Anyone have recent experience with ATF wait times?

Is that ten months from when you sent off the paperwork? When did you first file? I filed in early June of 2013, and I'm still twiddling my thumbs.

For me, it has been 9 months already. It took a week for my check to clear. Then two months for the the paperwork to start pending. It is now ten months from the pending date, according to the lady on the phone. I'm hoping to get my stamps next month, according to what you say. That'd be sweet.

The pain of the wait.

Congrats. I'm very jealous.
I sent a paper Form 1 on 4-6-13 and the stamp arrived 2-8-14. Almost exactly 10 months. I bought a can on a Form 4 earlier but the dealer dragged his feet and didn't submit the form until 4-20. That stamp arrived 2-24. Almost exactly 10 months. I'm just happy I got in before the CLEO signoff for trusts is implemented, assuming it is.

I efiled a Form 1 on 12-12. Still waiting on it.
What can we do about waits

Something has to be able to be done to improve this Federal disaster. If I were applying for food stamps, welfare or a job with Social Services I would be investigated front and back. In my state and county that process takes about 3 weeks, max. If it took that long for people to get those benefits they would be revolting, And rightly so.
What they would do is scream for the government to hire more employees to process their claims. What is the difference here, other than people eating and surviving is not the issue. But we should not have to wait for a government agency to spend one year or more processing an application that a gun dealer can do instantly when buying a handgun.
I just called ATF in WV on one of my Form 1 forms and was told it would be December, 2014 for one that I filed last November (2013).
This is absolutely ridiculous and it's more ridiculous to just sit back and not do anything about it but send emails to online forums. I've spoken with my congressman three times and he just gives me the old political crap about "looking into it".
Ive got a bunch of Eforms waiting on stamps. My dealer says he is getting back stamps via eforms at the 5 month mark now

Nov 2013 eforms coming back now...
I don't understand if it is 10 months from the date the ATF cashed the check or 10 months from the pending date. I hear everyone saying that it is ten months from the date the check is cashed, but the ladies at the ATF phone center says it is 10 months from the pending date.

Also, ATF tracker has some people showing a wait of 11 months.

OMG. This sucks so bad. I am now at 9 months and three weeks. This is why when I hear Brady, MAIG, OR Moms Demand Action say, "it's common sense to do background checks, I think...barrrfffffff". These are probably the types of background checks that they really have in mind. Just ridiculous.
The background check isn't what takes 10 months; it's the filing of paperwork by a very small staff.

I had one come back Saturday that had been filed on 03/21/2013. That's the worst, but the best I've seen was submitted last June.
I finally have my first ever stamps.

Made a big purchase of silencers on June 8, 2013. Got all my stamps today on April 7, 2014. One day short of ten months.

Hopefully my machine guns come soon.

These were all paper filed, btw.
First, the ladies at the NFA hotline are not correct, with all due respect to them, as they were very kind and helpful. They tell you that it is X months from the PENDING date. Or maybe they're correct, but the examiners are getting faster.

I had several suppressors. All purchased on same day. Stamps came in one day short of ten months from the date of purchase. The tax checks cleared a week after purchase, but for some reason, the applications did not go pending until three months later. Ten months form the pending date meant I would have received my stamps in late May, instead I got them early April.

As for my machine guns, I purchased them around the same time, within a month period. The checks each cleared a week after issuance, and the applications went into pending a month later.

I purchased the machine guns 1-2 months after I purchased the silencers, so I did not expect the guns until June. Instead, all the guns came in about one day after the silencer stamps came in.

I had different examiners, btw.

As another point of reference, it took ten days from the approval date until the time that the dealer had stamps arrive, via USPS, and in the dealers' hand. Once the dealers had stamps in their hands, it took me .5 milliseconds to run to the dealers, and pick them up and jump for joy. first form 1 has come back approved! Only took from August 7th, 2013 (when I dated my signature) to April 9th, 2014 (when they dated their signature) to come back!
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Got my can in! Local dealer had it in stock, I paper filed.

Mailed it off Sep. 10th 2013

Received stamp Jun. 10th 2014

9 months to the day.

Was shooting it on my bolt gun (300blk) with subs the next morning. There are pellet rifles that make more noise than this thing! Best gun related purchase ever!
kawasakifreak77 said:
Best gun related purchase ever!
Isn't it? I've noticed that most gun owners who have no interest in owning a silencer haven't ever actually shot one. But once they shoot one, they want one of their own. Or a bunch!

By the way, what can did you get?
You're right about that. I always had an interest in them even as a young boy studying several designs including the original Maxim. It wasn't until here recently I relocated & a local dealer having some in stock I got serious.

We went out to shoot with a Kestrel & a YHM Phantom. Host was my AAC Micro 7. The YHM absolutely blew the Kestrel away even though I wasn't hip to the QD. I purchased the YHM that day.

I could have gotten a pricier can but I still feel really good about my purchase as they say bang for buck the YHM is dang hard to beat. Now that I've gotten used to having the QD I'm glad I got it. I never have to worry about the threads on the barrel itself getting messed up & it'd basically be impossible to mess up the crown.

Everybody complains about the weight & yeah at first it totally messes up the balance of a trim carbine. Once again getting used to it I like it more now & haven't shot unsuppressed since. The balance is like a big automatic shotgun now & I feel my offhand shooting is actually steadier now with the extra weight up front.

Overall I'm tickled freakin' pink!
Does anyone have any personal experience with the current state of paper filing? Is it still 10 months?

I keep hearing that the ATF has hired 15 additional "people". Is this just a rumor? Is it 15 additional examiners? Clerks?

I'm all for the ATF making sure that the crazies and nuts do not get their mitts on machine guns and silencers, but can't they just hire more staff and expedite the process? We NFA owners are good and respectful people.
I have paper work that I submitted July 2013 that is still not back yet... Unfortunately I also have paper work that I submitted about a week ago as well. That will be a really long wait.

I keep hearing that the ATF has hired 15 additional "people". Is this just a rumor? Is it 15 additional examiners? Clerks?

I think its people that answer phone calls if any thing. I know my clerk here in idaho is still Sandra Snook... the same person it has always been.
I got a paper individual Form 1 back today:

Check cashed 11/21/13
Approved 6/24/14
Stamp received 6/30/14

A few days over 7 months.