Wow, Where are all these new members coming from?

Been following this post for some time now but very seldom post. I learn more when I read and listen then talk. Real good questions and answers on this board.
I heard about this site from MarkTHG of M/D Enterprises. He makes some great holsters...

Join the NRA!!!
Heard about The Firing Line on GLOCK Talk. GT is my home, but there is some great stuff going on over here too. Great site! I'll be around.
Well Rich......I started in Glock talk and somehow got linked to The Firing Line.....I'm pleased with the site thus far. Other than the large number of 1911 FANATICS, I've been impressed. Don't get me wrong.........the 1911 is a wonderful, proven weapon, but it's not the ONLY weapon. Any 1911 fans out there who are interested in hearing what a master gunsmith and avid 1911er has to say about the gun.......see Shotgun News Feb.20 1999 pg17 and 18 "Why You don't need a 1911" "The author has worked on more than 6,000 1911-type pistols but thinks the slab-sided semi-auto's time has passed for defensive use" You go with what ya know but there's no substitute for technology. Do you guys still crank your cars from the front??? Indoor plumbing anyone? Just good natured ribbing fellas!
As someone who alternates between the 1911 and Glock for daily carry, the "expert's" view is interesting. Is he suggesting that our ability to defend ourselves is somehow limited by the 1911? That competitions can no longer be won with the 1911? I guess I must have missed something in the history of firearms development. :)
Well Richard,
I can't speak on behalf of the author, I suggest reading the article, but I can say that the 1911 had and still has it's place. The sooner people begin to realize the 1911's place the better off they'll be. A wonderful competition firearm and the .45 is without doubt a manstopper. But is it really "GUN OF THE GODS" as many would have me believe? I think that any gun, given the R&D and ink that the 1911 has been given could be a hero. Sure they win competition after cometition (not hard to do when that's what everyone shoots) So now the question.....does everyone shoot it because it is a GREAT GUN? Or perhaps does everyone shoot it because EVERYONE else shoots it?
I don't know how I got here. I'm a man ya see, so I don't ask directions, so I was probably goin' some where else and got lost. Nice and friendly people so I decided to stay. ;) BILL

I fell through Jim March's worm hole from Bladeforum.
Glad to see you want the kids here. When I was twelve, my heros were Jeff Cooper, Elmer Keith, Skeeter Skelton and Bill Jordan, so this is a perfect place for kids to come catch the bug.
Wonder how Chairman Jeff feels being the last of that prestigous group?
I was fortunate enough to meet Bill Jordan once and corresponded with him several times before he passed away. God, we've lost so many of our greats in the last few years
How is it that the world at large never knew these men? (How's that for wandering off topic?)

Your mind is your primary weapon.
I surfed in from the AR15 site. I`m very gratefull I found your fine site, now if I can just get the wife off my back, or maybe into this stuff, I`d be real happy
Keep up the great work
Can't recall with much accuracy, but I think I found the link while checking out a cowboy action shooting site.
I believe i found this site by doing a "shotgun accessories" search on Yahoo...

Found some intersting stuff here and decieded to sign up!

Pioneer, CA

[This message has been edited by Hairball (edited March 12, 1999).]
Got here through who's site I am very impressed with. I am also very impresed with this site. There is enough humor and a little picking going on but the information and new ideas flow from the post here!
I'll be around. Hank
