You ever reached the point you had enough guns and stopped buying more?

I'm getting there now. My safe is full and I'm partially retired so I don't have the funds I used to for guns. It's also harder for me to get out shooting than it used to be. That said, I can always name 3 guns I want and if I really think about it, I can think of 3 to 5 more I'd like to have.

A few years ago I got a job overseas. This required that I clean, oil, photograph, document and store every gun I owned.

About halfway through I decided that I owned too many guns. Since I came back to the States, I've bought 2 guns in the last 6 years, sold about 20 and plan to sell some more.
I'm currently experiencing something along a similar vein. It isn't an overseas move, but in preparing my life for a 5 month break from "the world" (Appalachian Trail 2020) I've realized how much shooting stuff has accumulated around me. In the last 2 months I've sold off 5 guns, which seems to have barely scratched the surface. Plus shooting up a portion of the ammo stash. Luckily I have 6 months left to work on this.

Yet somehow I've also managed to bring home a shooter-grade 1928-vintage Colt 1903 in .32 ACP at the same time. So maybe I'm not a great example here...

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Anyone who has only been buying guns since 2014 and thinks they may be close to being through, is either very naive or not a true gun person. I bought my first firearm in 1963 and one is currently in transit to my dealer.At my age, it's a little bit like the guy who says he still chases women, he just doesn't remember what to do when he catches them.
Not really.

I collect, investment, upgrade, give gifts, sometimes something new comes out that sparks my interest.

When I was in my 20s I had a list of every gun I thought I would ever want. I never did finish the list. In some ways it was arbitrary and in others I either found something I liked or worked better or my interests changed.
I'm there.

There are a couple of things I would like, if the price were right. Otherwise, I'm pretty happy with my small collection.
I got to that point two years ago.

I always used my income tax return as "New Gun Money",,,
Two years ago I was sitting on $1,100 available cash.

I still have it in an envelope,,,
I just couldn't find anything that thrilled me.

That changed a week ago when I read about the new Kel Tec P17 .22 pistol.

A 17 round .22 semi-auto with three mags for an MSRP of $199.00,,,
I just hafta have one of these puppies.

The Evil Pawn Shop has already put in a standing order for one for me,,,
As soon as Kel Tec starts shipping them in mid-November,,,
I'll have one one of these to play with.


stick with Quality , not Quantity

Im very selective after decades of gun buying, I prefer quality over quantity

No oddball calibers, I learned that it's best to stick with standard or more common ammo, and only top of the line major gun manufacturers with factory support and warranty.

unless you just want a gun for collecting and dont need to shoot it, I only buy a new gun if I plan to use it, no safe queens for me (I do own a few safe queens for sentimental reasons, like family heirlooms)
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I'm just about at the point of buying no more guns for myself. I'm not a collector, just a user and I have all but one need covered. I have some that I don't need but hang onto for the memories. All of my guns get taken to the range or woods on a regular basis.
Yeah, I've pretty much stopped. In fact, I cut back about 20% in total numbers...over the past two years I've sold about 4 guns for every one I bought. I may keep thinning the herd some, but I will always accept a great buy or a really unusual item. And there is always a core that I won't get rid off; the ones to pass down; heirlooms, sentimental ones.

My main recent purchases have been AR's in different calibers. I enjoy shooting them, but frankly, I think they are least likely to have collector value; the market is flooded with inexpensive AR's and nobody appreciates the cost of a nice trigger or fancy handguard once it's on a's a hidden way of burning money.
Oddly, I've been there for a few years. I wish I had time to get out more often, but I've migrated through various phases: 8mm mauser, WW2 long guns, semi-fun.
I've pretty much settled into what I can shoot well anymore. It was fun trying them all, though!
Yes, I'm at that point, too. After years of gunsmithing and building guns for other people and a few for myself, coupled with the ones I took in on trade and just couldn't live without and the ones I'm still trying to get rid of, plus my friends dying and leaving me guns, I'm full up. Don't want any more of 'em, got plenty.
Pretty much done on the handgun front..have 3..range, carry and deep carry. I have a nice shotgun and 22LR plinker but have a hankering for one of these

-223/556 semi auto rifle..maybe a early gen M16 lookalike
-Ruger Mini-14
-Vintage M14
-Vintage m1 carbine..

all I need is the $.......:eek:
To the OP, I have reached the point where I have sold some and given some to friends or relatives.

The more I had, the more that needed taken care of and since I am a shooter/hunter rather than a collector I only kept a select bunch. People own guns for different reasons and sometimes a combination of reasons....some C&R and other collectors have many guns they never shoot. Some have only a few they shoot often. There are many in-betweens.
Well, fer me it ain't about need, or want. I've been a player in the gun world since 1965, a military career and a law enforcement career. (married to a girl with a great sense of humor)

I don't have a gun collection, I have a collection of guns. Rifles from the big Africans to the rim fire pea shooters, full auto, semi auto, pumps, lever guns and single shot. Hand guns from 45-70 to .22 RF, revolvers, pistols, bolt and single shot. I don't shoot any of them nearly enough.

It seems that when I finish one project, I pick up 3 more. Being a gun smith, with machine tools is an addiction...

Now that I am twice retired, I've slowed down a bit, but I don't think I will stop, until the coffin lid closes.

That about covers it

Paul in the swamp
Slowed down yes... how many Garands or WW 1&2 milsurps does one REALLY need? But always on the lookout for something unique that I think I might like to have or something I've had my eye on but haven't found the right one yet! At some point it gets to where you run out of gun safe room. Not ever going to store guns in a closet or under a bed!
Have been to the 'ain't gonna buy no more' point several times. Then I'll see something that I 'really need' and the process starts over again..
I haven't exactly stopped buying guns, but these days I am thinking a lot more about selling some guns than about buying some.
That changed a week ago when I read about the new Kel Tec P17 .22 pistol.

A 17 round .22 semi-auto with three mags for an MSRP of $199.00,,,
I just hafta have one of these puppies.

The Evil Pawn Shop has already put in a standing order for one for me,,,
As soon as Kel Tec starts shipping them in mid-November,,,
I'll have one one of these to play with.



Man that's it's on "The List".:cool:

To the OP, I've selected an arbitrary maximum number of firearms that I will own at any given time. If I want another, I'll have to get rid of one to make room for the new one. Makes sense for me, especially since I can't get out to the range more then twice a month; I shoot my guns, I won't own any safe queens.
I have to admit I'm at that point now. Just do not need or want any more weapons. The final rifle I wanted was a top tier AR. I picked up a POF Renegade plus and my desire to acquire more guns has withered away. Now, that hasn't really quenched the desire to upgrade, but even that has subsided as most of my guns are in the condition I have sought to get them into, such as good optics, mounts, triggers, etc. It is rather unnerving as I sit here thinking about it. I must really be getting old. Come to think of it I was eyeing that 6 mm CM, and my M1A really could use a new scope mount. Well, I might not be as far gone as I thought