would paulites support fred?

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The constitution says you have the privelege of voting according to your own interests. Therefore, you do not "support the constitution" by alllowing the niave socialist Borat Obama or the power-hungry evil socialist Hillary to get elected. Instead, you become irrelevant because you are not participating in the constituional process as you are entitled to. Meanwhile, you surrender to the illegals and dead people and moonbats who will vote to take your hard earned wages and give you back "change". BY the time you reach voting age, you should have grown out of the "I'll take my ball and go home" mentality.
I don't think Thompson stands any more chance than Paul so it's probably a moot point. But if a Thompson miracle happens it depends on what he says between the primary and the general election. Personally I think the Republican nominee will be Guiliani or Romney and I can't vote for either of them anymore than I could vote for a Democrat. I feel the same way as several others here I am voting for the candidate that will follow the Constitution and if that means I need to vote Libertarian for the 8th time in the general election then I will. Paul appeals to me because he is a fiscal conservative and libertarian on social issues. I also tend to lean towards his views on the WoT.
Would Paulites Support Fred?

Nope. Fred's a CFR puke just like Bush and basically supports the same failed globalist policies.

I vote for the person I think should be in office.
The constitution says you have the privelege of voting according to your own interests. Therefore, you do not "support the constitution" by alllowing the niave socialist Borat Obama or the power-hungry evil socialist Hillary to get elected. Instead, you become irrelevant because you are not participating in the constituional process as you are entitled to. Meanwhile, you surrender to the illegals and dead people and moonbats who will vote to take your hard earned wages and give you back "change". BY the time you reach voting age, you should have grown out of the "I'll take my ball and go home" mentality.

Well, I'll just take a minute here to disqualify myself from this statement. The constitution does not say anything about political parties either. So when I go to vote in the general election, but they only give me two choices of candidates that I don't believe in, it IS in my best interest to submit a blank ballot, I HAVE participated in the constitutional process by voting, and I AM still relevant because they can't just toss my ballot in the trash. They have to count my vote, and though they may rack it up as "undecided", there is just no way anyone is going to make the mistake to say "Well golly, the two candidates were just so good this election that this guy could not decide".
I've never voted my whole life until this year and if he drops out for some reason, I won't even vote.

Then you have no right to complain about the "mess" we are in now. Is this where all the votes would go since I have been told that most Paul-people would never vote for the Republican? Sore-loser abstenitia?

Agreed, if you don't vote, you don't exist to them. Vote for for who you want regardless of if they will win. If the parties suddenly saw that there was 50+ million people voting for various third parties they would start looking at those voters and maybe readjust to fit those views.

By not voting, you are condoning the current actions by our government through your inaction.
right now, if i read the replies correctly here is the tally.

willing to support a republican nominee other than ron paul in the POTUS election.


refuse to support any other republican candidate other than ron paul


this is a running tally so post if you'd like. thanks
originally this was a ron paul/ fred thompson similarity thread. but so many paul people said anybody but paul is blasphemy, so it evolved into its current state.
Well, it appears that most don't find enough similarity between the two. Even those who would possibly vote Fred are doing it as the lesser of the evils among the remaining Republican candidates.
I don't see anyone but Paul as blasphemy, I see anyone but Paul as more of the same.
I vote for the person I think should be in office too. I vote for who I think is good for the country and who will adhere to the constitution. That said, I've never voted until this year, due to my criteria in the first two sentences. I"ve been sick of each election coming to choosing the lesser of two evils, or more often, equal evils, take your pick. I'm sorry to say that in some circumstances voting hasn't mattered. Power gets what it wants. I'm afraid, even if Ron Paul gets enough delegates, the GOP will refuse him or he'll disappear mysteriously.
I'll vote again if I can, that is if good people continue to run and have a strong message and offer hope to the country. Honestly, if Paul weren't running, I don't know that I would have voted this year. I can't support anyone else, I can't support a bad person to save myself from another bad person... I dislike Huckabee the least after Paul, but the others are all equals as far as I've seen.
He voted for the Prescription drug bill........
Medicare which I dont know if you know is broke. The drug Bill...now law...will increase the problem by 40%

conservative my a$$
well the thread has gone cold for the most part so i will share my findings and my opinion of the stats.

roughly 80% of the paul supporters that replied to the question;

willing to support a republican nominee other than ron paul in the POTUS election.


refuse to support any other republican candidate other than ron paul


that equates to 81% of paul supporters are willing to hand the country over to hilary, ted, osama, harry and the bunch.
And why would we want to support Republicans that are in no discernable way different than the Democrats?

Umm, because thats simply an outright falsehood promoted by Paul supporters. As poor as this crop of republicans are, they are a far cry from the democratic offerings.
Stage 2,
Again, I tell you, from my point of view, it is the truth.

It is also not our fault that the Republicans are offering nobody better, and haven't for years.
I used to settle for the Republican, weak as they were, now I do not.
Again, I tell you, from my point of view, it is the truth.

For once I completely agree with you. From your point of view, the dems and reps are exactly the same.

Its just that the facts and your point of view are in conflict.
that equates to 81% of paul supporters are willing to hand the country over to hilary, ted, osama, harry and the bunch.
Hey, don't blame us. We aren't the ones running the crappy candidates. Lewis Black was right when he said that voting between the Dems and GOP candidates is like voting between two bowls of sh*t, the only difference is the smell.

I don't vote for someone simply because they have an "R" after their name. If more people didn't blindly follow just by party, we would be in far better shape.


How are the Dem and GOP front runners significantly different? They all want bigger government in some form, they only seem to disagree on the details of how and what. NONE of them talk about reducing spending to a sustainable level. NONE talk about phasing out Social Security and Medicare, heck none seem to be talking about any significant overhauls that would take us in the right direction. They all talk about staying the course or adding more government programs like health care and whatnot.
How are the Dem and GOP front runners significantly different? They all want bigger government in some form, they only seem to disagree on the details of how and what. NONE of them talk about reducing spending to a sustainable level. NONE talk about phasing out Social Security and Medicare, heck none seem to be talking about any significant overhauls that would take us in the right direction. They all talk about staying the course or adding more government programs like health care and whatnot.

The problem is that you confuse not having a great republican candidate with having the republicans be identical to democrats. Thats simply not the case. And here's a short list why..

1. judicial appointments
2. foreign policy
3. judicial status of terrorists
4. taxes
5. the economy
6. gun rights
7. social secuity
8. immigration

I could go on but I hope you are starting to get the point. Now before you start to rail about which of the republican candidates suck on which of these issues, let me stop you by saying that is wholly irrelevant.

For example lets be original here and pick gun rights with Romney for $200. I don't think anyone here thinks that Romney is an ardent defender of the 2nd amendment as it was intended. He's openly said he would re-up the AWB and supports bans on "really lethal" weapons. However he has also said that he supports the 2nd as an individual right to bear arms where handguns and rifles are concerned.

On the other hand you have the democrats who each want to ban guns period. Now I ask you, is there a difference between someone who thinks handguns and rifles are fine and someone who wants to see all guns banned? I think you know the answer.

Thats the point. Because someone falls short (and all of them do, even Dr Paul) of your standard, doesn't mean they are the same as the people you are fighting against.
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