Wow, Where are all these new members coming from?

We have a definite increase in new members over the past two weeks. I'd be interested in knowing how you all heard of us. Is any of this increase due to the pens Rob distributed at SHOT?
Welcome all.
I followed a link on the web. I have found this to be the most informative of the boards on guns on the web. Legal and political posts have motivated me to get involved. Keep up the good work!

I found this excellent website due to a reference at another, that I had linked to.....whew! Surfing the net can really get you wandering all over the place!

Glad I found this place... Most posts seem to be honest and logically, no morons posting worthless drivel!

Suggestion: Some age check system to keep the annoying twelve year olds out? Like identitify who Jeff Cooper is?!
RCH; we DON'T WANT to keep the kids out. I started handloading when I was 14. Let the little darlings in. We shall corrupt them with muzzle velocities, make them learn math to figure out trajectories, have them bend over and pick up their brass and ours, learn the wonderful smell of Bullseye powder.

Let their little hands get callused from working the progressive reloader; perhaps daddy, er, ah, WE can break out the bullet molds from storage and have them learn patience and the proper way to fill a mold.

Yeah, heck don't keep the little darlings out; they are our future, and if we don't let the gun bug bite 'em, who will? Walt
Well, Rich, you know what they say about building that better mousetrap ... your 'path' is measured in bandwidth.

I was going to compliment you as well on your 'free market' success here at TFL. However, 'free market' isn't supposed to be literally free! ;)

I tell everyone I can about TFL. I will never be able to repay all of the favors I have received here. Thank you.

ps - please put a link to Bloomfield Press on the TFL links page. Thanks.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited February 18, 1999).]
I found TFL about a month ago when I was doing a search for firearm sites. I can't believe how much I've learned by reading all of the posts. I try to throw my two cents in when I think it matters. I hope my young age dose not bother some of you.(only 21) But hey I started young shooting and reloading so I know a little. Great site!!!!!!!!!!!!
Found it while surfing the net. Posts are of a much higher quality with better organization than most similar sites so I try to visit everyday.
Well, I was in a cyber port city and I was having a drink in a cyber bar down by the docks and when I came to here I was. ;)

I don't remember how I found TFL. I think I linked from another site.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
I've been ghosting for so long I don't remember how I got here. Anyway, I finally decided to join up. Thanks for making this board available.

Heard about you on another site I post on. This is great and I've found myself here more than there.
