I have a copy of his book "The Tactical Pistol", and it is excellent. Another plus, his writing style in that particular tome mirrors that of Jeff Cooper.
The incident did happen but has been blown out of proportion over the years by the 'net. IIRC, it was one of SWAT Magazine's (the host of this forum) own writers who did the 'article'.

I have trained with Gabe 2 times and his assistant instructors 4 other times. Nothing the internet commando's could say would change my intention to continue training with S.I.

There is a reason his company has grown over the last 5 years and his primary classes are very often filled quickly with a waiting list.
Farmerboy: I know better! As I said, I don't give the story much {if any} credibility. Judging from the man's writings, I'm willing to listen to what he has to say; he does seem to know his stuff.

Attending his classes would be interesting-- I've heard good things about many of his instructors.

His philosophy and conduct -- at least how he runs his Warrior Talk forums -- is something I don't agree with. Without warning your posts are easily edited and or deleted, especially if there are links or references to what's perceived as "competition". I'm not talking about drive by posts. That, among others, is one of the reasons I left that forum and signed up here.

To the OP, if you do end up going to a class, please let us know what you think.

Slightly off topic-- is there a section where I'm supposed to introduce myself?
Slightly off topic-- is there a section where I'm supposed to introduce myself?

It's not a requirement or anything, but there is a thread in General Discussion for new member introduction if you'd like to make a post there.
His philosophy and conduct -- at least how he runs his Warrior Talk forums -- is something I don't agree with. Without warning your posts are easily edited and or deleted, especially if there are links or references to what's perceived as "competition". I'm not talking about drive by posts. That, among others, is one of the reasons I left that forum and signed up here.
There are posted rules and they aren't hard to follow.

I've been there since 2006 with a lot more posts than here.
There are posted rules and they aren't hard to follow

That's not quite true. I corrected him on a matter of WWI penetration rounds (ref soldiers inverting bullets for better penetration on the WWI tanks, giving him a ref.)

He then corrected my spelling saying one could not teach if he couldn't spell. I pointed out a couple of his mis-spellings and was banned for life.

That was before I read up on him. That is my total contact with him. I never attended his classes or saw him instruct.

I would love to debate him on a few points but it's gonna have to be neutral ground.

As far as his classes goes, or anyone's classes, shooting or other wise, read up, talk to past students, look at the guys background, make your own mind.

Ethics plays a big part as far as I'm concerned.
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Personally I will spend my money elsewhere than with Suarez.

There are a lot of Trainers and I'm selective.

Do a google on Gabriel Suarez and make up your mind ref: what you find.

How do you know he hasn't?

As far as his classes goes, or anyone's classes, shooting or other wise, read up, talk to past students, look at the guys background, make your own mind.

He asked members of this forum their respected opinions, and should be able to do so without being rudely dismissed and told to look some where else. Seems to me that the TFL is largely about taking advantage of the knowledge of many members-last time I checked. And then he can still make up his mind as you ordered in less than polite fashion.

I like Gabe's training methods and have several of his videos. I wouldn't hesitate to take his course if it were available in my area. I think he's one of a number of good trainers around the country.:cool:

Just my thoughts on the matter.
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He also asked members of this forum their respected opinions, and should be able to do so without being rudely dismissed and told to look some where else.

No Sir, I wasn't rudely dismissing anyone. A person asked for advice and I provided my opinion.

My opinion was to do a search, not just gun related. I said nothing about anyone's ethics, however I did say Ethics Matter.

Think about it, If you are ever involved in a shooting, they are going to check your training record. They are going to check the trainer, and everything about you and the trainer. They are going to find information that wouldn't be allowed to be posted in a firearms forum.

I'm not talking about Suarez here, I'm talking about any school and instructor.

Now days, anyone who was in the military or LE is starting shooting schools. Some good, some questionable. One needs to know who he's going to deal with, there is more to do with it then teaching one to shoot.

One should do his investigation every where, if one asked opinions on School X and Instructor Y, I'll recommend he does some research. I don't think that is being Rude.

It's the same as someone asking what gun I would recommend. What works for me may not work for someone else. Would I be rude to suggest they go to a range that rents pistols and see what works for them?

You don't limit your options, either in investigating what gun to buy or what school to attend.

Again, Ethics Matters, if you are ever involved in a shooting, you can bet Ethics is going to come into play for you, your instructor and school.