"Yippy dogs"

OK - I wasn't going to do this, since it's not the dog type you were interested in..but I will anyway. :rolleyes:

One word: bullmastiff.

I had two in my teens. OK - they're not small. In fact, they're HUGE. But check this out - they are lazy as can be. I'm talking about furniture. They're practically footstools. I mean, sure, they like to go for walks and they like to go for car rides. But they don't want to run and they don't want to fetch. They're fine in a fairly small space. They don't care for extreme heat or cold, so they're INDOOR dogs, but they won't tear your house up.

They're NOT yappy - ours NEVER barked unless someone pulled into the driveway or knocked on the door. And they're intimidating as can be (100+ pounds and giant head with a proportionally giant mouth), but they're big teddy bears.

If you want a dog to hang out with, and you're down with the occasional walk and yard access (just like you'd do with a terrier), these are GREAT dogs. Not athletes, not supermotivated dogs, just GREAT BIG easygoing animals.
My Sheltie was direct from a local (back in Tx) breeder who was a co-worker of my #1 mother-in-law. Actually, she (the dog, not the mother-in-law) was a show dog who had already done all of her shows and had been used a a breeder. She ended up having "female problems" and had to be fixed. From that point on she was just an extra mouth to feed, and he had 24 other shelties at the time, so he gave her to us. Best dog I ever had, came leash trained and all -- after all, she was a show dog.

When I was a boy, I had a Scottie. He was the bravest dog that I have ever seen, to this day. He would tackle any varmint from a rat to a German Shepard. He could intimidate dogs much bigger than him with just a growl and humans too.

The best thing about Bush is his dog :D
Okay, this is where the TFL team comes in handy. I have a few pics and such to show with a doc statement (how do I do that?) and to see if I am going to be spending money that I've saved for a year, to get:

First, the email from the breeder:

I have a male from a Jan 6th litter. he is a fine little guy, was the largest in the litter. he will probably top out at about 16-17 lbs when grown. he is very sweet and playful. I am in Elmira. he is $400. I will attach some pictures. also a copy of my contract which shows you my health guarantees. let me know if you're interested.

As you can see, the pup is $400 bucks.

Second, the pics (I don't know how they will show):

And the third is the contract, edited to protect names and other info:

Pot O’Gold Schipperkes

Purchase Agreement
A. This is an agreement to purchase an AKC registered puppy from the breeder whose name appears above. If a health certificate is requested (additional $45 dollars), the breeder has agreed to have this puppy inspected by a licensed doctor of Veterinary Medicine prior to the release of this puppy to his/her new family

B. Unless otherwise agreed upon, this puppy will have received at least one vaccination prior to transfer to his/her new home and will have been medicated at least once with oral wormer medication. (Details of vaccination and wormer given will be provided when puppy is delivered.)

C. Guarantees: The breeder guarantees this puppy for 1 year from the date of purchase to be free from genetic or birth defects that affect the life, or quality of life, of the dog. In the event of a defect, the breeder reserves the right to have the dog checked by a Veterinarian of her own choosing. If confirmed, the dog can either be returned to the breeder for replacement or cash refund OR another dog can be requested and the original dog kept. If a replacement puppy is given, no further cash refund will be granted.

D. The purchaser agrees to feed this puppy only premium quality puppy food for a period of 1 year, or as stipulated by a Veterinarian. The purchaser further agrees to have this puppy checked by a Veterinarian of his/her own choosing within 1 week of delivery, and agrees to schedule any recommended vaccinations as stipulated by the doctor. Finally, the purchaser agrees to love this dog without condition and be patient during house-training and teething.

Name of Puppy: One Male Puppy

Sire Name: _ Lucky Leo the Lion ____ Dam Name: _Muffy & Toughie’s Lucy Loo _

Full Purchase Price: _ Male $400__
Estimated Delivery date: _ March 2005__
By signing below you are indicating your desire to enter into this contract for the purpose of purchasing a pure bred Schipperke puppy. You are further indicating that you understand and agree to the terms as stipulated above.

Cochran Schipperke Contract Page 1 3/18/2005
If at any time after you purchase or agree to purchase this puppy you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the e-mail address, or telephone number listed above. A puppy is a lifetime commitment, purchase wisely!

As part of this agreement, the purchaser agrees to all of the following: (please initial each)
1. The purchaser agrees to continue all vaccinations and health check-ups as recommended by a
Veterinarian. __________
2. This dog will only be bred to AKC registered Schipperkes of excellent quality or potential in an effort to preserve the integrity of the breed. __________
3. It is agreed that any additional charges associated with the delivery of this puppy to the purchaser will be the responsibility of the purchaser, including but not limited to freight charges, kennel, and health certificate fees. __________

ADDENDUM: Breeder agrees to hold puppy of Purchaser’s choice with $100 deposit. Purchaser understands that puppy may be chosen in order of deposit received.

I agree to the terms and conditions as stipulated in the above contract addendum.

Breeder: __Catherine E. Cochran____ Date:__ 03-18-2005___

Purchaser:__________________________ Date:__________________

Purchaser:__________________________ Date:__________________



I'm very new to this, so please, if you have experiece I need advice. Still looking at other breeds.

Pics attached


Something that I have to include from the email on pic 2: PS. the side body view is complete with some dirt he picked up while playing outside. all of the pix are of the same male. he is 10 weeks old now.


  • Happy Male pup from Jan 6 litter taken 3-17 003.JPG
    Happy Male pup from Jan 6 litter taken 3-17 003.JPG
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  • Male pup from Jan 6 litter taken 3-17 002 resized.JPG
    Male pup from Jan 6 litter taken 3-17 002 resized.JPG
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  • Male pup from Jan 6 litter taken 3-17 005 resized.JPG
    Male pup from Jan 6 litter taken 3-17 005 resized.JPG
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The contract is somewhat more informal than is usual, but otherwise doesn't stipulate anything that is atypical of these things. The usual guarantee is for 2 years, as a year is not enough time for most stuff to show up. The replacement policy is generous. As far as the pics go, unless the dog has extra/missing limbs, they don't tell much, as ALL PUPPIES ARE CUTE. The parents are the pics you want. Have they done anything of note? The parents should've proven themselves in some way that can be verified, otherwise this is backyard breeding by another name. Otherwise, it looks good.

Sorry, didn't wish to interrupt my last reply... the Mini-Dachshund, anyone have leads on that breed and cost?

AK, thanks for your advice, you don't know how much your questions and directness have helped me with my choices. I thank you for that (I hope that FirstFreedom is getting closer to his choice for a hunting dog/guard dog as I've gotten here).

I've had many great replies here, for that I really appreciate the time that everyone took. I am still looking at a few other breeds that were mentioned but the post above and my wishing to get more information has narrowed it down to the Schipperke and the Mini-Dachshund as the main runners.

The limits or cons of the breeds that I've chosen consists of the Schipperke "blowing" out their coats and the Dachshund (mini) doing great damage to ankles and lower legs. I can live with both.

Now, deciding on a pure bred dog and the money involved (why? I don't care what papers it has, I just want a good working dog that covers my bases) is something new to me. I love mutts, will always love them but due to the humane (ya right) regs and such, I have chosen to go this route.

You know, that damn little thing looks so cute, little bear (not original) is the name if I get him (my previous post).

And if I get a mini-Dachshund... Oscar (not original, you know, Oscar meyer weiner deal, so shoot me :( ).

I've never been this excited in a decision since my first and other guns that I've bought. I'm actually getting emotional over pictures and thoughts and am dreaming about the years to come.

This don't seem right, so disreguard the post under "I have chosen to go this route"

Okay, from the emails and the pics, and all that, I kind of, no, I stole, the questions from a member here to see what I could find. My email to the breeder:

I've read on the net that the usual guarantee is for 2 years, as a year is not enough time for most stuff to show up. But I will admit that the replacement policy is generous. As far as the pics go, they were small and kind of blury but I did like what I saw but wish to have better pictures. Can I get pictures of the parents? Do you have anything that I can view as to the parents, things that they have done or awards. I am very interested in the pup. All I ask is this, is the pup in good enough shape, genetic and otherwise able to be a dog that you would use to breed with in the future if need be?

The reason that I ask is that the dog will be local (as in within the state) and I will be open to allowing you to carry on his line with a small kickback of funds and in a way this will pay my price for him (and that is not a thought or why I want the pup, but after looking on the net about pure breeds I feel that we can work together).

Honestly, I just want a good friend and a watch/guard dog and the breed fits me to a tee. Your contract does state that I must only breed with pure breeds and you will be the only one that I know that has them. So if the dog/pup is able to carry on the line, then your pups are the only ones that I will know.

Thanks for tolerating my questions. I am new at AKC and pure breeds and I am getting information and questions to ask you from another party. I really don't care about AKC and papers and breeding and such, I just want a pup that will have the assets that I want and the Schipperke fits the bill.


Yes, I know that I won't get a reply, but hell, it's $400 bucks and I'm not made of money (but I really like the things that I've read).

Yet another vote for the mini dachshund. Doxies are hunting dog, they hunt badgers, so they are inherently good at decting noises and have great "situational awareness". They are very protective of their owner and home. They are loud too, especially for how small they are. My doxie barks at everything that moves outside.
Consider a standard Dachsie instead of a Mini. They grow to 20-25 pounds, whereas a Mini only reaches 10-15. Standards are a little less squirrelly than the Minis, their bark sounds awhole lot more serious, and they are just as easy to take care of.
Marko, I will do so. I am taking my time, as Dr. Max suggusted, on my decision. When I was a kid, the pets that my parents got just "showed up" and my precious Georgie (my kittycat) was just love at first sight (got her from a society that got ferel and abandoned animals, saved them, and then adopted them out).

I will be going on April 3rd to look at the Schipperke pup (if still available). I am also calling around about the mini- dachshund and with Marko's suggestion will be looking and asking about full sized.

I didn't realize just how much time and effort that one goes through to find the dog (or cat) that they want. I am grateful for FirstFreedom for his post on the hunting dogs that got me to think about making my post. I am also very grateful to the membership of TFL for their replies and input into the post.

I may, or may not, get the pup on April 3rd (just going to look) but when I do get a pup, either the Schipperke, the dachshund or another, all my friends here will be the first to view the pictures.

Thank you again.

Check out Welsh Corgies. I had one growing up the dog was fearless. If the Corgie is good enough for the Queen Mum, then they are good enough for me.
I didn't realize just how much time and effort that one goes through to find the dog (or cat) that they want
That is a surprise isn't it? After I decided I wanted a Dachshund, it took about 3 months to track one down that I wanted. I don't know what it is about mine, but she never makes a sound except when someone comes up to the house. No whining, barking, nothing. She'll play with you all day without making a sound. So if she does bark, you know someone's around.
Mini doxies are great little dogs and they'll let you know when something is afoot BUT if you decide on that breed be sure and get a female. The males have enough libido for a dozen dogs twice their size and they're more than proud to show it off to your guests!! Also, the males want to pee all over the house.

Here's my mini dachshund, she is a unique coloration known as piebald. She was only about 10 weeks old in this pic but is about 5 months old now. I would definietely reccomend one to anyone. Potty training is a b*** but I suppose it is with any breed. I reccomend crate training.
Some good suggestions here. I have a Schnauzer/Scottie mix and a Welsh Corgi, both small dogs. They don't normally bark at stuff out the window, usually just when they hear a sound. That's pretty much what I want them to do. If they hear a low thump or anything they'll start barking at it, same for people talking near the house (kids in the neighborhood, neighbors, etc).

The Daschund is probably a good suggestion as well. I have a friend whose family has one and it's cute, but it seems to hate me just for being a male that it doesn't know. So it's always giving me the evil eye and growling if I get a bit too close. :)
I say a terrier of some sort.

Maybe a fox terrier because of its size, but those Jack Russell terriers go from zero to warp nine in about a tenth of a second. I have seen them go after poisonous snakes in a fashion that would make a mongoose look like it was in a coma.

Thanks :). I did notice that there are alot of votes for a terrier. I am still doing research on each breed mentioned here and also costs of and availability in the State.

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Small doesn't equal low maintenece.
Our 165 plus pound Great Dane was by far less of a handfull than our 45 pound Husky mix.

The GD was the ultimate couch 'tater. He'd get up in the morning, go outside and do his business, then my wife and I would leave him in the house while we went to work. He'd lounge on our bed for a few hours, then move downstairs to the lving room and stretch out on the couch for a few hours, the move down to the family room for a few more hours,,then repeat the whole process.

We'd come home from work after 8 or 9 hours and he'd go through the obligatory 30 seconds of goofy overjoyed dog act,,,and go right back to his bed/couch/family room routine until it was time for bed.

Whatever he was resting up for all those years,,he was darned sure rested well for it. He lived to be 13 and a half!

The "little" husky mix?

Well, the $$ figure for damage he's done to the house is at about 3 grand and climbing,,,,in ~ 18 months!

So far he's eaten 2 steel doors, 3 walls in the garage, 3 metal doorknobs, a 4X4 chunk of Al. siding, too many dryer vents to keep track of, - our garage is now lined with sheet steel to keep him from eating it. We tried plywood (1/4" up through 3/4") - that lasted less than a day.
West Highland White Terriers are great dogs. They are normally called westies. They don't shed (other than their puppy fur) so you don't get hair everywhere (I wish my Akita was more like that). They are tough little guys and super cute. They are very smart and don't yap incessantly. I would probably end up shooting the darn thing if it yapped all the time.
I have a 11 yr old Jack Russell and a 10 month old chihuahua that I bought for my GF. I love both dogs, they are great, and all the bad things I'd heard or experienced with other chihuahuas isn't true of mine. He is very social and fearless, he doesn't run to a corner and shake like others I've seen, and he dosen't miss a thing when it comes to someone coming in the house or knocking on the door. He is not that bad about barking at "false alarms" so to speak either though.

Between the two of them I don't think anyone will ever enter our house without a circus breaking out. I want to post some pics but they are too big and I don't know how to resize them.