We all use symbols
But they only have the power you give them.
We have created a cult about the Nazis, enshrining them as the ultimate evil (and not without good cause), but along with that comes a fascination with the trappings of that evil.
Just look at all the cop shows, mass murderer movies and books, we have a national obsession with the bad guys, and their getting caught. As the Nazis were the ultimate bad guys, and they did "get caught", they top the list.
I see three general reactions (besides disinterest) to Nazi marked items, those few who vererate the Nazi ideals and philosophy, those who abhor the items & symbols because of what they represented, and those who understand what they represented, and also understand what they represent today. And that is that WE WON! We (the good guys) beat and destroyed the bad guys, leaving only some of their items to survive as proof.
And we are secure, and take pride in the knowledge that those items, in our hands will never again be part of the evil they once were.
At least, thats how I see it.
I have several Nazi guns. I have a few Japanese ones. And some British, Russian, and US weapons. They don't fight WWII in my gun safe. They just sit there peacfully, like the inanimate objects they are. Each one with a general history that comes more alive each time I use them.
History is worth remembering. ALL of it, the good and the bad. Crime guns have individual history, which is a small thing to me. A suicide gun is also irrelvant to me. The most I would ever think about it would be, if someone brought it up, that it won't be used like that while I own it.
I live in a house where the previous tenant OD'd thirty years ago. TO me, machts nichts!