You ever reached the point you had enough guns and stopped buying more?

I have concluded that the number of guns I presently have is "enough". So, I have committed that if I am going to buy another, it must be rare or exceptional quality and I need to get rid of at least one gun I don't want. So, in essence, I still desire to "trade up" for some more interesting guns than some of my less interesting guns. If that makes any sense!
I have most everything i need these days. Unless i see a blued smith and wesson in the used case....then i have to at least hold it!!
What I really need is more than anything is the time to go play with what I have accumulated :)
Much like my guitars (14 & holding) I’ve filled my wants & needs pretty well & have tapered off on new purchases considerably-but always on the lookout for the “one”.
I buy 2-3 pistols and/or revolvers / rifles a year. It's a better hobby than crack or heroin and I don't drink or smoke... so I can justify it. I think I spend more on ammo though... and with the coming hysteria from the democrats, I'll be glad I did. I can say that I will never be down to one box of stingers again... I have an adequate supply of everything now. I learned from this country's biggest mistake ever made... from the election in 2008 till we Made America Great Again!!
Yes... and no.
At its peak, my accumulection totaled 335. That's insane. I jumped through the hoops and acquired an FFL so I could sell a bunch of them before I pass on, and not have to pay a $30+ transfer fee on the ones I sold to out-of-state buyers. I know a lot of others who are fed up with ever increasing transfer fees, so I've kept my rates at a flat $20 per 4473 (Instead of $20 per gun), AND I'm registered with California DOJ to do transfers there too. It's not a big deal - it took about 10 minutes online.
It's worked well, and the numbers are dwindling rapidly, but, yes, I still occasionally buy something for myself.
How many?

Over the years I had been where guns were bought, sold, and traded. I had the walls covered with some pretty decent firearms plus a full gun safe. I retired. That retirement changed the money spending situation

The trading and buying went down significantly. Next came a moment of clarity. I could reload for all the long guns. Exactly, how many rifle can I load and shoot at the same time. I started selling items I had not used. It's easy to focus on two rifles at a time working up new loads or just shooting. The handgun load building was mainly done years ago. The interest in just adding more guns is gone for now. Reloading and casting bullets is a larger part of the shooting hobby here on the hill. My interest had shifted in recent years.
I had quite a collection of firearms amassed over the last 10 years. I woke up one morning and realized that most just sat in the safe and hadn't been shot in years. i also realized i was getting old and quite honestly my heirs don't share my passion for firearms and decided to thin the herd and sell those 'extras' to people who wanted them. Ive kept a few gems as well as the CCW and HD firearms. I don't miss those sold and nothing new has come on the market that has said 'buy me'. I also narrowed calibers down to 9mm, 45 ACP and 223/556.
I'm at 'peak gun' pretty much, but you never know what will catch your eye.

I make changes in my collection all the time, as I change my tastes and needs.

But right now, I could get by without buying another one. Which is not to say I won't buy another one.
I'll have to admit I'm pretty close to that point. A lot are safe queens, meaning I may shoot them only on rare occasion. Most of my Colt revolvers are in that category and some of my SW revolvers. Then I have a half-dozen or so guns hat I have never even shot. They are not collector guns, just guns that I thought would be good to have, but never got around to shooting. For example, I have a FEG Hi-Power that I plan on doing some trigger work on before shooting, but just haven't done it. Maybe I should just shoot it so that I become motivated to work on the trigger.
Not really, saving my S&W 22lr revolvers for the next generation. A few guns were from my Grandfathers I'm saving those. I'm trying to avoid any Polymer guns now, looking at getting a 1911 and CZ75 next, these will last a 100 years easily.

The new CP33 is tempting but its polymer, wont last generations like a 1911 or a metal gun.
I'd like to know why it is that some believe every gun they buy must last 100+ years when they won't be alive 100 years from now? I know the goal is something for the "grandkids grandkids to be given as an heirloom" but if you don't have kids... what's the point?
I'm getting close. Another couple of "Always wanted one of those" handguns, an 1892 type Lever action, and I'm done. In the last couple of years, I've finally filled in almost all the items on my want list.

Then I guess I wait until my health goes sour, and sell them all.
Every time I get to the point of “Ok I’ve got everything I need, now it’s time to shoot/train and stop buying guns” something irresistible comes along and poof! No more training budget.

Example: I’ve been planning on taking a pistol course this fall but a couple weeks ago I found a brand new Colt 6951 9mm carbine for $781 shipped. $806 after transfer fees. Now I’ve had 2 other PCCs and ended up selling them, so I might no even like it when I get around to shooting it. But at that price I could not pass it up.
Yabbut...I've hit that wall, and then something comes along to relights things. In my case, for my birthday, my wife bought me a Howa 1500 heavy barrel .223. Sighting in the scope at 50 yards, with three shot clover leafs has caused me to start looking at accuracy rifles (I am 67, and have many dozens of firearms, always similar groups, such as bolt actions, lever action, 10/22s, revolvers, etc.).
I have categories for firearm usage.
Some of those categories have been filled and at this time nothing interests me.
Of those categories, the serious ones have all been filled. Serious, like self defense, proper hunting rifles for the class of game I hunt, a good range pistol, etc.

Now the category of cool, rare, or intriguing, that will go on forever I assume.
Not yet. Unfortunately I'm a curious guy, and someday would like to own one of each major type of action. Lever action, semi auto shotgun.... they'd better stop invention more.

Finances and timing though are something else.

One things that does help is to use what i have. It's amazing how much I can improve with some practice. It kind of begrudgingly negates some of the itch I have for "better".