You're in charge

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Touche!! The only conspiracy I've heard about is BinLaden conspiring with 19 hijackers(most of them Saudi, by the way) and Hussain. You know, the gov. line. If I believed in conspiracy theories that's the one I would probably go for.:D
P.S. Thanks for calling me a crackpot. That means a lot coming from you.

Or are you saying that individual citizens should start going overseas to fight this fight, leaving out the government and its military?
That is exactly what I am saying, if they are so inclined.

Let's say there were a group of soldiers in front of you and you said what you just did. What, exactly, would they start doing?
I am not sure what it is that you are implying here.

Trouble is, your answer is so vague and nonspecific as to not really be much of an answer at all.
We all have our views of what government should and shouldn't be in our lives. Problem with government is that all will never agree and when one tries to tell another what is right and what is wrong trouble ensues. One man's trash is another man's treasure as it goes. Each of us is responsible only for our own actions, nothing more and nothing less. When we start to become accountable for the actions of goverment, other folks as it is, trouble begins. I personally have no dogs in this "War on Terror", others do. I help others when I can, treat them as I would have them treat me. I have no desire to save the world from "Zionists" or "Islamofascists". The yin and the yang, good and evil, must both exist to have balance, it all depends on perspective, and so on and so forth ...

I hope you have enjoyed my ramble, there is more where that came from :D

While I applaud your looking for answers to the questions that perplex you, please don't let this thread drift down the conspiracy wormhole.
Then, I'd try to figure out why every towelhead over there hates our guts...
I actually laughed out loud at this quote. Sorry, but I did :D

Nevertheless, my course of action would be pretty much like yours.
I like the whole blow the country apart and not rebuild it theory.War is war why even start a war if you have to pay to fix it.Nobody is paying for the attacks here.As for non military civillians going to fight a war on their own terms I say why not.
- Close the borders to illegals.

- Get out of the UN and the UN out of the would crumble in a year.

- Revamp or duplicate NATO with true allies like the Eastern European block of hungry democracies.

- Drill the Anwar and Gulf. Leave no stone unturned in terms of research on alternative energy and fuel efficiency.

- Perhaps most important, engage the American People as they were engaged in WWI and WWII. Americans have saved this Nation repeatedly from annihilation (and a couple dozen others along the way). Americans ALWAYS step up.

- Vote from office EVERY politician that does not trust the American citizen....meaning the vast majority of BOTH parties.

Like it or not (there need be no global conspiracy), oil is the source of the problem. The potential for attack on American soil is the symptom. Loss of American freedoms is the outcome. Treat the symptom aggressively and the source relentlessly. The outcome will change accordingly.

What Rich typed + round up and export the illegals.
I agree with Rich also. Borders like bank vaults. A new and renewable source of energy. Allies who are really allies. U.N.? Gone. Clean house in government.

As far as engaging the American people, our governments foray into Iraq has turned so many people against this "war" that you may have a hard time getting a large number of Americans on board for anything further.

Osama's guts need to be spilled. His head needs to be on a spike. He needs to be hounded and hunted and given no rest till he is dead. Same with Al Queda. Unfortunately he is probably hiding in Pakistan, a nominal ally. If we were to go in with overwhelming force, smash, kill and destroy everything in our path, the Mushariff government would probably fall, radical Islam would probably take over and they would have about (I've heard) 100 nukes.

Iraq is a tar baby. If we were to pull out, I think it would become like Iran. I feel that we would be back. Not sure what to do there.

Also, could some one explain to me what an official declaration of war would do? I'm not really sure I understand this part. Does it alter the powers of the branches of government?
You're right abndoc. this should not fall into the conspiracy theory wormhole, but poor men fight the wars,and die, that rich men start and profit from. My war was Vietnam. The NSA documents released in May '06, and others, admit that the Tonkin Gulf incident (the reason our gov. gave us to escalate Vietnam
from advisory status to a commitment of 500,000 troops) was a lie. There is a wall in DC with 58,000 names on it. A lot of them were my friends. They died for a LIE. I don't want anyone else to die, to line someones pocket or give them more power. Let the greedy bastards fight their own wars! I have a son that will have to fight in this war if it escalates, and it looks like it will. I don't want him to be just a name on a wall. If the facts match what we are being told, let them come out now instead of 40 years later. Then we can respond appropriately. NO one, who has ever heard shots fired in anger, wants to rush off to war. When I'm attacked, I'll fight back. But I'll be sure who the real enemy is. Based on past experience, what I'm being told, and the truth may be totally different. I don't disrespect anyones views, they are all certainly entitled to them.
100% agree with rich.

Get us out of the UN and close the borders should be number 1.We cant keep them out if they are coming in with the flood of cheap labor, which if memory serves me, is exactly how the 911 terrorist came in.I've never seen any value to the UN but them being a bunch of think tanks and contradictary statements. They are an incredible Waste of time.

Stop exporting jobs overseas.Build up the economy here,not over there so they spend more and trickle it back here.We need it right here,right now!Stop importing cheap labor as well.Play by the rules or leave. Remove corruption from big bisness interests & let them eat hot dogs 6 days a week like those of us that are living on minimum wages.

Continue to develope alternative energy sources..use them and offer a monetary reward to implement them and continually improve upon them.
-Hybrid and stored energy.
-Alternative fuels.
-Naturally replaced energy.

Remove the spying on americans snooping program,all of it.Rein in agencies that abuse our trust.they work for us not for themselves.Rein in corruption and give them real time.

My most radical? Allow going in and passivating terrorist cells from within by eliminating them from the top down.I'm not in favor of killing an entire populace to remove a portion of its threat.The nazis did this and look what it achieved for them?

Its just a thought. I dont expect any of it to happen,I'll still vote.
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Rich is on the right track, though I think that the present government is doing what it can in the face of being thwarted at every turn by politicians like the Honorable Junior Senator from New York who was photographed a few years ago kissing the wife of Yasser Arafat.

( photographic spoiler for those who can't name the senator is on )

So I think that if I was in charge I'd do a little more to educate the people so they'd be interested in voting them out. Or maybe they could care less, in which case I'd pursue ways to turn off the money handout pipelines so they'd have to spend more time working for a living.
I can't see her face, but ol' Yasser seemed to be doing SOMETHING right! Always figured Mrs. Arafat looked like Madeleine Albright.;)

Why are the oil companies showing record profits?

I saw this little tidbit, and it surprised me.

Oil companies make $.09 on every gallon of gas you buy.

The federal government alone takes $.45 per gallon.

Oil companies aren't really that bad. Big Media wants you to think they are, so you'll support Big Brother's higher taxes on those oil companies--which makes Big Brother richer, and raises your price anyway in the end.

The reason the companies' profits are high isn't because of their greed--it's the fact that America consumes over 20 billion barrels of oil a day!
I disagree, oil companies are full of it and themselves.It's a fat cash cow ripe for milking and oil companies know it.Everybody needs it,so they have us over a barrel so to speak.Where are these profits going and why has it taken this long to market hybrid technology?
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Actually, gdm, you AND Phetro are both right. The oil companies own the oil and bleed off profits in every operation from the ground thru the gas pump. The magic of accounting let's the oil co. show, on paper, minimum profits with gigantic write-offs. As Phetro stated, if we would reduce our consumption
(and told big oil to go pound sand,my words) the price and the profits supposedly would go down due to supply and demand. Unfortunately big oil knows that if we don't want to pay their price, they can sell it to Europe or Asia. The oil companies are global. They have NO allegiance to the US. WE (the consumer) are the cash cow.:)

I'm going to have to demand a MINIMUM of sixth grade spelling and grammar to allow this to continue. I have a headache!

PLEASE.....DO NOT respond to my request other than by the FORM of your future replies to the topic. I do not wish to hijack the thread.
The best way (IMO) to stick it to 'Big Oil' while simultaneously helping your country is to simply reduce your personal energy consumption.
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