44 Magnum and approaching hostile human at 50 yards.

Bullet selection is also a factor, especially in large bores like the .44. A hardcast bullet will not expand but have through and through penetration (thus risk, though reduced, to anyone beyond).

At longer ranges the velocity drops so a tough construction bullet may not expand as well either.

Something like the 210 gr. Winchester Silvertip may be just right for SD against humans, reasonable chance of expanding and not exiting within 75 yds.

I don't have a trajectory table for the .44 handy but after 100 yds even though it has lethal velocity it will be dropping down quickly too. If you were aiming for the torso at 75 yds, I would expect the bullet is pretty close to the ground by 150 yds. and hitting rocks and stuff. Kind of depends on whether you are shooting uphill or downhill and whether the ground is flat or broken and has a lot of trees or rocks. For safety I would assume that when shooting at 75 yds that anything out to 150 yds is at risk.

You basicly have a deer gun in that .44. The ammunition is mainly made to take down large game. At 50 yards it will do fine for SD as for as a SA revolver can be said to be a good SD gun. At 50 yards it will go through a bear. So you can see what it would to on a human.

Your greatist challenge would not be the power of your weapon, but being able to shoot well at 50-75 yards against someone who does NOT want to be shot and has a rifle to boot. You can very easly have only a partial target, moving target, target shooting back, multiple targets, etc.... and that SA might have difficulty handling such situations.

May I suggest a short rifle? There are many handy ones with 16 inch barrels that weigh 5 lb or so.


ANY of the big caliber handguns can be tailored to your penetration needs, by picking different weight, and construction bullets.

Lee Jurras killed just about everything using a 44 mag with 185 grain bullets, at around 1800-1900 fps. For heavy game thick jacket HP, penetrated like a Kieth Style flatpoint.
Light game, mushroomed, very effective. Keep in mind you can push a 185 soft HP, very fast, and have excellent results, with little recoil, and adequate penetration.

I don't know what your bad guys carry, or, if they use body armour, but, ANY of the big guns will work for SD, if loaded properly.
A .22 LR will do the job at up to 75 yards, assuming it hits where it is supposed to.

BEST thing to do is to maintain enough situational awareness that you avoid the problem.

Personally, I'd go with a .45 ACP 1911 or a 6" .357... I'll trade off the "hand cannon" stopping power for a faster second shot, since if I was in this hypothetical situation, I'd be going for slide lock in hope that something would connect...
The .44 Mag will certainly drop a man @ 75 yds. provided that someone can accurately fire the weapon. I had a SBH, 7 3/4" and wouldn't hesitate at that distance. Of course that is after 20+ yrs. of practice.
Problem is he prob'ly does not have a good selection of bullets to choose from. Yeah, the hot powder load under a 185 gr. JHP would be a real stopper from that 7.5" barrel but unless somebody could ship him some home brew he'll never get to use it. Also, I don't know what his position is there, perhaps not military, but HPs could be a real problem.
Horace, in the OP, he said he had HP's. That's why I assumed full bore JHP's, though he could have meant lead HP.
I think if all I had on me was a handgun, no matter what it was, I would still have a go.

at 100 Metres a 9mm will be deadly, moving target would be very hard, but beats not shooting and waiting for the the target to close on you.

This is a 5 shot 'group'???? fired at 100 metres from a stock glock 17

These bandits wouldn't happen to be wearing digital camoflauge and wearing kevlar would they? I joke, I joke, I kid, I kid. Hahaa...get it...

So anyway what you do is get a hand gun that carries as many rounds as you can. Then fire at said bandits to keep them behind cover while at the same time running for the AK. Once you have the AK take aimed fire and kill them.

That settled, I agree that a rifle is a better option, but I am trying to get a feed back on handgun since I would have to walk around with an Ak. Thats what guards are for, but then you can only rely on your own weapon in hand. Guards are just added protection that may or may not come through.

I have my RSRH scoped and I am pretty good shot with it at 75 yards, and I am confident that I can hit a moving target at that distance, although it might not be a head shot or shot of choice.

A 44 Mag is not a combat handgun no matter how you look at it, and since you have armed guards and crazy stuff like that it soundslike a combat oriented weapon is what you need. 44Mag = 6 shots or less before reload no matter how you dice it.
Yes I dont have variety of bullets available. Currently the ones I have are HPs by IMI. Not sure about weight since they came without a box from a crook of dealer.

I understand its not a combat handgun, but 44 is the best I can in terms of power. I have a few Gs with 33rd mags but I am talking about 50meteres + range and at that point I need power. I also carry G21, but 45 is no where close to a 44 bullet exiting a 7.5 barrel.
Lighter bullets hit really hard, and shoot very flat. Anyone have and drop stats at 75 yards for heavy bullets in the 44?

You could work up your own recoil numbers, and decide what you can shoot, and what you can't, quickly, for SD.
I have a few Gs with 33rd mags but I am talking about 50meteres + range and at that point I need power. I also carry G21, but 45 is no where close to a 44 bullet exiting a 7.5 barrel.

You are overdoing it firepower. Even a 9mm is a serious round at 50 yards. Not in the .44 magnum class, but since submachinguns go past 100 yards you have to see 50 yards does not make it so weak it's like flicking a marble at them.

If you are really worried about 50 to 75 yard ranges, sell the .44 magnum pistol and get a carbine. Then the .45 Glock will cover the rest.
I'm with those who said,just use a rifle,

That's what it was made for.

A handgun is ideally used as a last resort.

Not a primary protection arm if the ranges are over thirty yards.
Big A:
Thanks for the link.
The 185's at 1900 drop 6" at 100 yards, when zeroed for 50.
A bit flatter shooting, with much less recoil. Lee Jurras could put 6 shots on a playing card, on a good day, at 100 yards, with a 44 mag, and such loads. Now I see why. Just aim 6" high, and, your gold, or site in for 100.

If you zero at 100 yards, the 185 is so flat, just aim and shoot.
Your .44 has plenty of everthing...

Except for being a small hide out gun and easy accurate rapid fire. If you need those things, you need a different gun.

The .44 has more than enough power, and a flat enough trajectory to be dangerously lethal at any range you can hit an unarmored human. The trick is, in your situation to get enough practice to be able to use it well enough to hit at longer ranges.

Many years ago, the man whose work resulted in the commercial manufacture of the .44 magnum round, Elmer Keith wrote an article about long range sixgunning. He was an exceptional shot, and had more experience than any dozen regular shooters, and could hit targets at extreme range. One of the things he found was that the (factory) .45 Colt would penetrate 1" plank and bury itself base deep in 2x4 behind the plank at 700 (yes, seven hundred) yards. This is enough energy to kill a man with a torso hit. A heavy bullet, even at low speeds due to extreme range is still capable of killing a man. The .44mag is more powerful, and certainly would be capable of the same at those ranges. Now, you being able to judge range and wind to make the hit is a whole different question.
Check me on this, but, I get the general impression our poster is rather rich in his country, has armed protection, but, has figured out that it's best to depend on your own ability, and firearm, in your own hands, since guards can be bought, bribed, or extorted. Even family can be motivated to get rid of the top dog, to take his place. Carrying a firearm in such a place is an excellent idea, and, since you own the property, I see no reason for you to worry about concealment, other then giving away your advantage.

Other ideas would be a class 3 vest, capable of stopping .308, or, at least 7.62 x 39, and, carrying your 44 at all times.

I would get some rather quick, 185 grain HP's, site the gun at 100 yards, and, you'd have an excellent SD gun.

If armour is in the picture, the bad guys, not yours, by all means, start looking at rifles...or, heavy .429 bullets, monometals, long for caliber that would still retain velocity. Keep in mind there is a reason Punch bullets in the US are classified as armour piercing, and, require lead cores, that just make them tumble more, and, therefore, once they get through a vest, much more devastating...
A 44 magnum will have enough power to kill a human target with a torso shot even at 200 yards -problem is hitting them at that distance. I know if I was in a fire-fight at 50 yards I would feel disadvantaged trying to save my life with a pistol. I've hunted a lot with a 44 magnum revolver & shot plenty of game at 50 yards & beyond, but these are usually controlled shots where you are aiming for a 1 shot kill. If I was in a fire-fight & was restricted to a pistol it would have to be low recoiling, high magazine capacity semi-auto & I'd still be hoping distances were under 25 yards.
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