would paulites support fred?

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Because thats just a lie propogated by Paul supporters to get people to support him.
Stage 2, it is my belief that both parties, as a whole, have and will continue to violate the Constitution. The exact areas in which they violate it may be different, but they do violate it. In that, there is not a scintilla of difference.
I am no longer supporting violators of the Constitution. Please respect my decision even if you do not agree with it.
Many Ron Paul supporters will not support another Republican. Part of the blame for this falls directly upon the Republican party membership itself.

Ron Paul supporters have already been called liars in this very thread. They are frequently referred to as cult members, flakes, wackos, Church of Paul, Paulestinians, etc.

I can only assume that if the Republican party is going to barrage them with insults such as these, they must not want their votes to begin with.

So on the day after the elections, when the Republicans are sitting around scratching their heads wondering why they lost, they may want to reconsider how they have treated some members of their own party. Marginalizing Ron Paul and calling his supporters names, and then expecting them to still vote for Republicans is absurd.
STAGE 2 said:
And your alternative is what? A standoff with the ATF?
No need to discuss such things in detail here. Let it suffice to say that I'm prepared to do anything necessary, including die, to stay out of prison for exercising my Constitutional liberties. Oh, and in order for there to be a standoff, they have to know were you live and know what you've been doing.

I'm not a violent person, and the last thing I ever want is to shoot another human being. But my rights and my freedom are non-negotiable. I will keep them or die trying.

What do you think the Second Amendment is about, anyway? Hunting and target shooting? Defense against burglars? Sadly, that attitude is not uncommon even among gun owners. That's one of the reasons why the government tramples on the Constitution every day. They know most people are either timid sheep or just don't care.

I don't see you building any backyard machine guns or sawing down your shotguns.
This is the Internet; you don't see me doing anything but posting.
Stage 2, it is my belief that both parties, as a whole, have and will continue to violate the Constitution. The exact areas in which they violate it may be different, but they do violate it. In that, there is not a scintilla of difference.
I am no longer supporting violators of the Constitution. Please respect my decision even if you do not agree with it.

Thats perfectly fine. You can take the moral high ground while the nation keeps swirling around the bowl. You "conscientious objectors" can pat yourselves on the back and laud your stance while the rest of us get back in the dirt and go back to war.

Its my fervent hope that history holds you folks responsible for whatever your inaction brings.
To use your "war" analogy, I see the 2 sides as "Predators" and "Aliens" each fighting to destroy the Constitution more than the other. I want them both to lose. I am not inactive, I am fighting FOR the Constitution, the entire Constitution, not just the 2nd amendment.
Thats perfectly fine. You can take the moral high ground while the nation keeps swirling around the bowl. You "conscientious objectors" can pat yourselves on the back and laud your stance while the rest of us get back in the dirt and go back to war.

Its my fervent hope that history holds you folks responsible for whatever your inaction brings.
What "war" are you talking about? The Great Imperial War on Terror (or "Islamofascism"? :rolleyes:)

If a nuke ever goes off in an US city, it will be for the following two reasons:

(1) US foreign policy. Read the 9/11 Commission Report and the writings of ex-CIA Bin Laden expert Michael Scheuer to understand why.

(2) Insufficient US border protection.

It will NOT be because the US didn't kill enough Muslims or because we didn't get rid of our Constitution quickly enough.
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bigshooter: Some of us have already said yes or no. Maybe others will chime in. Sorry for anything off-topic that was said.
No. Other than supporting the 2nd amendment, I don't agree with Fred on much. Like Ron Paul, I'm not in favor of the war on Iraq or the other military operations associated with a global empire. I'm all for using the military for defense of our country, but not for wars of occupation or to grab resources of other countries.
No. I can't bring myself to support someone who's prowar at this time. I can't vote for socialists.... I can't vote for those who are disrespectful, untrustworthy and lie to the American public.
I can vote for Ron Paul. If that doesn't work, I don't care about voting again. I've never even voted until this year....It usually does not matter who wins.
No, I will write in RPs name on the ballot if he does not get the nomination. I refuse to support the lesser of two evils.
I've never voted my whole life until this year and if he drops out for some reason, I won't even vote.

Then you have no right to complain about the "mess" we are in now. Is this where all the votes would go since I have been told that most Paul-people would never vote for the Republican? Sore-loser abstenitia?

I am 24 years old. I have voted in every election that there has been since I was able(save for this years caucus, I had to work). Often times the guy i pulled for in the primarys did not win. I still voted in the election.

We have a system where the majority rules. Third parties split voting blocks and allow for canidates with way less than half the vote to win and run the country the way they want.
rhgunguy, when I voted for the lesser of 2 evils and voted Republican, they thought that I agreed with them in their violation of the Constitution. I did not. Now, I no longer vote for anyone that does not adhere to the Constitution. I am not pulling for a "guy in the primaries", but for the guy who supports my principles.
And I daresay that I have more right to complain about the mess than you do, because I will not vote for those who continue adding to the mess.

And, the majority should not "rule". I do not need a ruler. They should just run the business of the country within the confines of the Constitution.
(1) US foreign policy. Read the 9/11 Commission Report and the writings of ex-CIA Bin Laden expert Michael Scheuer to understand why.

Funny you should mention that. Guess what Scheuer thinks of Paul's idea that if we just leave everything will be peachy.

I'll give you a hint.... not much.
yet here Michael Schuer is talking up Ron Paul

After Paul's comments that basically says foreign policy has consequences, Michael begins speaking at 5:50 and very clearly lists reasons al Quaeda has such strength at 8:30 (our presence in Iraq specifically mentioned at 8:50)

Where are you seeing evidence supporting the statement that Schuer doesn't think much of Paul's platform of leaving Iraq?
I don't think Ron Paul's ever said that they would just leave us alone if the military pulled out of there tomorrow. However, meddling over there is certainly not endearing them to us (in fact it's counterproductive). And it's unaffordable anyway.

It's pretty hard to deny that our government's policies of intervention in their affairs have directed their anger towards us. You don't stir up a hornet's nest and then act surprised when you get stung.
To answer the topic question, Fred is the only other Republican who might get my vote (besides Hunter, who has no shot). He is the only one who seems to me to hold and have acted upon an abiding belief in federalism which is at least similar to my own. In other words, he's the only candidate besides Ron Paul who might be able to correctly identify something which is NOT interstate commerce, and therefore not the federal government's business.

As for the rest of the pack...

you would sit idley by and not support them against the likes of hilary, obama, or edwards?

No, I would support a candidate who I thought might believe that there are things which are not the federal government's business. If Republicans won't offer one, they should go the way of the Whig Party.
I've twice now voted for the lesser of two evils, and the chief thing I've learned is that the lesser evil is seldom as lesser as it appears. I expect I'm probably going back to voting third party, this experiment in lesser of two evils voting having been such a disappointment.

At some point, it stops being making the best of a bad situation, and becomes your being complicit. I think we're at or beyond that point now.

So, probably not.
IMHO that Paul and Thompson are close to agreement on political-economic issues of importance but Thompson leans conservative and Paul leans liberal on social issues. Actually John McCain is closer to Paul's social philosophy and Huckabee is closer to thompson's.

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