.327 Federal Club thread

Why a 327 magnum?

Well how many pink 38 specials snubbies does a guy need?

I only have one 327 magnum and thats because its the only one I could find.
I got a Taurus revolver with a 2 inch barrel.
Its my wife's bedside gun and my ankle holster gun.

Perfect gun for the wife. Used 32 longs to get her trained then moved up to 32 mag loads. Finally 327 butt kickers.
And I can tell you it is close to being my most accurate revolver. Even with that 2 inch barrel.
I like it for my CC gun. Small and light in my ankle holster. With more than enough umph to get the job done.

But what I really want is a Carbine lever gun in 327 and one of those single 7's

The single 7 will be mine if I ever find one for sale. And the lever gun maybe before I die some one may make one.... Maybe...
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It's baack

Lipsey's now carries Ruger .327 single action in 3 barrel lengths.I ordered a gp100 about a year and half ago only to have Ruger cease building them.Please look at the ballistic report in American Rifleman.Zero at 25 yards with a 6
inch drop at 100 is not too shabby.I've got ammo-maybe I'll see one after all.BTW Lipseys has the exclusive.
I purchased a SP-101 when they first came out and couldn't be happier with the SP101 and the 327 Federal. Fun gun to shoot. not only with the 327 Mag, but in 32 H&R, but 32 S&W too. I only wish that Ruger would bring out the LCR in 327 Mag. I'm not interested in the barrel length debate, I would buy one because the 327 Mag is a fun and interesting cartridge @ I want a 327 snubby! But I don't think that one will be coming from Ruger anytime soon.:(
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I just picked up a .32 H&R Mag Singe Six fixed sight revolver (NIB). First .32 anything, I've seen ever at gunshows or gun shops.... Also, have one of the Single Six .327s talked about above on request from gun dealer. My plan is make them my reloadable '.22's as it is the 'smallest' common straight walled center fire rimmed case available that I am aware of. Thanks to the .22 shortage, my attention has turned to the little .32.... I have .357s on up for heavier work... So a lead 85g or so bullet at 1000fps-1100fps would be plenty for this little cartriage (for my intended use anyway) .
I found a Smith 632 a while back and it has fast found its way into my top 3 or 4 guns for shooting. It's just fun to shoot, and perfect for training new shooters with 32 long or 32 mag loads. I rarely shoot the 327 federal mag loads, but I load them for SD sometimes. Easy and inexpensive to reload too. The newer SNS coated bullets are great, and the Missouri Bullet lead bullets shoot well too in the two lower calibers (32 long, 32 mag). I found a Ruger single shot 327 several months ago, and wish I had bought it.
I just picked up a .32 H&R Mag Singe Six fixed sight revolver (NIB). First .32 anything, I've seen ever at gunshows or gun shops.... Also, have one of the Single Six .327s talked about above on request from gun dealer. My plan is make them my reloadable '.22's as it is the 'smallest' common straight walled center fire rimmed case available that I am aware of. Thanks to the .22 shortage, my attention has turned to the little .32.... I have .357s on up for heavier work... So a lead 85g or so bullet at 1000fps-1100fps would be plenty for this little cartriage (for my intended use anyway) .

In scrounging for any valuable brass during my last range visit, I noticed some tiny cases and examined one to find that it was 25 caliber centerfire. It was about the same length as a 22LR. I couldn't imagine reloading them, but who knows?
I had the one that is soon to be mine IN MY HAND TODAY!:D It had just been dropped at the store by the big brown truck and they hadn't even gotten it in their system yet! This IS the gun that Ruger should have made from the get go! Yes it is one sweet, compact package! May be a week before I shoot it, but it feels like a dream in my hand because it is sized for the round, not the round shoved into some other frame. It is real close to my S&W 627 in frame size and feel. All of you that have one coming, you're going to LOVE it!:D
Took the 327 Blackhawk to the range yesterday for a fun filled afternoon. Carried the chrono for some numbers on some mild reloads. I loaded a 78 grn RNFP over about 3.5 grns of Unique and got an average of 1069 fps in a 10 shot string. I was most impressed at the speed with lack of recoil. Recoil was similar to a Single Six with the mag cylinder in it. Also shot a box of AE 100 grn and man those are smoking. The 10 shot string with those had an average of 1724 with a high of 1838 and a low of 1694. On the second cylinder in the string, first shot, I think, was the 1838 round. I'm not sure which round it was but in that 8 shot load I had a split case from mouth to rim. This was factory AE loads. I gave the BH a thorough inspection and went about my afternoon with no more problems. I don't know whether it was weak brass or over charge, but definitely some sort of problem. Of the other 349 rounds there was no issues. Brass pretty much fell out no splits or other signs of pressure. What ya'll think
327 Fed Mag velocities should be well up there, just like HV 22LR. If messing around at ~1000fps and even thinking about recoil, you might as well save your money IMO.

On the split case, I wondered about your chambers being oversized. Something to check, I think.
been several 1,000 rounds down the pipe- this is the only one to show any signs of over pressure - saving my money is exactly what I am doing. I can load and plink with the 327 cheaper per round than I can plink with a 22. Been doing that for a couple of years now.
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I'm not sure which round it was but in that 8 shot load I had a split case from mouth to rim. This was factory AE loads. I gave the BH a thorough inspection and went about my afternoon with no more problems. I don't know whether it was weak brass or over charge, but definitely some sort of problem. Of the other 349 rounds there was no issues. Brass pretty much fell out no splits or other signs of pressure. What ya'll think
I've done a lot of handloading and shooting with the .327 Federal from all three different Ruger platforms and in my experience, what you found was simply -one- piece of brass that did what so many of them are going to do... just so happens that yours did it on the first loading.

I don't believe it's any manner of a gun or chamber issue.

It think it's much more related to the 45,000 PSI Max limit of this cartridge. Only in my older, thinner R-P nickel and cheap S&B .38 Special brass do I see more splits.

A split in a piece of .327 Federal brass is, in my experience, common. I'd say it's nothing to be concerned about.
Picked my Single-Seven up Saturday 5 1/2". :) My woman got it for me as a belated B-day present. The dealer told me it was a hard one to get and all are already allocated. He had one more for sale at his shop.
My first .32 Mag was the Ruger Single Six in the short version. Had it for many years now and always reloaded for it. I bought a box of Federal factory ammo for it when it was new. A few of those split at the mouth on their first firing. Even though it was a very mild load. Then I started reloading them and the splits really got going. I thought I was doing something wrong until I tried some Starline brass. Then I had zero splits. I'm not anti-Federal in general but that brass wasn't up to spec.

My first .32 Mag was the Ruger Single Six in the short version. Had it for many years now and always reloaded for it. I bought a box of Federal factory ammo for it when it was new. A few of those split at the mouth on their first firing. Even though it was a very mild load. Then I started reloading them and the splits really got going. I thought I was doing something wrong until I tried some Starline brass. Then I had zero splits. I'm not anti-Federal in general but that brass wasn't up to spec.


There is no ".32 Mag" of which I am aware. I know of 32 H&R Magnum and 327 Federal Magnum.

Sometimes I wonder.

"Pre-.327," if somebody said .32 Magnum, what did you think they meant? People say .38 Special all the time rather than saying .38 S&W Special. Or .44 Remington Magnum. I've never owned any kind of H&R firearm... I think I can get away with just saying .32 Magnum. I will agree it is a bit more potentially confusing now that the .327 is out there... but I had all my .32 Mags in hand long before the longer version came around.
I like the .32 cal .... and love the idea of a six shot revolver that is not 1 1/2" wide or more across the middle ..... and now Ruger went and discontinued the gun I wanted ..... maybe I'll run across a used one .....
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I picked up the new Ruger Single Seven 5.5 inch today! Pictured with the 8 shot BlackHawk 327 Fed.





This is THE gun Ruger should have put out first, wonder if that cylinder will fit into a SP101?