2 men attempt strongarm robbery on CCW

Any time I'm putting fuel in a vehicle and the fuel pump is running, I don't have to draw a weapon. I'm already holding one with a bore of about .75 and a range of about 20 feet.

Something to remember if ever in the gravest extreme at the gas station... not anything to fool around with lightly of course, but a possible last ditch option to consider if it's all that's available.

Does this experience and the video make anyone re-think or re-emphasize:

1. Having or not having a manual safety on your concealed weapons firearm?
2. If you have a manual safety, practicing with it enough so that you can easily flick it on/off one-handed and/or while under physical duress?
3. Carrying one in the chamber?
4. Practicing with multiple types of firearms and thus potentially adding a layer of complexity/unfamiliarity during the fog of war/stress (revolver vs. DA/SA semi-auto vs. DAO/DAK semi-auto; frame-mounted safety that you flick down vs. slide mounted safety that you flick up, etc?)
5. Practicing for/around non-ideal shooting situations (one-handed, from an angle, on your back, while being punched in the face!, etc?)
Got one in the chamber now. My gun handling skills are just fine now after 1500 rounds through 2 different guns. I'm confident and careful why I was still carrying bareback is baffling.
" Any time I'm putting fuel in a vehicle and the fuel pump is running, I don't have to draw a weapon. I'm already holding one with a bore of about .75 and a range of about 20 feet.

Something to remember if ever in the gravest extreme at the gas station... not anything to fool around with lightly of course, but a possible last ditch option to consider if it's all that's available."

Good Point, and I'll bet the muzzle flash from the 45 makes it more interesting for the BG!
Two points: Good guy went home, BG's went to the hospital and jail. That's a mark in the "Win" column. Second point: shooter was surprised by second attacker, no info on other attackers or if they were armed. He disengaged and retreated to a safe position until the cops arrived. One of the best tactical (and legal) decisons he made all night.

"It appears that the Castle doctrine will apply since the BG was trying to pull him out of his car when he shot. The posts on FB from the BGs buddy are, well, enlightening. "

This is exactly the reason when I have to drive from Texas to Lousiana
that I gas up, before I leave in a (Prius), buy all my food, drinks and never stop after I leave Texas till I return. I can't carry due to the restriction
of it being federal property so I just don't stop for anything.

The Castle Doctrine would protect me in Texas, but I am sure that if I had a weapon even with a permit it might be taken, even in Texas but fortunately
I own three. This is another reason for me putting my faith in a revolver is I only need one hand to fire it, and can fire them from either hand. Leaving the car without his gun was his first mistake IMHO. He should also not have permitte the guy to get that close to him, and warned him when he approached. Hindsight is 20/20, though.
TexasJustice7, I have nothing against revolvers; I own nine at last count, and sometimes carry a revolver or two as CCW.

However, I can shoot all of my autos with either hand, so I'm not quite sure why you brought that up...

If you prefer a revolver, by all means carry a revolver. But one can very easily learn to shoot autos with either hand, with or without ambi controls.

Whatever I carry, though, it has a round chambered. And whatever I carry, it's on my person unless I have to enter a prohibited spot, in which case it's locked in a vehicle vault, and recovered as soon as I'm back at my vehicle.
I haven't noticed anybody else bring this up, in this thread, so I will:

Learning at least some basic hand-to-hand skills is a good thing. If one's SA fails sufficiently to let a bad guy close, or if one is grabbed or attacked while in a crowded place, it's good to have some conditioned reflexes for breaking free, and striking or distracting the BG.

Having a gun is only useful if you have time and space to bring it into play. SA is the first buffer, but H2H training is an additional one that could help win the day.
Two points: Good guy went home, BG's went to the hospital and jail.

Actually, the unshot bad guy hasn't been to jail for THIS charge yet. He was arrested for aggravated assault on someone else last month but at this moment he is free and posting in Facebook. Police have indicated they intend to charge him in this case as well. Just a reminder your antagonist may not be headed to jail immediately after a confrontation where a crime occurred.
I missed that, Mr Roberts. Thanks. I'm quite familiar with our criminal injustice system and have no illusions that bad guys stay where they belong, or even go there in the first place. The important thing is that the good guy went home. If the bad guy that was mouthing on FB is stupid enough to tangle with our good guy again maybe his aim will be a bit better this time, little doubt his tactics will be.
I hope somebody has been archiving BG#2's Facebook posts for the DA. Should make his sentencing much more..... interesting.
Nevermind that the accomplice is posting on FB, why is this individual freely walking the streets? This was a premeditated attack and given this tool's prior history, why on God's Green Earth is this scumbag walking freely amongst us rather than in a cell awaiting trial?

Edit : Apologies regarding my question as it is moving away from the T&T topic but it is absolutely insane that this guy is on the streets...

Furthermore, why do I feel the need to carry? CASE IN POINT!
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I hope somebody has been archiving BG#2's Facebook posts for the DA. Should make his sentencing much more..... interesting.

The original forum is quite long and wordy, but in short, he has reported the facebook pictures to the police.
I am not doubting the victim or the police, but in the video it does seem that the 2nd BG is in the store during most of the confrontation. Secondly, I thought I saw him come out only when his buddy was in trouble. If that is the case, his sentence might be much lighter. Now if he confessed to robbery, then he is in more trouble.
I am awaiting the cabal of empty chamber acolytes to chime in. You know, the Israeli Method dudes.

I carry one in the chamber at all times period. I am anti empty chamber carry. That said it is not only possible but quite easy to load the chamber one handed. It is part of a drill I practice which simulates loosing use of one arm during a shootout and needing to reload. You simply run the gun down your pants thru the waist,belt,pocket area on the side. The rear sight will drag on the pants and get pulled back loading the pistol.
Controversy or not there are folks who simply refuse to carry chamber loaded. Learning how to load with only one arm could be useful for me should I have one arm injured during an attack. For the empty chamber guys its a must.
You simply run the gun down your pants thru the waist,belt,pocket area on the side. The rear sight will drag on the pants and get pulled back loading the pistol

Good luck to you with the "run the gun down your pants leg" method when you're under physical attack. Same for Israeli style.

Yes, those methods may work when those violently assaulting you are at a distance, but how much have you practiced with people simulating punching, stabbing, or hitting you with blunt objects up close? Or while they're dragging you out of your car?

Not saying that practicing one handed skills isn't potentially life saving in some situations.

I'm not an expert nor an operator, but it seems that skills that create enough space to draw your weapon and shoot might serve one better in a high % of real incidents.

Like the very typical incident in the video, for example.