A .357 magnum .38 special +P

Jimku, same for me. I give you a hard time sometimes as well!LOL

I carry the HC heavy loads because I live in the woods. Black bears have been spotted close by, big cats, wild boar, and such.
We had a lion kill a deer not more than 100 feet from my front door. All that was left was fresh meat on a skeleton.

Another thing that always is in my mind, is that years ago a neighbor called me and said that my Arabian mare was down in the field injured. When I got down there, she was in the middle of her death throws, and I didn't have my gun with me to put her out of her misery. Luckily she died rather suddenly right there in my arms. So having to put down one of my equines is always on my mind after that.

I've had a horse throw me up in the mountains, and left me on foot, So a rifle in the scabbard would not have done me any good,, so I carry a revolver on my hip when riding.
...you say you don't carry those spicy hand-loads for defensive carry, thereby neutering some over-reaching lawyer, tells me you have a good head on your shoulders generally speaking as well.

So, jimku, those of us who conceal carry using our handloads don't meet your determination of who has a "good head" on his shoulder? Wow, talk about someone being full of himself.

So, jimku, those of us who conceal carry using our handloads don't meet your determination of who has a "good head" on his shoulder? Wow, talk about someone being full of himself.

USSR, it is a controversial subject. It isn't me who is "full of himself" it is lawyers who are, and who might accuse you in court of using ammo that is "more lethal" than factory ammo "because you intended to kill somebody" or whatever other outrageous thing/accusation they can attach to it. Many, like me, choose to just not give them the opportunity. I think those who do are just asking for it. And yes, I consider those who don't give them the opportunity to "have a good head on their shoulders", and those who do not so much. If that makes me "full of myself", well then I'm "full of myself". But I just think of myself as "careful". You do as you will. :)
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Jimku, same for me. I give you a hard time sometimes as well!LOL

I carry the HC heavy loads because I live in the woods. Black bears have been spotted close by, big cats, wild boar, and such.
We had a lion kill a deer not more than 100 feet from my front door. All that was left was fresh meat on a skeleton.

Another thing that always is in my mind, is that years ago a neighbor called me and said that my Arabian mare was down in the field injured. When I got down there, she was in the middle of her death throws, and I didn't have my gun with me to put her out of her misery. Luckily she died rather suddenly right there in my arms. So having to put down one of my equines is always on my mind after that.

I've had a horse throw me up in the mountains, and left me on foot, So a rifle in the scabbard would not have done me any good,, so I carry a revolver on my hip when riding.
All good, sound reasons to me. I am so sorry to hear of your Arabian being so injured. Of course, I am curious as to what injured her.

I was raised on a working ranch in Montana. When I was a kid, my real working cowboy uncle told me "If you ever git throwed, be sure to land on your head 'cause you sure don't want back trouble". The only predatory animals we had to worry about were the legendary sabre-toothed jack rabbit.
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Not sure, maybe an aneurysm. I had her for over 14 years. She just keeled over and knocked the fence down on the way. Luckily I got to her on the last moments. She was an incredible horse!
USSR, it is a controversial subject. It isn't me who is "full of himself" it is lawyers who are, and who might accuse you in court of using ammo that is "more lethal" than factory ammo "because you intended to kill somebody" or whatever other outrageous thing/accusation they can attach to it. Many, like me, choose to just not give them the opportunity.

Actually, it's not controversial at all, it just keeps being brought up by people who have an unfounded opinion and want to impose it on others. I will ask you, as I've asked others, to please bring up a case where someone was shot in what is called by law enforcement "a good shoot", in which the shooter was found guilty solely on the type of ammunition he used. Just give us xxxxx .vs yyyyy and we will find that you are well founded in your fear of handloaded ammunition for self defense. If you can't do this, then shoot the ammo that you are comfortable with, and leave others to shoot what they are comfortable with without any condescending remarks. Thanks.

Not sure, maybe an aneurysm. I had her for over 14 years. She just keeled over and knocked the fence down on the way. Luckily I got to her on the last moments. She was an incredible horse!
I had an incredible horse. His name was Joker. He never knew he was broke. He was half registered quarter horse and half prairie pinto ... with just a tiny dash of ornery Shetland thrown in. He was a big horse. When he was just a colt, I was about 10, and I snuck up on him with a lariat when he was sleeping and put it around his neck. He woke up and drug me all over the pasture for a good half hour (off and on) until he finally settled down. Then, I would play with him, putting my arm over him with a little weight, then later with more weight, and so forth until finally I was draping myself over him with my full weight on him. By the time I was sitting on him, he thought it was a game. He loved to run. Never knew the feel of a bit, spurs or quirt. Riding him would wear you out, always keeping good tension on his hackamore reins. Just relax your wrists for a second and he was off. My Dad was a rodeo announcer. The rodeo had quarter-mile races with a big purse, attracting high-strung registered quarter horses from all over the country. I started entering Joker in those races, riding him bareback. He left them in the dust, won race after race until they screamed so loud that Joker was banned from entering. :p
Maybe it's just me . . . but you speak of the "lowly 38 Special" . . . and so far, I don't see comparison wit a true "38 Special". I see a comparison with a +P cartridge loaded in a 39 Special +P casing.

I had a LCR 357 - shot one box of 357s out of it and changed to 38 Specials . . . a LCR is fine but not for me. I traded it in on a Smith 36 snub - now I carry the 36 snub sometimes - sometimes a 3" Smith 36 . . . but mostly a Baby Glock. I reload - and with a 36, I shoot my 38 Colt Shorts, 38 Colt Longs and 38 Specials - all three might not go as fast as your 357s and 38 Specials - but all three of my loads will get the job done if need be. Maybe I'm just getting old . . . or maybe I just saw too many gunshot wounds and fatal shootings from calibers of many sizes when I worked ambulance and fire/rescue. In the end, it's all about practice and placement - the individual on the receiving end will have no idea of whether the .358 slug is traveling at 750 fps or 1,200 fps - and a snub is designed for up close work and not for target shooting. Others may disagree and that's fine - that's everyone's right to do so.
If you can't do this, then shoot the ammo that you are comfortable with, and leave others to shoot what they are comfortable with without any condescending remarks. Thanks.

Well, what some call "condescending" others call "just common sense". You know what I will shoot, and you can shoot whatever you like. I am not "imposing" anything on anybody at all, much less you. If you choose to regard my choice of words as condescending, that's your problem, it isn't mine. People have different points of view and different opinions. Get used to it. Please. Instead of trying to impose yours on everybody else. My words were meant to compliment HighValleyRanch, not to offend you.
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Opinions, opinions, opinions. We all have them and they usually cause debate and even arguments.....

Yep, just see where this thread has gone. I won’t go so far as to call the OP a troll - but what did he really expect?

Originally Posted by USSR View Post
I will ask you, as I've asked others, to please bring up a case where someone was shot in what is called by law enforcement "a good shoot", in which the shooter was found guilty solely on the type of ammunition he used. Just give us xxxxx .vs yyyyy and we will find that you are well founded in your fear of handloaded ammunition for self defense. If you can't do this, then shoot the ammo that you are comfortable with, and leave others to shoot what they are comfortable with without any condescending remarks. Thanks.

Well, what some call "condescending" others call "just common sense". You know what I will shoot, and you can shoot whatever you like. I am not "imposing" anything on anybody at all, much less you. If you choose to regard my choice of words as condescending, that's your problem, it isn't mine.

I will ask you once again, please tell us the legal case that underlies your so called "common sense". Please enlighten us. Thanks.

Originally Posted by USSR View Post
I will ask you, as I've asked others, to please bring up a case where someone was shot in what is called by law enforcement "a good shoot", in which the shooter was found guilty solely on the type of ammunition he used. Just give us xxxxx .vs yyyyy and we will find that you are well founded in your fear of handloaded ammunition for self defense. If you can't do this, then shoot the ammo that you are comfortable with, and leave others to shoot what they are comfortable with without any condescending remarks. Thanks.

I will ask you once again, please tell us the legal case that underlies your so called "common sense". Please enlighten us. Thanks.

I won’t go so far as to call the OP a troll - but what did he really expect

I simply put forth data and information showing that .38 special +P can match the low to midrange of .357 magnum. That is a fact as shown by what I presented. No other opinions presented showed that was not the case. It's not a matter of opinions.

I already stated the reason for doing this.
1. Some people only own a .38 special that can handle +P and they might not know this fact.
2. Some people think that ANY .357 is always hotter than any .38 special loads including .38 +P. This is to educate them otherwise.
3. Some people buy a .357 magnum and never shoot the full house loads and might like to know that they could have purchase the lighter weight .38 special version and still gotten the results that they needed.

Don't give me your opinion, give me facts and data that prove otherwise.
Discussion of the legal pitfalls of reloaded ammo has been done here before, more than once. Do a search, see what's been covered and if you have questions or comments start a new thread of your own.

its a bit too off topic for this thread.
Discussion of the legal pitfalls of reloaded ammo has been done here before, more than once. Do a search, see what's been covered and if you have questions or comments start a new thread of your own.

its a bit too off topic for this thread.
I don't shoot any .357 out of my .357 snubbie. No need. I handload the FBI load and am presently getting 940fps out of my 2.5" snubbie with my 158-160gr cast hollowpoints with my .38 Special +P loads. Awesome expansion and controllability make me a happy camper.

USSR, the bullet on the far left looks like 40/41 or even 45 cal compare to the middle one and bullet on right.
Right you are, silvermane_1. It's a Lyman 452423 HP that came out of my Colt Gold Cup at about 800fps. I like to call this bullet my flying ashtray.:)

Did you miss reading the very first post where I already stated that:
I know there are nay sayers who will accuse this thread of choosing and picking apples vs. oranges, but the point is to chronograph your own brands, because .357 magnum doesn't necessarily mean hotter than .38 special

Nowhere in this entire thread did I EVER claim that .38 special +P can equal the hottest .357 magnum.