I must say...
everything Rich and Blues said, plus sept. 12 i'd have put the whole muslim world on notice, so much as a firecracker goes off here and Mecca and Medina disappear. I dont give a damn why they hate us. We always hear that there are only a few bad people involved, well that should help the rest make up their minds.
Big Ruger, that's a foolish move, you'd trigger a situation that's even worse than what's going on right now. Would you give a crap if Jerusalem disappeared? Probably yes? Then why show favoritism towards another nation because of their religion and not the other? Sounds like Taliban thinking, or Christian right wing thinking to me. (In my eyes, they are both inhibitors of true freedom, because they favor one religion over others.) The Arabs and the Jews have been at each others throats for such a long time, and I believe that it's not America's business to stick its nose in a country that is already doing quite well in defending itself, it just perpetuates more anti-American ideas and spawns more terrorism. FirstFreedom, thank you for saying what most people are so blind to understand. Maybe if we let Israel stand on its own since they're well off now we'd have a reduction in terrorism? Why do they hate America? Gee maybe because the Israelis are using American made weapons for the most part, AND getting funding from the American government? I think that for the most part we should've taken care of Osama bin Hidin' a long time ago, we have the top military and recon technology in the world, and we "can't find him" something fishy's going on. Oh right, it's because Bush deals with the bin Laden family, just as Bush's family dealt weapons with Hitler just before America entered WW2. I feel the terror at home is a bigger problem that triggers the terror from abroad. Only the government is benefiting from this "war on terror" by keep the People terrorized, let's play some more terror alert twister. The Second Amendment the original Homeland Security, give EVERYONE on that plan a gun, and watch the terrorists drop like flies before they could even get to the cockpit.
Americans ALWAYS step up.
Except when a plane with men with box cutters take over everyone cowers in fear and doesn't do crap to stop them from an attack.
9/11 COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED IF PROPER ACTION WAS TAKEN! Had the government actually listened to its field agents we wouldn't have been under attack. Had the passengers just decided to get some brass and f$%k up the hijackers before they got control of the plane there could've been less casualties. Rich don't mean to pry apart what you said, I know you meant well.
As for what I'd do if I was in charge around the time of 9/11. Destroy Al Qaeda, find and kill Osama bin Laden. Rebuild Afghanistan after the attack, let them form their OWN government, and tell them they are a free nation but should the Taliban return to threaten us America will come back again. I'd stay out of Iraq, because it wasn't my business to begin with, they weren't the ones who attacked my country. I'd also withdraw from the Middle East actively and definately seek alternative fuels feverishly, giving incentives and tax write-offs in order to help further alternative fuel. I would not drill for more oil even domestically. I'd tell corporate America to shove off, and that the government belongs to the People, not companies, religious groups, and eliteists. Re-instate the Constitution I mean ALL OF IT and abolish as many absurd and unconstitutional rules possible. Legalize gay marrige, end the war on drugs, and allow individuals the right to die if they so choose especially if they are terminally ill or are so injured physically or mentally that their will states they choose death instead of treatment, no more gun control laws either. I'd want us to become a nation of neutrality as well as try to see if we can clean up the huge mess of an organization called the UN once things can be set properly here.
P.S: I do agree with those who still question who/what was the cause behind 9/11 I still wouldn't put it past me if the government allowed it/was pulling the strings for it to happen. Don't know how much longer this country can hold up under its own weight, anyone feel my sentiments on that?