YouTube weenies vs .357 Magnum...

Thumbs up for Paul Harrell, very informative no BS videos. I agree on his take, if you can handle the .357 there is definitely an increase over 38+Ps out of short barrel. Granted, it's not as much as the difference in a 4" or longer barrel, but there IS a difference.

The thing is, once you reach a certain velocity and have a bullet that both expands and provides good penetration at that velocity, you have to weigh the loss in recovery time for follow-up shots and perhaps less penetration from additional bullet expansion at the higher velocity. Match the bullet to your intended velocity. That's why I use different alloys when I cast bullets for different intended purposes.

Yeah, I killed 2 deer with the classic behind the front shoulder shot with this bullet, but there's not a lot of resistance there to stop a bullet. However, let me tell you what happened when I had to make a different shot. I was in my tree stand one morning when I heard a shot and a large doe came limping over to me and lay down under my tree. So, I figured I would do the hunter a favor and dispatch his deer for him. I aimed my S&W 686 at it's back angling down into the chest cavity and touched one off. To my amazement, the deer got up and ran off. In the afternoon I was hunting on the ground in the same general area, when a deer came limping near me. I shot it with my 12 gauge. When I got it home and took the hide off, I found a perfectly mushroomed .357 silvertip bullet imbedded in the thick layer of suet on this large does back. The bullet did not hit any bone and was simply stopped by the hide and layer of fat. I lost all confidence in the silvertip bullet and would not recommend it's use for anything serious. I have since moved on to a more serious caliber and bullet.

Why would you shoot the back strap area purposely on a deer?
Best meat on the whole animal.
The head or neck was not available?
Originally Posted by USSR
Yeah, I killed 2 deer with the classic behind the front shoulder shot with this bullet, but there's not a lot of resistance there to stop a bullet. However, let me tell you what happened when I had to make a different shot. I was in my tree stand one morning when I heard a shot and a large doe came limping over to me and lay down under my tree. So, I figured I would do the hunter a favor and dispatch his deer for him. I aimed my S&W 686 at it's back angling down into the chest cavity and touched one off. To my amazement, the deer got up and ran off. In the afternoon I was hunting on the ground in the same general area, when a deer came limping near me. I shot it with my 12 gauge. When I got it home and took the hide off, I found a perfectly mushroomed .357 silvertip bullet imbedded in the thick layer of suet on this large does back. The bullet did not hit any bone and was simply stopped by the hide and layer of fat. I lost all confidence in the silvertip bullet and would not recommend it's use for anything serious. I have since moved on to a more serious caliber and bullet.


Why would you shoot the back strap area purposely on a deer?
Best meat on the whole animal.
The head or neck was not available?

Was not shooting at the backstrap. Deer was lying down with one side presented to me. Nevertheless, the issue is the lack of penetration of the Winchester Silvertip bullet, not what shot I elected to take.

The thing is, once you reach a certain velocity and have a bullet that both expands and provides good penetration at that velocity, you have to weigh the loss in recovery time for follow-up shots and perhaps less penetration from additional bullet expansion at the higher velocity. Match the bullet to your intended velocity. That's why I use different alloys when I cast bullets for different intended purposes.

Yes sir, this is the reason that I myself don't carry full .357 mags. I'm simply not talented enough to be able to place rapid accurate follow up shots on my target.
And was the deer lying down when you shot him the 2nd time with the 12Ga?
Sounds like one confused deer to lay by the same deer stand twice just to get poked the first time with a 357 then later with a 12Ga.
Who knows, I wasn't there.
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Man, you guys seem to be dancing all around the fact that the Winchester Silvertip bullet does not penetrate well. If you would reread what I wrote, "In the afternoon I was hunting on the ground in the same general area, when a deer came limping near me". Reading is fundamental.

Mas Ayoob told me himself that the Silvertip achieved a good rep as a duty load back in the day, for those that didnt jump on the 125gn bandwagon.

I'm not planning any vertical shots on deer with it.
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That bullet should have shattered that deers spine (ON topic, Silvertip Penetration).
But.........Several parts of this yarn don't add up. :confused:
Is story telling "Fundamental" also?
I assume that we are talking about the same animal?
What type of slug, I prefer Brenneke Classic Magnums.
That bullet should have shattered that deers spine (ON topic, Silvertip Penetration).
But.........Several parts of this yarn don't add up.
Is story telling "Fundamental" also?
I assume that we are talking about the same animal?
What type of slug, I prefer Brenneke Classic Magnums.

:rolleyes: Man, Guv, do I need to give you a lesson in anatomy? If a bullet only penetrates the hide and is stopped by a thick layer of suet on the animals back, how could it possibly shatter the spine? And, does all of your back cover your spine? Could an animal be shot in it's back somewhere other than directly above it's spine? I am trying my darnest to keep this on topic, and you want to know what 12 gauge slug I used? I am simply saying that I find the Winchester Silvertip bullet lacking in penetration and would never use it. What you do is up to you and no concern of mine.

Hmm, must be you've never hunted deer. Deer that are wounded tend to want to lie down first chance they get.
I have, and still do hunt deer. Of the deer I have killed, only one wounded animal had to be dispatched on the ground. With a head shot from my Ruger Super Blackhawk.
Over penetration, too loud in a vehicle or enclosed space,flash blindness at night, speed of followup shots, etc.
There are many reasons not to carry the hottest ammo you can shoot in a gun.

In fact that is the beauty of chosing a .357 magnum instead of the .38 version.
You can choose to shoot anything from mild wadcutters in the summer to the hottest woods loads in four legged territory, all in one gun. What's not to like about that?
Well said, HighValleyRanch, my thoughts, exactly. Rod
USSR is correct, deer often DO seek a place to lay down when wounded. Had it happen on a number of occasions myself as things don't always goes as planned in the woods... thats why its called "hunting". I have hunted my entire life with firearms and recurve bows and many of the arrows were launched from a tree stand at a downward angle. That layer of fat and gristle under the hide he mentioned... yeah, it's real, and VERY thick come November and can diminish the penetration of handgun bullets and broadheads. There isn't anything about his story that doesn't sound plausible or genuine to me. That being said, I would prefer my .270 rifle over a .357 Magnum handgun for deer hunting, hands down. My Remington 700 .270 puts any handgun I own to shame with both massive bone smashing power and distance. Fat and gristle wont slow down a .270 bullet.
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I use a Mossberg 590 with a Blackhawk folder Winchester PDX Defender ammo..
I also have a Zastava AK-47 underfolder, but thats my last choice as it would send rounds all thru the house...
Just to clear things up because certain people are kinda handle translates to Stormtanker... I was an M1 Tank Commander and did the Thunder Run into Baghdad...also served in Germany and was TDY'd to the 316th Panzer Battalion and trained on Leopard MkII's...The US Army uses every tactic that the WWII Werhrmact Panzers invented... They created Blitzkrieg...we call it AirLand Doctrine...same thing... They were WAY ahead in Armored Warfare...we beat them and stole their stuff.. Ever watched the movie "Fury"?... Even their tanks were better.. We only, finally, adopted the old Wehrmact tactics when the M1 Abrams came out...and we did Blitzkrieg on Saddam in Desert Storm..right out of WWII German tactics...So bite a damn history book or something... little rant is over....Have a great day...
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