would paulites support fred?

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XD40Tac said:
McCain has personally gone after the 1st ammendment to specifically silence grass roots lobbying organizations that are the various groups like second ammendment advocacy groups with McCain Feingold because these groups defeated him in 2000 be speaking the truth about his record.

Did I mention he's a piece of garbage?
Heh heh. Okay, I hear ya.

Like I said, I don't like him, either. I just hate Giuliani and Romney a lot more.

STAGE 2 said:
No doubt there are people who work for the government that troll here. I also know for a fact that there are folks here that have worked in DA's offices and US attorney's offices.
Good for them. I really couldn't care less.

Here's a piece of advise. If I were you I would change your IP address and pronto. That and update yourself what qualifies for PC for a warrant and what is non-hearsay before starting another conversation.
LMAO! Truly, I'm terrified.

On the other hand, there ARE people here whom I don't want to offend: the moderators. This is their private property, and they probably don't like this sort of thing being discussed. So this is going to be my final word on the issue of illegality.
As poor as this crop of republicans are, they are a far cry from the democratic offerings.

stage 2,
this is different from what year...again...

If we have a ban on guns....its not the dems fault as much as it is the GOP fault fighting socialist with pro-govt moderates (not good planning boys...after a while....nobody can tell them apart)
stage 2,
this is different from what year...again...

If we have a ban on guns....its not the dems fault as much as it is the GOP fault fighting socialist with pro-govt moderates (not good planning boys...after a while....nobody can tell them apart)

Its real simple. All you and everyone else has to do is ask yourselves what you want. There are only two choices. All this rhetoric and baloney about being "betrayed" or "sending a message" or even principles, yes principles, is worthless.

If you're going to operate in reality you are going to pick between what the republicans are going to offer (tax cuts, good judges, possibly fixing Iraq) or what the dems are going to offer (high taxes, leaving Iraq terrible judges).

That it. There isn't a third choice. People who believe ins the constitution and want to protect it are going to prevent those which would do it the most harm from coming to power. Its not the best solution, but its the only one. Thats life sometimes. Things do always work out how you want it.

And that brings me to another point. I'm willing to bet that all these people complaining about a "lesser evil" or what candidates they get to choose from haven't thrown their hat into the political ring. Why does this matter? Well, if you're going to whine about the choices, but then can't be bothered to make an effort yourself, then you shouldn't complain in the first place.

In case some of you haven't noticed, conservatism isn't exactly in its golden age right now. A majority of people are politically apathetic and respond to the politically slight of hand rather than the cold hard truth (a la Ron Paul). As a result, things aren't going too well for us since the dems only care about results and winning, and they've been very good at it. The only thing voting for some worthless libertarian, or not voting at all is going to do is entice the democrats to do more of the same.

So for all those that are tell themselves they are helping the constitution by letting the dems win the whitehouse, I hope that allows you to sleep at night. Cause both you and I know that in reality you aren't doing anything for the constitution except moving out of the way for the bus that about to drive over it.
In case some of you haven't noticed, conservatism isn't exactly in its golden age right now. A majority of people are politically apathetic and respond to the politically slight of hand rather than the cold hard truth (a la Ron Paul). As a result, things aren't going too well for us since the dems only care about results and winning, and they've been very good at it. The only thing voting for some worthless libertarian, or not voting at all is going to do is entice the democrats to do more of the same.
I agree with everything you said except the conclusion. What makes democrats so good at winning, is ability to consolidate interests of their electorate in a single package - altering their agendas if necessary. Who would've thought, for example, that Hillary may criticize Obama for his stance on gun control? Republicans just don't seem to be able to address interests of their electorate the same way, and I don't see this as a problem of electorate. It's not the problem of RP following that the front-runners can't put their act together; it's the problem of the front-runners. I, for once, refuse to encourage their ways with my support: this may put us a little ahead tactically, but will also cause (and have been causing, from election to election) a lot of damage strategically.

Refusal to "vote for lesser evil" is about bigger picture rather than winning this particular election - and frankly, if the choice is between Giuliani and Hillary, even the tactical loss for gun owners isn't that great.
Republicans just don't seem to be able to address interests of their electorate the same way, and I don't see this as a problem of electorate.

And thats where you're wrong. It is a problem of the electorate because the electorate is politically ignorant. They make choices on soundbites and perception rather than fact.

If you look at what the dems do its really simple to figure out their plan. They court the liberals in the primary, and then swing the other way to get the moderates in the general. Once in office, they do what they want. Thats what wins elections.

The fact is that most americans, for better or worse, are not conservative. In order to get elected you need to win over a majority of people, not just your base. Liberals figured this out a long time ago. For some reason conservatives havent, and we will continue to lose until we do.
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