Your Favorite 44mag

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Most favorite: Superblackhawk, stainless steel, 5.5" barrel, fluted cylinder and round trigger guard

Least Favorite: American Derringer Corp M-1 shiny stainless steel
I own two .44 Mags. A 4" S&W Model 29 and a Stainless 7 1/2" Ruger Super Blackhawk.

The Model 29 was done up by Jack Weigand. It is so accurate it is scary. I have some groups from my varmint rifles hanging from the shelf on my 1oading bench. Right next to them is a group shot with my '29. I just don't trust it with heavy loads. I only shoot .44 Special loads in .44 Special brass and don't shoot it at all very much.
My SBH would be my choice if I could only have one. It is very accurate for a handgun and can take almost any load you want to feed it. The only problem is that it is too big for easy belt carry. The same gun with a shorter barrel would be the answer.

My IPSC load is a 240g LSWC at 877fps.

Knocks plates and poppers down okay LOL.

(Lesseenow......877 times 240g is oh yeah 210 PF)(Prevoius IPSC load was 300g at 733fps, but it was harder to run with a belt full of ammo)
The 44mag is not to bad but you do have to have a good grip on it. Most of the time I put 44spl through it.

I want to get a Texas Defender because it has the trigger guard. Did you have that you can get different barrels and change them out? The Cowboy and the Texas Defender also use the same barrel. So, if you want a different caliber just get a new barrel or the Cowboy.

Just about everyone is saying S&W or Ruger (red or black hawk) but no one has ever said a Taurus. My Ragging Bull is great. Great trigger pull, very accurate and has almost no recoil make for a great gun. I have also shot the Taurus Mountaineer which is a copy of the S&W 629 (think that is all right). I do like my S&W better but 4 the price you can not beet the Taurus.

bjf2 where did you shoot a Taurus Mountineer? I've never heard of that model, and Taurus doesn't list it on their web site. Do you have a link to more information on that one?

When I go to matches I see how real men shoot.
I just shoot (not bad, not good, but better than many, C Class everything).

Gonna try faster reloads this year.......maybe try a more friendly feed shape (45 Colt with 230g FMJ-RN?).

It was a guys that works at the shop/range. Taurus makes just about everything the S&W makes they just dont show them all on the web. Your local gun shop should be able to order you one.

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