2 men attempt strongarm robbery on CCW

You are not up on what is hot on the streets.

Does anyone else notice that Billy Bob says something derogatory on his FB page and the victim isn't even black? Shows how absolutely ignorant he is.

It is not about black or white, it is just a way of life. If you live a certain life then that is what you call your self and all your associates.
Originally posted by Bartholomew Roberts:
UPDATE: Billy Blackburn Jr., one of the alleged strongarm robbers in the video that started this post, ended up robbed and shot in the neck and leg himself while attempting to buy drugs. Suprisingly, it also happened at a gas station and was once again captured on video.

I wonder what happened to him in the first place. It's only been 9 months since the original incident. No jail?

My favorite part of this story has always been his facebook comments about how some people just can't fight (I believe his term was "buck up"). He didn't seem to highlight the part that he wasn't winning the original fight until his PARTNER came to help out. I guess some people just aren't tough enough to take on two people without resorting to shooting one...:rolleyes: (original incident in case that seems confusing).
You can't count on being fortunate enough to have your fight captured on video; but you should never assume it wasn't.
Chicago is now the most monitored city in America:


ACLU is not happy about it:


Odds are increasing that a fight will be captured on video and I have to believe that in the heat of the moment most people will totally forget about it.

Jerome Ersland was tripped up by the video in his own store. Maybe Ersland is not a good example, but you would think that someone that security concious would at least be cognizant of the video monitors in the store where he works every day.
whenever anyone (besides a woman) approaches me for anything my anxiety goes way up.

That sounds like an awful way to live. My awareness might go up when people approach me, but I'm not going to be fingering my gun handle every time someone asks me for directions. Constant fear and gun ownership sounds like a recipe for mistakes.
I do carry, and I keep one in the chamber for instances just like this, but I'm not going to live my life in fear just because something might happen.
That being said, I probably would have handled a drunk/crackhead leaning on my car a bit more aggressively.
I'm glad everything worked out for the would be victim.
Oh the irony. So much for all that trash talk. It seems the golden rule rings true in this case. This man had done unto him what he had done to others.
So I know bumping an old post is frowned upon but I hope this contains significant content.

Anyways, I'm new to this party (I read through old pages of T+T whenever I get the chance). The link to the video is dead so I am unfortunately unable to view it. I have gone to the OFCC website. That thread has gone from 18 pages to 51 :eek:

The other thing that concerns me is that, if you follow the guy's Facebook (now under a different name), he is still there interacting with other people as recently as March. I am more than a little curious how this is possible. He was facing multiple charges last I read. Perhaps the OFCC thread will shed some light
From the sounds of it in the Ohio CCW forum, there may have been more to this story than meets the eye...

It's a necro but since new information came out regarding the incident it might be ok to resurrect...?