Anyone actually eat one of these?

A buddy and I hit the river by my house for ducks, I hadn't done much scouting with a new baby and work so we lit out and banked it waiting on light. Didn't want to be a bunch of rubberheads and mess others up. As it got light I was snoozing in the boat and my buddy says, hey man, why don't you shoot that pig behind you. I was tired and hungover since I had a tendency to drink more than I should back then. I told him I'd get her if she came back.

About 30 minutes later I'm looking at the sky and my buddy says, you gonna shoot that pig or what? Well, I turned around and she was about 10' from me, big white sow with 6 piglets. I turned around and let her have a load of 3.5" #4 Heavishot in the neck, dropped her like a sack of potatoes. The piglets stuck around, wouldn't leave even though they were big enough. Heck, I wasn't wasting a $3.00 shell on a piglet so in my best Sling Blade voice I turned around and asked by buddy "Reckon what you got to brain'em with". After we quit laughing I picked up the boat paddle and whomped a few of them in the neck. Broke my dang paddle.

We rolled back up to the ramp with a 150lb sow and 5 little pigs on the bow of the boat, not one duck. Game warden proceeded to take my boat apart looking for buckshot or any lead. He didn't even find a split shot sinker and only the one Heavishot hull. After we told him the story and he quit laughing, he apologized for the boat thing and wished us well, wouldn't take the pig we offered though.
Yeah well, the 6th piglet was evidently the only one with brains. He ran around in the marsh, when I thought I had him I tripped and went down in the pluff mud. It got away though, hopefully fed an alligator sometime. We still laugh about that one.

Let me tell you, a load of 3.5" #4 Heavishot at 10' will flat out put a hog down.
Here's my take and I eat alot of hogs! The diet of the animal changes taste! That's a fact! If it has a strong musty smell it's gona taste stronger! That's a fact! I don't eat them like that! A old pigs meat will b grainier if that's a real word but is still fine to eat! The quicker the kill and quicker u cool the meat may or may not make a diff! I can't tell but I do try to cool it quickly! I've cleaned alot of boars that didn't stink and was great! I've tried a couple that were ify and it was strong! If I catch them with traps I feed them for atleast 8 weeks! Starches make the meat lighter and sweeter while wheat Midlands and chops make it a Lil stouter! Even the stinkin boars had good back strap after marinating in gentlemans jack! Single barrel for desert
Hey Salty, the Game Warden is my first cousin!LOL. He was telling me about crazy things he saw on the job and mentioned he ran into a couple guys that were duck huntin and brought back a sow lol.
I killed one with a mesquite tree once... I shot a sow and another medium sized boar took off, collided with a mesquite tree and perished
Catch PEN, automatic feeder, a week or two to get them all comfortable with the buffet, set door, 15-30 porkers, a 22lr, dig hole for them with back-hoe, set up somewhere else.

That is about the only way to keep them from taking over here.
What is the point of linking Waste of Wildlife laws (which apply to game animals), when the animals in question are not game animals in the states that you're referencing?
In Texas, cockroaches with hooves. Ever seen the video of the guy with an AR-10 hard-mounted on his helicopter? Fully legal.

These ladies are fun dates
We just painted the pig pink on a whim one day. I happened to have a can of Krylon in my truck tool box and the idea dawned on me. I always thought one day I would hear a comment from someone around the area about seeing a pink pig, but never did. I don't plan another lapse in common sense like this, but who knows? I have thought a large jewel of some type in an ear might catch someone's attention. I also thought maybe a yellow pig with black stripes like a bumblebee?
When my wife and I were dating in college, she got more excited when I brought home wild pork than venison. Had an even better time when we were stationed at Altus AFB, OK and I found a meat shop that would cure the hams!