In the next year I have a few weapons I would like to purchase. Whether or not it will happen depends on how my personal microscopic part of the economy goes.
1) Another EBR. Perhaps another AK clone, or an AR-15, or an SKS, M1A, haven't decided yet
2) M1 Garand through the CMP
3) 20 gauge pump shotgun for my girlfriend
4) Beretta pistol that my girlfriend wants, I can't remember what model, I would have to see it again to be sure.
5) If I can find one reasonable a Ruger PC-9 Carbine
6) MUCH, MUCH, MORE ammunition
1) Another EBR. Perhaps another AK clone, or an AR-15, or an SKS, M1A, haven't decided yet
2) M1 Garand through the CMP
3) 20 gauge pump shotgun for my girlfriend
4) Beretta pistol that my girlfriend wants, I can't remember what model, I would have to see it again to be sure.
5) If I can find one reasonable a Ruger PC-9 Carbine
6) MUCH, MUCH, MORE ammunition