You ever reached the point you had enough guns and stopped buying more?

I used to collect a certain brand, wound up with over 100 of them! I sold them all off, and now have hardly any guns at all, fewer than a dozen all told. My emphasis now is to try to learn to shoot the ones I have well and make up good loads for them all. My handgun preference is 1911 style guns.
I remember a quote from some gun forum or other, "Beware the man who only has one gun. He probably knows how to use it."
I guess I'm not a real gun person. I see guns primarily for their utility, and never really intended having a "collection". But over the years the number of guns grew, until a few years ago when I decided to go in the other direction. I am reducing to just what I think I need. Soon I think I will be down to 7 handguns and a 12 gauge for home defense purposes. Two 22 lr handguns for plinking, two for concealed carry, two for strategic placement around my home, and one just because I refuse to part with what I think is about the most perfect handgun, a S&W Model 19.
I said I am not a gun person because of the remarks made earlier in this thread that stated if you stop buying guns you are not a gun person. I like guns, I rely upon guns and I vigorously support my 2nd Amendment rights. But I also know I have a wife that dislikes guns, as does my grown children. I decided to sell some of my guns and enjoy the cash now rather than have my widow some day sell them for a fraction of their value just to get them out of the house. But I will leave my Model 19 to one son that would value it as something that was valued by his Dad.
There are a couple on my "list", but generally speaking I have stopped buying new guns. I am currently interested in a NAA Mini Revolver; either the sidewinder or Trooper II. We'll see. I have purchased two new guns since 2012 with the last being in 2016. That is a change from buying 5 to 10 a year prior to that. Most were collector guns prior to 2010. After 2010, it has mostly been 22 rifles since I shoot them the most.

But to address the reasons.... you get to a point where the new stuff isn't as appealing and the old stuff is better. Plus you know inside that you really don't need any more and you taper off the buying as opposed to going cold turkey with a hobby that you have been very active in for years.
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I bought my first handgun in 1973. I bought my last one about 3 months ago. I know I've said it before, but I really think I'm done this time. I'm at the point where I see a gun, and I say, "I've got one of those." Even old guns. My safe is jam packed and busting at the seams. I physically cannot put another gun into it.

With the gun that I have in my range bag, the guns that lie disassembled on the work bench, waiting to be cleaned and the gun(s) that I keep in the house for SD or bumps in the night...I am always running into a gun somewhere. They're starting to remind me of that Star Trek episode of years ago, where these small, furry creatures kept multiplying and virtually took over the Enterprise. Tribbles, I think they were called... I'm running into Tribbles everywhere. ;)

I also have to balance my age with the realization of how many years do I have left to shoot in good health? I'm 67. Not that many, I'd bet.

So, yeah. I'm done. It's selling time from here on out.
I don't have enough.

I have stopped buying, though.
I can't keep up with what I have, and have damn near everything covered, without branching out into, "I need every variant and manufacturer of every French, Italian, German, Swiss, Swedish, American, and Canadian* rifle, from 1892 to 1949."

*Viva la Ross!
After my Divorce 7 years ago, I realized how many guns I had been forced to sell out of necessity after inviting the Devil into my life. Once she left, I have been slowly rebuilding my toy collection, buying WHAT I want, WHEN I want. One can never have too many fine firearms.
I only had a rifle and a few different caliber handguns until 2013. Now I've got just about everything I want. I still want a 1911. The thing is, I'm running out of space and the wife is running out of patience, LOL.