1851 Pietta Revolver

Well, I gotta tell ya, took the advice of two very wise men on the way to load this Navy or any cap and ball revolver and it takes me back to the way I did it when I was riding with Wild Bill and chasen Buff out on the lone prairie and Bill asked me...Hey Remington Kid, whats the best way to load these Colts for Buff and Indians ? I says Bill, only one way to do it right...Pour in enough powder to fill the chamber just shy of the thickness of the ball. Then press a ball on top of the powder. No wads, (we never used them back then) so no reason to use them now, just some grease over the ball and cap that sucker and go to shooten!
Well , Bill didn't believe me so he got out his powder measurer and poured in 25g of Pyrodex "P" and sure enough...there was just enough room for the ball on top. After I spent a while teaching old Bill how to shoot I left him and headed out to find Hickock and teach him how to load and shoot. It was a hard life in them day's but someone had to do it.
Yea Steve, I remember that:D
Sometime this week I'm going to strip the blueing off this Navy and rust it. They just don't look right new.
Also have to go get some more Remington #10 caps. Got one can left. I sure wish they made the tins for thses caps like the old aspirin tins. Do you remember the tins they used? You pressed on one corner and the lid would open. Opened a tin of these today and they went over over my bench and it wasn't the first time. The plastic containers that some of them use are nice to.
Had a tin of Remington #11's to blow out at my workbench not to long back, was twistin the lid off when zip...whang! Caps all over the bench and floor. :eek: I spent 15 minutes picking the little buggers out of the carpet!
Low Key, You should have just swept them up and threw them in the fireplace:D
Have you been shooting that Remington lately? I know I asked you once but I forgot what you told me....Where did you get your plumb brown and who makes it? I have the birchwood Casey de-bluer but not sure which rusting I want to use.
OD, I know your old enough to remember the aspirin tins. My wife gave me some real nice small containers for the caps but I keep forgetting to to place the caps in them and pitch the tins. Gotta do that tomorrow. Gonna rain most of the day anyway so I'll play with the guns, drink to much coffee and listen to country music all day.
No more pills, wads or any of that in my Navy. Went back to the original Colt instruction page they sent out with there 51.

(1) Place hammer on half cock

(2) Fill chamber with powder

(3) load ball over powder

(4) Place cap on nipples (They used another word)

(5) Lower hammer on safety tabs

I measure my powder to 25g. and place lube over balls. It's nice to get back to bassics without all the other stuff that's really not needed. That's the way I started and then got caught up in all the other wads, no wads, grease , no grease, pills , no pills, special miracle lubes and everyone say's there's is the best and I have tried a lot of them with the same results, they keep the cylinders turning and help keep the powder soft.
OK I suppose I must admit to remembering asprin tins. Yep I wish I had some for my caps, but I'd take the finish off and brown the tins just like the Sir Walter Raliegh and Prince Albert Cans that I browned to keep my tinder, striker and flint in.
Hell, I don't remember what was on my char tin...4" round with a vent hole in it and very blackened fire the camp fire. (but I do remember aspirin tins)
Hey Mike & Dragoon,
Now Im Only 35 But I Remember Those Aspirin Tins Too Beleive It Or Not! I Guess Mom And Dad Had Some But I Can Remember Them.lol.got My .31 Back On Track Today.shoots Great And No Problems.went To Wal-mart And They Had 777 On Sale For 9 Bucks!!!!!!!! Its Reg Price Is 24.95.i Bought 5 And Thinking About Going For More.i Load Bp In My .45 Colt & Shcolfeilds,brass Shot Shells,.44 Spl's ,and 30-30 So I'll Be Using It A Lot.
Kevin, At that price you better get all you can. No sales at Wally world for powder around here. We have one in Charleston and one in Summersville and they are both 50-60 miles from me so I call every now and then to see if they have any on sale. Someone mentioned a while back that they bought a bunch ot it on sale too from them.The last time I checked around here no one even had the 777 in stock or Pyrodex"P". I found my Pyro at a little shop in Summersville and the guy said he keeps it in stock.
There is a hardware/lumber yard here in town who is going to try to carry some for me and a small Mom and Pop store to. I'm sure I'll have to pay a few bucks more but now that gas has gone back up to $2.50 a gallon I don't care, it will still be cheaper than a 100 miles round trip.
RK, Yep I shot the 58 yesterday evening. I just had to get out and shoot a couple of shots. I'm addicted and it takes the edge off, :p !
Here's a target I shot weekend before last, I was having a good day that day so I took a picture of my work.

Plum brown,
I got the birchwood casey plum brown at my local blackpowder supplier. It was the last bottle he had and he didn't know if he was going to re-order. I'll PM you about it.
Wow!!! When we make our movie I can see who's going to do the shooting for me. Then I can tell everyone that I did my own shooting in that movie:D
Looks like you got that Remington Smoken! HA! That was pretty good huh?,:)
Got your info and thanks again.
Re: plum Brown, No problem Mike got your pm.
As far as shooting goes, I think that's an excellent target if I do say so myself! :D Guess I'll be doing the stunt shooting and such for the movie.
Have gun...will shoot! :p
Mike, when I browned my pocket navy after screwing the bluing up installing the new front sight, I didn't have anything on hand to remove the finish. I thought I'd experiment with the Birchwood Casey plum brown since it's got a lot of nasty stuff in there. I tied a cotton ball onto a little stick, dipped that in the bottle of browning solution and test rubbed a spot on the cold barrel. The bluing went away pretty quick! I had used the browning solution on my Remington, which was supposedly one of the "patina finished " ones but really was just unfinished, and I had to do several coats to get it looking like I wanted. When I did the pocket navy after removing the bluing with the browning solution, it seemed the browning took on the first try. There may be another explanation for that besides the bluing removal medium but I think it may be a good degreaser too and maybe gets down into the metal a little so when the metal is heated and new browning solution applied, it takes better. There's enough browning solution in one bottle of that stuff to antique a whole bunch of guns. If you use it for bluing removal too you can still brown half a whole bunch.

If you have trouble getting Plum Brown, I can get it at my local gun shop and send it to you.

I use B-C blue and rust remover, but I never tried just the Plum Brown...HMM I still have a blue gun..........I really am fighting antiqueing this one...really I am....really........
Would like to see it with the new Konverter with the Gate and ejector...still in the blue......Maybe........Then All I'd have to refinish is the port in the frame and the notch in the rammer.
Anyone know how close a match the B-C Perma Blue comes to the original blue on these Pietta's?
I use B-C blue and rust remover, but I never tried just the Plum Brown...HMM I still have a blue gun..........I really am fighting antiqueing this one...really I am....really........

Just step away Dragoon...Just step away...take a breath and leave the gun on the table...:p