.327 Federal Club thread

Sevens, naive or not, it didn't cost me anything to make my consumer interest known here. It also doesn't cost me anything to kick them an email once in a while. More of us should!

It does cost money to keep buying .327 ammo or whatever new guns are offered. It does cost money to introduce more people to this fantastic little round. Isn't the whole point that it's money well spent? We are enthusiasts. We love this little zinger. We want more to enjoy and more to explore.
Oh, I'm with ya on that. I was in on the ground level of this monster thread and I've stuck with it and participated the whole way through. I can be a dreamer, too. :p I just don't think that a handful of passionate enthusiasts in this one thread is the kind of market that perhaps the world's most historic gun maker is gathering around the big conference room table and talking about.

"Did you guys see the .327 Federal thread TODAY?!" :eek::D
I hate to be the bearer of bad new's here but I feel as though you Guy's are beating a dead horse here as far as having S&W come out with a revolver chambered in the Federal .327 Magnum. They did so a while back but they were all in the smaller J-frame sized revolver and they never did announce it in a K-Frame sized target revolver, of which makes no sense to me as they all ready have the Molds for the Model 16-4 revolver which was chambered in .32 H&R Magnum and all that would have to do, was to lengthen the cylinder throats to make it a Federal .327 Magnum revolver. I happen to have a K-Framed Model 16-4 that I had Hamilton Bowen lengthen the cylinder throats in as I got sick and tired of waiting for S&W to Come out with one of which I doubt that they ever will as they have Now even dropped the J-Frame Platform revolver all together....Hammer It
The future of this caliber is not with Smith & Wesson. Get over it. Even if they did produce a gun, who would buy it knowing they would be mocked or at least disrespected for buying the lock system, not to mention today's lower level of S&W quality?

As an owner of a Ruger SP101 in 327 Federal Magnum, I would say that a reintroduction via Lipsey's of the 327 in the newer 4" platform would be likely. That gun and caliber are naturals.

To those ranting about cylinder capacity and oversized frame platforms, they need to leave their semi-auto, spray-and-pray mentalities at the door IMO.
"To those ranting about cylinder capacity and oversized frame platforms, they need to leave their semi-auto, spray-and-pray mentalities at the door IMO."

We're not ranting, we're discussing. And asking for 7 or 8 rounds in a self-defense revolver is hardly a spray-and-pray mentality. 15 or 20 rounds, maybe. But not 7 or 8.

I have several of both semi-auto and revolver platforms. I carry them both. But the main reason my semi-autos get carried more often than the revolvers is the increased capacity. When I do carry revolver, it's usually one of my two 8-round S&W 357 magnums.

A key advantage of the 327 magnum is the smaller diameter, which lends itself to higher capacity. A 7 or 8 round DA revolver in 327 magnum would set that product apart from the crowd, and make it very popular, in my opinion.
A "7 or 8 round DA revolver in 327 magnum" would be too much gun for the caliber, all in the name of that spray-and-pray mentality. Then we'd be complaining about how heavy the gun was and how we never carry it anymore...another dead model that we thought would be such a great idea, leaving the gun manufacturer feeling burned one more time. The 327 has to be established as a mainstream gun first before getting carried away with boutique ideas.
That would be a Scandium 6 shot J frame with the sights they had on the snubbie SS 632.

Would Sc be enough? I dunno?

Put on a CT grip, like on my 642 at that would be so nice.

Push it for folks who are recoil sensitive as you can find HP and defensive loads from 32 SW Long to 327s.
I think 2 models would be nice and apocopate at this time:

1) 3" Stainless Steel 7 shot in a light and still slim frame.

2) 6" Stainless Steel 8 shot in a hunting frame with adjustable /changeable sights.

I'd buy both for $1k each.
One of the most sought after defensive revolvers in recent times was the 3-inch barreled Model 13 (FBI model) and the equivalent Model 65 (including the Ladysmith version). A fixed-sight, 3-inch M&P .357 Magnum with six shots.

A similar model in .327 Federal Magnum could have the advantage of a 7th shot and a round butt grip, all straight off the K-Frame jigs. It'd weigh in around 31-32 oz - less than a standard 4-inch K-Frame. I don't think porting would be necessary (or even desirable). If based on the 3-inch Model 66, it could be a very attractive and effective package.
The 3" model 60 is the gun, but in a J-Magnum frame. I use the same holster for SP101 and 60 Pro, so since the SP101 3" seems like a natural to me, I would say if S&W is a factor in the future game, it should begin with the 60 Pro. The SP101 in 327 Federal Magnum is a six shooter, and that is all that is needed, one round more than it carries in other calibers. If the 60 Pro were done in the caliber, it too would yield 6 rounds without creating a thin cylinder wall.

It is important that the gun be smallish, because if it doesn't get carried regularly because of larger size, it will languish in the back of the safe like all the others. That works against the caliber gaining a foothold.
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With due respect Real Gun I think you're arguing from the fallacy of a statistical class of one - a.k.a. "It's my favorite, so it must be best". There are a considerable number of people who do carry a K-Frame as their primary gun who would be potential customers.

For example, I know two people with large hands who dislike the J-Frame because it's a two-finger grip for them. I know one woman who hates J-frame sized guns including the SP-101 due to recoil. But she wanted my Model 15 so badly I spent three weeks helping her find one and she shoots it well.

Hammer It - I'm not as pessimistic about S&W's future offerings. Yes, they likely still have the Model 16-4 jigs and CNC programs. Modification would be relatively simple. But perhaps Sevens' suggestion that we ask a distributor like Lipsey's, Talo or Lew Horton for a special run is the right approach. And to that end, how long would your Model 16's barrel be if it was shortened just a skosh past the ejector rod locking bolt crosspin in the barrel? I don't have an example (or even a 686) to measure.
For example, I know two people with large hands who dislike the J-Frame because it's a two-finger grip for them. I know one woman who hates J-frame sized guns including the SP-101 due to recoil. But she wanted my Model 15 so badly I spent three weeks helping her find one and she shoots it well.
I have average hands, and my J-frame is still just a 2-finger grip for me. The little finger might be "on" the grip, but it's right at the edge and doesn't do anything useful.

That being said... I still like the size.

...And I've been really trying to get ahold of an I-frame. -Even smaller! :rolleyes:
(Or a Colt Police Positive [but they have a large grip].)

If S&W offered a lock-free J-frame AirWeight or Ladysmith with a 3.5-4" barrel, in .327 Federal, the only question would be, "Who do I give my money to?"
The Vice President at S&W investor relations replied to my first email, I answered her questions and never heard back. No reaction to my reminder email either. If one of my employees would ignore a customer request or an existing commination I'd fire her/him on the spot.

I have a Ruger GP100 .327 coming in. Found one NIB / never fired for a good price. I think I'll write Ruger next. And I think I'll skip that S&W 686 Talo .357 for good. Ignorant customer service doesn't pay off.
With due respect Real Gun I think you're arguing from the fallacy of a statistical class of one - a.k.a. "It's my favorite, so it must be best".

"With all due respect" usually means someone is about to state something that is clearly disrespectful. You could simply say you disagree, hopefully including why, since after all, you are not the arbiter of valid opinions.
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REAL GUN Kind of a snappy comeback yourself ? But in the end I agree the very best handgun is the one I own and like .

My son just bought a Ruger Single Seven 327 Mag and I think I will love shooting 32 H-R with lead
Real Gun wrote:

"If S&W offered a lock-free"

And there you go...if expecting S&W to be part of the game and introduce a new gun, we wouldn't buy it anyway.

"We" isn't exactly accurate here. I hate the lock and it has absolutely caused Smith and Wesson to lose out on a few sales to me. I can think of four times where it has been the deciding factor in me skipping their product in favor of a new Ruger or older used S&W sans lock. However, I will occasionally bite the bullet when they roll out something really special, like the XVR. If they put out something like the ideas I mentioned in post 1159, I'd bite.

I'd just be a whole lot happier and would buy more S&Ws if that wasn't a consideration in the first place. I mean, come on. At least take it off the PC and Pro guns!
I have a Ruger SP-1O1 .327 magnum and I like it very much. I think it's a fine all around cartridge.
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